"What defines a Nazi these days" baits Chapotards leading to surplus value of COPE and Seething.

41  2019-04-04 by GodOfDarknessWine


It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


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“likes white people”

I mean yea why the fuck would you like white people

i’m sure the admins are just as concerned with this kind of racism as they are with protecting basketball americans from being exposed to a sub that was 99% pictures of w-hite families. what are they so upset about anyway? they get to say they hate w-hite people, why can’t others tell them they hate n-iggers right back? lol redditors are so fragile.

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“likes [w-hite] people”

I mean yea why the fuck would you like [w-hite] people

i’m sure the admins are just as concerned with this kind of racism as they are with protecting basketball americans from being exposed to a sub that was 99% pictures of w-hite families. what are they so upset about anyway? they get to say they hate w-hite people, why can’t others tell them they hate n-iggers right back? lol redditors are so fragile.

imagine getting worked up about BPT closing for 2 days

mayocide now

Let's be completely clear about this:

It's not ok to be hwite and it's not ok to like hwite people

BPT closing really brought out the CAnimals that post here.

Actually I have a theory that that's generally what happens. Fear and shame move people to the right. Comedy moves people to the left.

I could serious post about this but I'll just let this statement speak for itself.

Eighteen naked cowboys in the shower at Ram Raaaanch

Fear and shame move people to the right. Comedy moves people to the left.

LMAO maybe in 2015 but not in the current year +5

Wow this is a new slow for chapo r-slurs 😔

Don’t people just turn more right after graduation? Like living in the real world and paying taxes makes people realize that the Muslims are to blame for our world

Nazi: people shunning me for being moderately right made me a nazi

Chapos: all rights are nazis this proves it

What happened to this sub