Tankie cabal, armed with the race card, stages a coup d’état against a democratic socialist organization chapter in Pittsburgh, turning it into a fanatical cult of personality where purges are rampant

157  2019-04-04 by dongas420


whenever someone is clearly doing a troll post you will get one of the mods or just some jackass saying "LMAO THIS IS BAIT!! HA HA HA" like they are in on the joke.

imagine you are watching a movie and some asshole yells out spoilers. it ruins the total performance. just shut the fuck up, like a good retard, and enjoy the show. dont be such an idiot and scream like you and the writers are on the same level because you are not. it is art.

i have literally seen countless posts where bait is ruined because some faggot points out it is bait so they can feel internet savvy. i am actually very angry.


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the racism is simply this – why do random people off the internet see fit to tell a fully trained meditation instructor of the highest calibre that he isn’t enlightened because he’s angry?

Answer: white privilege.


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Not even the bussy bot is safe from the heartless tyranny of the /r/Drama moderation team 😢

They hate the free expression of ideas because they can't handle the truth

Shortly thereafter, Darnika Reed, a member of the clique as well as a variety of centrist organisations in the city, storms a branch meeting with a group of activists




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The only active moderator of /r/pittsburgh is a very outspoken DSA member, who removed this post from our subreddit because it was unflattering.


This is typical reddit mod behavior my dude. Most of them are way more toxic than the people they purport to moderate.




At least it's not eh-posting. It's the true sign of an acne-riddled lanklet nerd.

r/allfugees out


thank u, next

Amazing read. I especially liked the part where you were homophobic/transphobic for supporting the raced politician who believed homosexuality is a sin but racist for abandoning him on those grounds.

People are just going to start accepting the labels, and you cant ostracize all -ists if everyone is one.

Dara LEVY-BERNSTEIN self identifies as a Marxist Leninist.

Huh, that's strange. 😐

Don't worry, all Jewish women go through a socialist stage, it ends after marrying a doctor who makes $275,000 a year in order to make her bubbe happy.

This one is married however. Hence the double barrelled surname.

However, uppity middle class foíds being Bollinger Bolsheviks isn't new, take Beatrice Webb for example.


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True, some continue into adulthood, but at that point it doesn't matter, because they are basically already dead at that point. They will do all the hard work of establishing the revolution, but as soon as things start to go wrong, they are the first to be lined against the wall as enemies of the people. Then their children migrate to Israel, become hardcore conservatives and ruin the Palestinian peace process.

Based and RealLifePilled.

What a low income doctor. He a pediatrician or something? Sad!

Too bad he didn't get that Rhodesia governorship post he wanted. Arthur "African Harrier" Harris has a nice ring to it

He was treated rather shamefully, the Bomber Command's crews were denied a separate campaign medal, which hurt him deeply. He refused his peerage in protest.

Before that, he was gypped of a proper education because his parents spent most of their money educating his elder brothers.


This is so sad, can we firebomb critical railroad depots in major population centers?

Sadly not anymore 😭😭.

Political Correctness gone mad 😤😤.

Can we at least firebomb 67 Japanese cities?

We can firebomb 67 Chinese cities if Pooh gets uppity.

Literally every original socialist said (((they))) will be a problem, and the modern reds just refuse to listen, even though their work is always undone by a Levy.

Do the only true Bol is NazBol?

Excellent read

Socialism turns into a nightmare run by tankies


Is this the same story I heard a couple months ago or does this tend to happen in DSA chapters?

If it's the latter like I think, isn't this just proof of the underhanded totalitarianism that would take place if we convert to socialism?

This kind of shit happens in regular political parties, but it tends to be more volatile in parties lacking large numbers of elected officials. When a party has a lot of elected members regular members are less likely to rock the boat because they're invested in using the party as a vehicle for public office themselves or to an easy job working as a political appointee.

Same shit goes for university administrations/boards, unions, local sports teams etc.

I'm not sure but I think you might mean this?

Not quite a DSA chapter but an LGBT club with bunch of DSA members involved.

Exactly what I was thinking of. Thanks.

socialism isnt the problem. the problem is that toxic masculinity is still quite prelavent in these circles. authoritarianism is a trait of toxic masculinity and it shows here. nazis and some tankies display these traits and ruin it for the rest of us. I still do believe its worth switching to socialism though instead of our current situation. Id rather have gulags that are equal rather than our current gulags which only target poc.

This happens all the time with far-left organizations/political groups. They for some reason can’t get along lmao

It happens to a lot of HOAs, too. It's like amateurs don't know much about organization.

Is this the same story I heard a couple months ago or does this tend to happen in DSA chapters?

Oh, it happens just as much elsewhere, but you don't hear about it much from the less mainstream organizations because they tend to be more secretive and less attention is paid towards them. There are a billion different models of socialism and not all of them would be inherently ruined by petty tyrants, but most socialists also tend to be idealists who don't consider the human factor or ascribe antisocial human behavior to 'the system' and believe in socialist models that would fail terribly. This is true of most flavors of extremist tho. They don't take into account the fact that pure political theory is essentially fantasy and that any system that is prosperous and contains healthy people has to be a mixed model with a ton of safeguards against human stupidity and greed


Because it was really a Democratic State Capitalists of America chapter. True Democratic Socialism has NEVER BEEN TRIED.

The tank runs on the blood of the workers

Which is funnier: small-scale commie infighting or large-scale commie infighting?

On one hand, small-scale commie infighting is more pathetic, on the other, large-scale commie infighting is far more destructive.

Commies are great sources of drama. Large scale commie violence kills too many at once, and milks much less drama per capita. Small scale is more sustainable.

Very conscious of the ecological aspect. Good praxis.

Despite all the horrifying things Dara and Darnika have done to this organisation, I admit to feeling a certain degree of sympathy. These are clearly deeply alienated people who have been forced to retreat into political organising to find the meaning and community they cannot get outside it. Capitalism regularly creates miserable people, and miserable people lack the psychological resources to put the needs of the community or the movement ahead of their own. They are themselves emotionally under-resourced, and we cannot expect people with this much pain inside them to protect others from their pain

I wonder how ßöy golems like this manage to get their organizations infiltrated and subverted by cluster b nutcases 🤔🤔🤔

Ace post. Good one OP.


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Capitalism regularly creates miserable people, and miserable people lack the psychological resources to put the needs of the community or the movement ahead of their own. They are themselves emotionally under-resourced, and we cannot expect people with this much pain inside them to protect others from their pain

Ahhh, the familiar refrain of "shit sucks for me so I'm allowed to do whatever nasty shit I want." Taking responsibility for your garbage behavior? Perish the thought!

It never even began for DSAcels.

A bl*ck candidate for District Attorney seeks the organisation’s endorsement. Again, he is accused of having ties to a homophobic and/or transphobic church. The DA candidate does admit that he personally views homosexuality as a sin, but has no intention of acting on this belief politically. Nevertheless, the branch rejects him and the members who were intending to work on his campaign pull out.

Basketball american complaining that the race card don't protect them, must be a day ending in y.

Hey, I'm glad you guys enjoyed this one! Thanks for sharing it.

I doubt you expected your article to be posted in this context, but thanks for the juicy drama anyway.

At least we're not Portland.

god that place is like a 24/7 LARP convention. you don't even know the half of it

I can't wait for this year's riot season to begin.

I can't give any details but something dramatic is likely going to drop from the Portland larpwars within a few months involving a guy who defected from the right-wing LARP team after being accused of something he didn't do and skipped town

people that jump between radical ideologies and FBI spooks stirring shit

Come on Snally, that's cheating. It's a 50/50 that it's either a rightoid or leftoid defector that's behind 90% of these things. Spooks are a given.

These harassment campaigns involve accusing the person of being an outside infiltrator or of various kinds of ideological immorality–racism, sexism, the phobias, etc. In one particularly absurd case, a member is pushed out simply for claiming that there is almost always a moral obligation to save the life of a human-being over that of an animal.

Meanwhile republicans elected two rapists to the Supreme Court lmao these tankies slacking

Ah so socialism doing exactly what everyone warns about