r/SubforWhitePeopleOnly is now quarantined

161  2019-04-04 by Cringepilled


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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That didn't take long.

Annnnnd it's gone

Still there

You are a quick draw aren't ya

dabs and yeets on the mayos <o/ \o> <o/ \o><o/ \o><o/ \o><o/ \o><o/ \o><o/ \o><o/ \o><o/ \o><o/ \o><o/ \o><o/ \o><o/ \o><o/ \o><o/ \o><o/ \o>

I approve of your message but question your style

My son Clarence loves his video games! My daughter Kenzie loves to do crochet! My grand-son (my daughter Kenzie's son) loves to paint. My husband Tex loves to go golfing. Ha ha. Just letting off some steam on Reddit.


You remind me of my neighbor Dave, he has a learning disorder! Me and my daughter sometimes go over to his house and give him gifts, he smells very bad and has a hard time cleaning himself. - Jennifer (my friends and kids call me Jen or Jenny or Mom lol :) )

Wow, spot on

Dave, we've talked about this. Don't speak to me when my daughter is with me. We have not forgotten about your attempt to touch her. My husband will come with me next time if you cause any more problems.

I like fire trucks and moster trucks

Old school mde boomer poster spotted

whats that?

Every sub the KIAcels and CAcels make are auto quarantined im sure.


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Why is every race allowed to have their own subreddit except for w-slurs?

reddit admins realize w-slurs are unironic subhumans

how many times do we have to tell MDEfugees : retardation isn't a race.

You can’t tell me orkposting wasn’t glorious

Mayos already have r/The_Donald

Because they don't deserve it.

They cant behave

Not enough clap emojis or y'alls. 0/10.

Every sub is a w-slur sub unless otherwise stated.

Powerfulbadboys getting banned was the worst thing I've seen in my life

Are they just waiting for the stunt the mayo mods pulled at bpt to die down a bit before they ban that sun

Stop giving Spez gold, he's gonna ban the sun

How long till news media reports on it and/or admins flush it?


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first would never happen, it would bring awareness to anti [w-word] racism which doesn't real

oppressed and m@yo pilled

I know this is a common joke, but I'm being 100% genuine. Mayo is not sentient, it is worthless. Mayo has no feelings, no goals, no meaningful relationships. The only thing mayo is good for is being thrown into the bin and forgotten in the garbage can of history.

Super curios. How does one reach the verboten fruit?

Do I look like I ordered a doubledown?

Shit I gotta remember this one.

man those things were so tasty


and unseasoned


Yeah honestly it's made going through the mod queue much easier now. Right before it was quarantined new posts were hitting critical mass on both sides

mod me bro

Tbh with how toxic you are there is rather ban you

You're a whole bitch, just like all other mayo supporters

Well then stop creating new accounts to circumvent bans

Except I haven't done that. You are just a fragile mayo supporter who can't deal with the fact that more than one person (a majority in fact) think like I do and understand that gross wet dog child abusing condiments like mayo are going the way of the Dodo.


Or you prefer to constantly hate on people of a different skin color and use poor arguments to try to mask it and make people feel bad because you get a little serotonin rush from it. I think out of the two of us you're the one trying to cope


Flair is accurate as always, thanks /r/drama mods

i picked it myself idiot lol noobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb jajajaja

Eww a CAutist

Needs to be applied irl

This entire BPT story has been a great glimpse into the way outrage is generated across Reddit, and it's all been condensed into a 48 hour lifecycle.

I especially like the SRD technique for handling stories like these: if "their side" does something bad, they make a post about how angry "the alt right incels" are, and use any criticism as proof that the original action was needed to flush out this now evident toxicity.

See also: * /r/Games this week (/r/pcgaming said "none of these toxic comment examples are upvoted", SRD said "/r/pcgaming is full of Nazis")

Ironically though /r/drama has become a pretty good example how the alt right outrage maschine works with a lot of alt righters who ironically-but-not-really pretend that they are making only funny about something, while actually being boringly serious and agenda post till high noon all day long about LOL t slur innies, chapotardies saying something stupid or le evil SWJ nonsense. Then they write big paragraphs how smug SRDines and the "left" is doing that and that, while r slur idly missing the irony completely like always.

Bro... your post is kinda cringe.

Ofc you would say this

Ofc you would say that

Talk about becoming the thing you allegedly hate.

Saying something is cringe is just the ultimatily cope for you rightards

Epic SJW owned cringe complitation material I am sure.


Okay, this is epic.

Spez did this.

Guys, maybe we shouldn’t make fun of SRDines so much

This lady right here, Officer.

Only someone triggered as hard as you would understand what I said as "you shouldn't make fun of SRDnies"


Imagine defending srdines smdh...

thats going in my cringe/snapshill compilation

They hated him because he told the truth

So.... you're a trann(y)?

I don't know. I don't really think of this as an "alt right" space...We do take a lot of pot shots at that Tangerine Toad Dick in the Oval Office.

There literally isn't even a single donny lord of the chetos post on the first 8 pages of the most upvoted submissions this week.

But that is hardly our fault! I only have so much energy between calling the pope gay and making fun of people with different ethnic backgrounds to focus on him! Gimme a break! I am trying!

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But that is hardly our fault! I only have so much energy between calling the pope g-y and making fun of people with different ethnic backgrounds to focus on him! Gimme a break! I am trying!

Tangerine Toad Chode in the Oval Office.

dont speak ill of daddy you fucking chapocel.


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Fuck you you stupid fuck. Who's stupid idea was this? Whoever you are, Suck my fat cock you piece of shit.

Fuck that piece of garbage. Him, his a-tistic son and his plastic mail order wife can take a hike.

oh wait...Im sorry he isn't a-tistic....hes AUTASTIC! ;)

lol seriously though, fuck him and fuck you.

lol at all this cope cause you aint getting any more shillary payments. im sat here crying laughing at my desk over how much this bothers you. would you stop being such a shill for a second and actually think for yourself. and yes, i will be posting this comment to /r/MurderedByWords

I wish, i would have glady taken that old crones money until she lost.

Yikes please leave newfugee

I think that is what Stormy said when Trump dropped his pants and took his tiny toadstool out.

You right. Fugees are taking over.

if "their side" does something bad, they make a post about how angry "the alt right incels" are, and use any criticism as proof that the original action was needed to flush out this now evident toxicity.

That's nothing new. The media's been doing it for years. If a republican does something stupid the story in the paper will be about the republican doing something stupid. If a democrat does something stupid, the story in the paper will be about how republicans are reacting to what the dumb democrat did (and it's always implied, if not actually stated, that they're overreacting). Just look back at the blackface/klan hood/rape allegations in Virginia and compare it to the dumb shit (republican congressman from nowhere) Steve King said around the same time. All the stories about the VA democrats are about how the republicans are outraged. All the stories about Steve King are about how he's a racist P.O.S.

The BBC ran a story about that with the headline something like "Democrats demand congressman step down", and you had to scroll far down the article to realise that the congressman himself was a Democrat, and that Republicans were also calling for him to step down.

This just seems like a persecution complex. I've seen lots of stories about how bad it was that weren't downplaying it. Hell /r/politics wasn't downplaying it either.

Republicans are about to pounce on this comment

At the end of the day, whether you’re the next incarnation of Hitler or smashing Proud Boys with bike locks, it’s pretty easy to tell that the lockdowns make shit way worse. Who would’ve thought banning all w-slurs would just rile up the racist ones?

Makes great fucking drama though. Nothing like w-slurs apologizing to be let back into the cool kids club on bpt, or g-slurs angry posting how a day without games is equivalent to a dictatorship

That's exactly the thing. I honestly didn't really care about this drama because BPT has always been lame as shit imho (and I'm not even a ma(y)o). So apart from the coverage here, and the few random (but highly voted) threads in unpopularopinion, fakehistorymemes and other subs, the rest of reddit didn't really seem to give a shit about this or about the /r/games stuff.

You can tell when reddit as whole cares (or is being astroturfed) like every single time something about NN happens and is posted EVERYWHERE. These two things? Who gives a shit? It was quite literally power mods patting themselves in the back while taking very specific examples of minor shit to say "YOU SEE, YOU SEE!!! WE WERE RIGHT!!"

I remember my friend showed me a tweet of his black friend that made a "racist" joke that eatig out an asian girl is like sweet and sour

He screenshotred it and posted and got thousands of updoots

We both laughed our ass off how easy it is to game redditors

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I remember my friend showed me a tweet of his blaaack friend that made a "racist" joke that eatig out an asiian girl is like sweet and sour

He screenshotred it and posted and got thousands of updoots We both laughed our ass off how easy it is to game redditors


*opens sub*

First post on top: "Hello, I'm 88% German and 12% Polish and politically Theocratic."

*closes sub*

Guys, please remember the one drop rule. And Slavs aren't huw*ite.

As an imperial germany weaabofag that has read too much about slavs and getmanic relations, the germans essentially viewed them as like usa does to native americans

They were "whyte", but meant to be adimistered by the germans and their land to germany so germany could get a place in the sun

Wasn't there a plan to kill almost all Slavs after they were done with the Jews? Only a couple should be spared to be slaved away on wheat fields.

Im talkin about ww1 and pre ww1 germany biiiitch

Nazis iirc didnt want to maskill slavs just force them out further east or whatever

The whole internet theocrat LARPing movement is so good for dramacoin, I hope they get the spotlight next when everyone is bored of incels

Ahh, horseshoe theory in all things.

"I sexually identify as a Kaiser"

HOI4 Kaiserfu will never anschluss your buss.

it’s not ok to be w-hite

I mean yeah, most posts there are just straight whyte supremacist type of stuff.

Like how dumb do you have to be.

"Oh the BPT are being racist and ban whyte people. Oh I know just what to do! Make an even more racist sub in return but this time be racist against non-whytes!"

Like what was their point. I don't understand why the people who try to go for the "double standard gotcha" style of arguments always tend to go for extreme double standards.

BPT just banned whyte people. It's not like they promoted non-whyte supremacism and how whytes are the reason the world is so fucked up.

Honestly if they just made BPT2 or BPT rebooted or any variation on the name with normal rules and just told people to subscribe there instead of BPT it would have been way better.

BPT just banned whyte people.

This is racism.

yes, and the response to that shouldn't have been more racism. It should have been rejecting BPT, then making a new sub with no racism.


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This but unironically

Mayonnaise isnt an instrument or people

I wasn't being ironic.


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No it's not. Racism against wh*te people doesn't exist.

I know they changed the definition. It doesn't matter.

It just means you're wrong lol

That's fine. Like I said, it doesn't matter to me.

Your first problem was thinking these people were smart

Your second problem was thinking these are people

writing anything about this apart from 'everyone involved is a retrard'


Them: Despite Kangs Everything Except Peanut Butter

Everyone: Fuck off racist

Them: Heh jokes on them I was only pretending

All this because they couldn't post in n-slur town.

Jesus how little control do they have over their lives?

Can someone explain me the whoke drama of whitepplsub is it a racist subreddit because if it is it should be banned?. Also the fight between blackppltwitter and the whitpplsub what the hell is happening

bpt closed the sub to mayoids as an extended April fools joke (?). Said mayoids then sperged out and made /r/SubforWhitePeopleOnly, which as you'd imagine quickly turned into outright unironic /pol/-shit. The admins then quarantined the subreddit, and here we are.

White people mass-whining over an obvious April Fool's joke literally implemented on April 1 had Dramatards who didn't get it still-sperrgin' out yesterday. They downvoted gamersme. Whole thing is more humiliating to the white race than the popularity of Dane Cook, frankly.

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How did people get so mad over an April Fools joke lmao

Unironic whte fragility

People on this sub yesterday downvoted me for pointing out it was obviously an April's Fools joke (LITERALLY IMPLEMENTED ON APRIL 1,) and hilarious, and they kept it going because the genuine outrage was roughly 100x the butthurt you'd expect from a lame April Fool's gag.

One day a real rain will come and wash all the scum off the streets.

Petition to mod the people responsible, same with the /r/games mods.


#3 and #4 top posts of all time:

Make this sub as legit as possible. Delete anything racist.

<— number of people who grew up with a father

Yup, can't tell me that admins didn't get involved in BPT "April Fool's want to start a conversation" that led to that sub being quarantined at the speed of light.

I've just checked; T_D is still as it was....to the surprise of no one. ;)