GamerGhazi struggles to feel the Bern

77  2019-04-04 by MaleficentWoketard


I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


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Have you gained self awareness?

Bernie supporters didn't vote for Hillary hard enough in 2016. How do we get them to vote along party lines in 2020? I know, insult them more!

Thats the unironic shillary reddit praxis

I thought it was, "Our candidate's campaign failed in the rust belt after she shat on blue collar jobs and failing to campaign there. Clearly, third-party voters and Russia are responsible."

Russiagate is a red herring meant to prevent neoliberals from taking responsibility or looking in the mirror for supporting the Iraq War, the deindustrialization of America over the last 30 years and the dnc clearing the field so Hillary was the only candidate.

Now they are trying to use Obama's popularity by making Biden the front runner despite the fact that hes a million year old human molester and was super washed up even before 2008.

Far Right = Nazis Right = Doesn’t Exist Moderates = Worse Than Nazis Left = Doesn’t Exist Far Left = Just me and six of my friends

They really don't want to win elections.

"Let's isolate and bully anyone who might vote with us, because they don't believe in exactly everything we do"

Replace 'doesn't exist' with 'fascist enablers' and I think you'd have a pretty good overview of what reddit commies actually believe.

I think you mean "left = cryptonazis"


Can't get more Xoomer than that. Good thing I brought my Dave Eggers body pillow.

You can't forget your David Foster Wallace lunchbox

I'm disappointed that this doesn't actually exist.

Elect a pap smear in the primary, whine about protest votes in the general.

I know that article is supposed to be humorous, but it's just dumb.

The article writer can go fuck themselves.

Author. The word you're looking for is author. Dumbfuck.

How do these people not get it yet? Voting 3rd party is a waste of a vote. The winner of 2020 will either be Donald or whoever the Dems nominate. Voting for anyone else is a waste so vote for who you'd prefer over those two.

I mean, there are a significant number of socialists who aren't cis whte guys, you know. Acting like everyone who wasn't a fan of Hillary was a privileged wyite dude completely erases the existence of queeeeee and blck leftists and I'm kind of sick of it coming from people who should know better.

Imagine being so utterly retärded that you write this comment unironically

19 more months of this kind of shit and it's only gonna get worse. Love American politics in the woke age.

I actually hate every opinion that's being put forth ITT. The protest voters are retards because lol Jill Stein, but the people who are correct are presenting their opinions in an unappealing, stupid way.

Like yes, I ultimately would've voted for her in 2016 (I didn't end up being able to vote at all due to mixed up paperwork),

Imagine being this inept.


Anyone still perpetuating the lesser of two evils myth has not learned a single thing from 2016.

Has life under trump really been that bad?

Can Trump run as Democrat this time?It would be so funny :D