The U.S House of Representative Committee orders the IRS to release Daddy's tax returns from the past 6 years. r/Politics Megathread just started, watch the dumpsterfire.

44  2019-04-04 by GodOfDarknessWine


I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


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Good drama inc. we're they supposed to produce the full Mueller report? Did that ever happen or have we collectively moved on and this (producing returns or not) will be the next big thing for all of 36 hours until something new and extra r-slur'd comes up and everyone moves on? I'm hoping its related to feeding fish at a pond again. That was a good one and I think it would be a nice callback for the long time fans before we start the election/nomination arc(s).

The House ordered a subpoena of the FULL Mueller report. This will be a massive shitshow and nightmare for Daddy. The Supreme Court will have the final say and that alone will cause massive gains for drama.

The interesting character in all of this is the Chief Justice of the United States, John Roberts. Right now, he's the "swing justice", he sided with the liberal judges twice this year. He openly publicly criticized Daddy for his "Obama Judge" remark. It looks like Daddy has somewhat pissed off the Chief Justice. Chief Roberts has moved Daddy's appeals to the back, just for pissing him off.

If Daddy really pisses off the Chief Justice, he could give the Democrats what they've been dreaming about.

Why were they protesting tuesday lmao you're trying too hard im going back to sleep


Am I cool yet, guy? Am I?

There's a certain level of irony where I appreciate this but use it too much and you look like a fucktard.

The way you wrote this, it just hurt my brain to read. You can do better, you can BE better. Remember the r-slur

Jesus Christ. The only interesting thing out of this boring Mueller bullshit is any Supreme Court rulings on it. Daddy has somewhat pissed off the Chief Judge, so we might see the Supreme Court ruling against Daddy, causing massive COPE from the DDF.

TLDR: Chief Justice will cause lot's of drama either way.

When you comb through r/politics for r/drama posts you start to write in fanfics.

It's not a fanfic. It's just observing his behaviour since Thanksgiving.

Daddy will probably pressure the Chief Justice, and he will either cave or fight back.



Imagine being this much of an A-slur COPE Harder

I'm just interested in the Supreme Court rulings from this. Why don't you jack off to Ryan Rose or something?

I can’t jerk off to anything right now after seeing what you write. It’s like reading cancer.

It wouldn't be tragic if you did get cancer.

7 day old account Spams “Daddy” fanfics

I think we know the source of the cancer.

Active in r/BikiniBottomTwitter

Calls other people cancer

Shit from the front page is edgier than you.

Am I supposed to be impressed?

Really it’s expecting too much from you.

If Daddy really pisses off the Chief Justice, he could give the Democrats what they've been dreaming about.

Supreme Court justices are pretty powerful, but I don't think they can fabricate collusion with Russia that didn't happen.


I don't think Robert's really buys the "MUh Russia" bullshit. Rather its more about "What will I allow the President to do"?

Supreme Court justices are pretty powerful, but I don't think they can fabricate collusion with Russia that didn't happen.

Only the hottest of takes on /r/drama

Not really; Fed Rule of Crim Proc 6 is going to stop any attempt to get the absolute open report. Congress passed the rule, Congress ain’t gonna get rid of it (especially when it was a dem proposed rule from the 90’s). Supreme Court isn’t necessary as it wouldn’t survive appeal, simply because there is no constitutional issue. Along with that, the Supreme Court is punting issues until 2021 according to Roberts, especially if the contention isn’t based on a fundamental right (“fundamental right” having a specific meaning and not a woke “free Dixie cups at the mall is a fundamental right” level).

There’s not gonna be any Supreme Court involvement. Short dramacoin, short your Netflix tier fanfic.

DDF Tier "Analysis

You are actually telling me that "Executive Privilege", the House Subpoenaing Trump and his lackey's isn't a constitutional issue?


At this point, it's a matter of seeing what happens next. I can't find any statement by Roberts or any action by the Supreme Court that proves your statement.

Executive privilege very likely won’t be the basis for a challenge if this were to move through the Court because the way the privilege is being used isn’t outside of what has been set previously. Washington did it in 1792 to Congress, Nixon did it in the 70’s to Congress, Obama did during his tenure as well. It’s a penumbric right to the executive, so the more likely challenge will be invalidating the statute. That is, until mootness occurs when the Rule 6 redaction period is completed next month. Thinking that executive privilege will go away over this is d*mb as hell; you’ve got non-originalist liberal justices, and conservatives on the other side, ain’t nobody getting rid of privilege.

Is this parody

The full Mueller report contains way too much exoneration for regular people to handle, that's why it can't be made public.

The House ordered a subpoena of the FULL Mueller report. This will be a massive shitshow and nightmare for Daddy.


Burgerstanis excited about the possibility of having another nothing burger!

Some think this particular nothingburger will contain a a line of "payment from KGB" garnish.

Sadly, it won't.

we do love burgers here even if they're imaginary

So this is the new but his birth certificate but her emails but his collusion? Cool. Looking forward to another big ol’ bucket of nothing.

You see the Russians have bot farms that's causing the divisions. Burgers are pretty civil and united politically otherwise.

Wait till a dem is president and watch them freak the shit out when repubs do the same thing loooooool

If Trump gets away with everything, a Democrat President could do the same. If the Supreme Court upholds Trump, then Bernie or any other Democrat could get away with the same thing.

They already got away with worse, so whats new?

gets away with everything

That literally sounds as if you believe every talking point /r/politics likes to make.

You mean like Benghazi?

So when the mueller report turned out to be a wet fart, they decided to go back to screaming about the taxes? C O P E

When donald trump masturbates, do you think he just uses thumb and forefinger, or are his hands small enough to get a couple of fingers around little mister toadstool


Yeah I don't spend much time thinking about Trumps dick. Do you?

watching kind of sounds do you think he makes when he touches his little toadstool

is it like uh uh or more like grunting

Sir, this is sexual harassment.

do u think he rubs his toadstool alot during executive time


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All I want to know is what kind of power does Trump have over McConnell. Does Trump have the detonator to the bomb planted in McConnell's brain? Or is it the more traditional gáy-kiddy porn blackmail route?