Aut-Rightcels COPE as yet another one if their boycotts fails hilariously

147  2019-04-04 by MG87


Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


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Is that movie any good?

It triggers rightards.

I saw it. It has 80% on RT in 2019, speaks for itself. Even Kevin Feige knows that means it sucked, why do you think he hired James Gunn back?

You should go transgender to trigger the rightards

Taking HRT to own the cons. That’s a classic.

Why go to the extreme if "Happy Holidays" will do the job?

Or a red cup/razor 🤣🤣🤣

I like my penis too much to do that


Its not my fault that me and my penis is like this son: 🤞

F-slur off you transphobe you can still have your dick

g*rls can have penises too, night

but you don't even use it

As good as any other capeshit.

The only capshit I've seen lately is Aquaman and that was awful. Before that, it was probably one of the Transformers movie, but is that technically capshit?



No, it's just shit.

All DC movies are awful tbh.

Below average even as far as capeshit goes tbh, but still not the worst of them.

How does that spiderman spideverse movie rank among capeshit? It's the only one I've seen since the first guardians of the galaxy and it was pretty cool

Probably one of the best of the last decade, inasmuch as it doesn't immediately make you feel like your brain is rotting in your skull. Still, watch better films

Its the only Spiderman movie that Sony hasnt fucked up in a while.

That’s probably the best capeshit movie ever made

I was hesitant at first because my weeb friend told me I had to watch it. Glad I know I hit the jackpot.

Same tbh, was told I had to come see it and tickets were only like $6. I didn't know what to think about the art style but I think it grew on me as it played.

"My kid is the smartest in his special needs class."


it's basically spider-man: the meme movie. it's pretty bad.

meme movie


yikes let's unpack this

Not really. Bottom 5 capeshits

Then why those shills love it so much.

Take a guess 😺

Guess its WOKE

>everyone who doesn't hate it is a paid shill

Do you have any idea how rich in chromosomes you sound m8

I never said they were paid. Everyone on here says it’s an awful movie and everyone other there loves it. Someone is shilling somewhere.

Everyone on here says it’s an awful movie and everyone other there loves it.

Both are true.

The right-wing side of the culture wars is heavily invested in it failing, the left side is heavily invested in it doing well, and everyone else (i.e. the vast majority of the world's population) doesn't give a shit and either have horrible enough taste to consume c*peshit or are too poor to afford movie tickets but also have horrible taste

I have to agree that as far as capeshit goes it’s rather meh. It is the prelude to the most expected movie in a long while though, making it incredibly popular.

And let’s be totally honest, Bree is literally your average m(a)yo in terms of looks and acting skills.

Brie is super meh. But her man-hating persona kinda makes her stupidly attractive to me, dunno why.

I work with a bunch of nerds, so generally we are forced by the state manager to bond over these movies. It's a pretty fucking horrible experience, but that said I know a lot more about all of this than I care to.

As for the movie itself, it's pretty bad. It's around the level of Thor: The Dark World, which if you may remember was the movie responsible for making Natalie Portman disappear from public life.

The biggest problems are:

  • The entire first half of the movie is boring af. I literally fell asleep during it for about 10 minutes until someone poked me. I guess I snore (I blame the beer - we were in gold class seating because it was a company excursion).

  • Bree Larson has zero charisma and is just downright unlikable (I guess however this is comicbook canon for Captain Marvel. Evidently she is a raging asshole, so maybe fans will like that??)

The nerds that I work with generally eat this shit up and the nicest thing they could say was, "Well I guess we're all ready to see End Game when it comes out now!"

Personally I think that any autist that believed that their little boycott would be capable of having any kind of affect on one of these movies at this point is delusional. Given that the big, big, big final (yeah sure) episode is later this month, I think Disney could have put a cat pooping in a litterbox on screen and called it 'Captain Tiddles - the furry avenger' and gotten at least half a billion.

Anyway, feel bad for me. I get to play chapperone to a bunch of near middle aged man children without wives or girlfriends later on this month (again) because I'm the only one with a company credit card other than the state manager and there's no way in hell he's going to babysit these tards (his words, not mine).

Wow, you must be a JP fan

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make a complaint to the board of labour

I'm not autistic, and like I said, I'm the only one other than the state manager with a company credit card. I always make sure to expense my wife and I a couple of bottles of wine or some good scotch whenever I get stuck playing nerd-nanny.


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make a complaint to the board of labour

I'm not an autismo, and like I said, I'm the only one other than the state manager with a company credit card. I always make sure to expense my wife and I a couple of bottles of wine or some good scotch whenever I get stuck playing nerd-nanny.

man children without wives or girlfriends

Do you see a correlation between man children without wives and girlfriends and those obsessed with capshit?

Well, in our office, absolutely.

I have to admit that my social circle doesn't really go apeshit for this kind of stuff in general. We're all couples with young children so typically if we go out for the night it's to get shitfaced because grandma is watching the kids. We're not going to waste the time watching a crappy movie.

I just do not know any big capshitters other than people I see on Reddit jerking these movies off.

I think that's probably normal. I mean fuck, I'm already down to -4 or -5 because I upset one of the following groups:

  • Capeshitters


  • Anti-SJW's

  • SJWs.

Probably all of them. That's reddit in a nutshell though.

Damn I dont know any NEETs either.

You're on a good path.

Where do NEETs congregate at?

They don't.

Kinda the point, really.

/r/drama. Srsly tho, GameStop I guess


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You've got no downvotes from me, but I just don't understand something. Are you 'a G a m e r'?

The paradox for me is that these people go out to see these movies, but normally don't ever leave their houses.

Congrats on the emotional labor

what is that even? I'm just sucking up to my boss so that I get to keep my credit card.

Given that the big, big, big final (yeah sure) episode

Not even. Far from home is already confirmed before endgame even comes out.

So basically they already spoiled the ending before the fucking thing even released.

I guess however this is comicbook canon for Captain Marvel. Evidently she is a raging asshole, so maybe fans will like that??

Can confirm. I'd say comicbook Captain Marvel is a little more wisecracky, but otherwise it was spot-on. She's very much not a warm-and-fuzzy type.

also you seem really mad about this movie lmfao

Ur missing the point

For capeshit its ok. Not great not terrible just your average super hero movie you will forgot about in a few months.

I thought it was awful, but I actively read and follow capeshit.

Imagine a new Tolkien film portraying the orcs as poor refugees who did nothing wrong after you saw one previously try to murder someone just for finding out what he was.

It's just boring otherwise.


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nigger please

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It's decent. It's not life-altering. Brie Larson is okay but not spectacular and I'd say her acting was probably the weakest point. If you like Samuel L. Jackson he's all over this movie and is pretty great.

I'd say it's not as good as Bl*ck Panther or Civil War. Better than either Ant-Man film, Iron Man 2 &3, and all of the Thor movies.

The fact that you posted this shows you’re more triggered than the people you supposedly made this post for.


Your thread has 77% upvotes. The cope is coming from within.

there are far too many unironic rightards on this sub.

This sub has been getting so triggered over trivial stuff lately. What is going on???

Where’s the cope? This sub is losing its edge.

You sound fucking new.

If you've been here long enough, you'd know that the subreddit has only been getting edgier and edgier over the years.

Imagine caring that much about a super hero movie. It’s posts like these that make me lose to the little bit of faith I had left in humanity.

that make me lose to the little bit of faith I had left in humanity.

I’m kinda surprised a glance in the mirror doesn’t already take care of that for you tbh

Nope I’m voting in democrat primaries and lost my mind when drunpf tried to defund the r slur Olympics, I’m a good person.


I don't care

Um you commented enough to care ackshually lolol checkmate

no u r triggur

Sick bantz, dude!

No u


C O P Etain Marvel


Goes to show again how little influence these people hold outside of their online echo-chambers.

This movie is living rent-free on this guy Youtube channel.

How did you discover that lmao

Some foggioto was bragging about how shit this movie in /r/boxoffice some time ago while linking to this guy channel.

Checked it a week ago to see how butthurt he would be, but ended up surpised how much doubling down he was doing.

Surprised? Welcome to the internet.


Suddenly, /r/games r-slurred lockdown doesn’t seem that r-slur anymore

I mean his videos are probably monetized right? So at least he's making money off of being r tarded

alternatively, how little the culture wars actually matter in the scope of capeshit

there was a study done that shows redditors are literally the least valuable social media demographic in the world.

redditors' buying power is so insignificant it doesn't effect anything.


Great now we will continue to get the same exact movie with a different protagonist, the 20 plus already out just werent enough for me.

>it'll flop

crosses 1 billion

>Disney bought their own tickets

>it hasn't even doubled its budget, still at a loss

>so what, lots of movies make that much money

The cope is strong

"G-g-get woke g-go-go broke!"

Says increasingly nervous alt-rightoid for the hundredth time.

KIApedos eternally BTFO lmao

A few weeks ago, KIAcels were actually saying the movie flopped lmao. Now their subreddit is silent about it.


They're in here cry-downvoting


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“Boycotting” a movie in the most famous franchise of the decade is a pretty stupid hill to die on.

Having said that, lmao @ defending capeshit to shit on rightoids. They both need to keep themselves safe.

Disney bought their own tickets

That's got to be the least effective marketing strategy ever.

Aut rights are clearly just right-wing SJWs

Status quo warriors. So brave.


Yes, my horse leather timberlands are yeet af 👌


delete your comment i already made the point



Been saying that for years tbh. That's exactly what they are.

Yeah no matter how shitty the movie is, it's still gonna make big bucks if it's associated the capeshit logo or Disney logo

Also apparently new-disposable-income-Chinacels love their capeshit

My favorite part is when Mommy Breee haters tell people to see Alita instead. That film is weebshit, which is even more degenerate than capeshit.

B-b-but, Bree-kun has le flat butt. 😑


She's a wealthy whte wman, the most oppressed group right now.

It's such a r[slur]ed dichotomy. If people wanted to see Alita they would have. But she has buggy eyes and is based off of weebshit so why would anyone want to?

My favorite is how they frame it like it's an either-or. You can see both. Or neither. Just go see whatever movies you're interested in and don't worry about it lmfao

excited to see some cope in the next few days

However, it is still 🤢capeshit🤢 and it belongs in the trash with every other superhero movie.

Daily reminder that caring about the success/failure of any movie is peak pathetic and anyone who finds themselves engaging in this behaviour should acquire a rope and stool as fast as possible.

I mean, the Dark Knight was ok, if only because of Heath Ledger's great performance.


>batman lives

its shit like all capeshit


Incels are just mad that the My Little Pony Movie failed horribly. Get over it fucknuts, MLP was always shit and always will be.

oh god there was a movie

Imagine being such a low iq mongoloid that you try to boycott a marvel capeshit movie.

It's like the trumptards boycotting Nike or the woketards boycotting Chick fil a, they're too big to fail.

ya I never saw more than a handful of comments anywhere calling for a boycott

out mocking Brie Larson for being tiresome which she objectively is


with what? only a moron would bet against marvel in current year

you can try to hide it, but the cope still comes through in your comment.

alt right mra republican nazis bent over again amirite

you rn

dont get mad cause daddys getting ousted in 2020

lol by whomstve

I do comend you, you are most definitely braver than me. I couldn't wear my maga hat, trenchcoat, and shirt that is too sizes too small and naruto run down the street like you do. I hope when r/chapotraphouse leads the revolution and we become in power, that we keep you around as a moccery attraction..

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Your pulitzer's in the mail

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cant wait to drink your salty alt right tears.

post your twitter timeline from November 9 2016


trumptards boycotting Nike or the woketards boycotting Chick fil a, they're too big/popular to fail.


Corporations have always been damn powerful, for example The Colonial Africa/India Companies, United Fruit, Congo rubber Companies etc.

When will rightards and leftards learn 😖 ?

People would still watch capeshit even if Disney replaced Captain America with a holographic projection of Leopold II.

watch capeshit even if Disney replaced Captain America with a holographic projection of Leopold II.


I'd watch that.

I bet they'd show him as some "edgy", sarcastic, multi culture loving bad boy with a heart of gold.

With a very diverse Cabinet of course.

cabinet full of severed hands amirite

cabinet full of DIVERSE severed hands

I actually really enjoyed it

representation matters to a lot of people, just let them be happy

Imagine caring whether or not people in movies look like you. Even worse is when they bring up 'relatability'.

Darkies are just so alien to us whiteys! How could we ever hope to understand each other?

Guess thats why all the majo nerds freak out when a superhero changes skin colour.

anyone freaks when that happens

Despite it starring a whte wman, it was pretty decent for cpe sht

It is really dumb to try and make this movies success or lack there of part of the culture war forthe right.

Obviously a marvel movie is gonna do huge numbers this isn't the SNL cast doing a sequel 20 years later it is like the biggest movie franchise in the world.

How did we get to the point where the profits a mega-corporation gets from a soulless capeshit flick is a battleground in the culture war?

Parents put ~9k into Disney every year for me and I get hard thinking of how much Disney is getting out of these idiots on both sides.

Imagine having an actual percentage of the company. Disney probably astroturfs the boycotts if it’s movies at this point.

When Disney learned how to monetize it

aside from a seriously lack of gluteus maximus muscle, that move was alright.



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If they thought their online screeching was going to put a dent into a Marvel movie they are truly delusional.

I love it when right wing pigs cry

There is a worrying number of capeshitters in this thread

Sad thing is people care more about this having a women main character rather than it being capeshit

It's fucking capeshit. They could be playing backgammon for 2 hours straight and dumb normies would watch it. Capeshit is a plague that will never die.

wtf I love c*peshit now

Serious question : Has any of rightoids' boycotts ever worked?

Depending on what you mean, maybe Ghostbusters

1) boycotting anything because of politics is fuckin retarded

2) imagine celebrating capeshit to own the conservitards

Honestly though. Who tf paid $15 a ticket to go to the movie theater and see the 5,000th formulaic capeshit movie we keep seeing every 6 to 8 months.


80% upvoted


idk pretty easy to make that money when you have theaters ONLY showing marvel and nothing else on opening week.

Bought a pineapple that has a Marvel movie ad tag on it too like wtf.

Most beautiful thing I’ve seen today