The Ghost of Christopher Columbus is haunting r/Politics. New Mexico officially replaces Columbus Day with 'Indigenous Peoples Day', and r/Politics explodes with identity politics, 'Columbus was a genocidal monster' hysteria.

4  2019-04-04 by GodOfDarknessWine


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Well he was. Pretty even colonial Spain arrested him for taking to far for their standards.

Problem with the identity politics narrative of "The Indigenous people were all peaceful proto communists in communes until the Evil Europeans arrived", is that many Indigenous people fought and murdered each other over resources, just like the Europeans did to each other. There's a theory that some Indigenous people actually wanted to join the Europeans, in exchange for getting rid of their enemy tribe.

I don’t know where you go the all the Native American tribes got along all the time thing from but that doesn’t make Columbus some dude that should be honored in anyway. He was by all accounts a monster.

Even his own priest said he was a monster. Why are you idiots defending him?


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"The men held contests to see who could chop an Indian in half with one stroke of the sword" -Bartolome De Las Casas

Nobody gave a fuck about Columbus Day until they wanted to change the name.

He discovered America is what he did !! 😤😤

He was a brave Italian explorer !!. 😤😤

Christopher Columbus is a hero. End of story !! 😤😤