29 year old virgin Menslib mod delta_baryon visits enemy base Mensrights and desperately explains failed April Fools joke without realising he is the joke

93  2019-04-04 by GattsuCascade


womp womp


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Ehhh...depends what you mean. You can criticise specific aspects of feminism if you're doing it in good faith - and it's relevant to men, then that'd be allowed.

Good faith in this context means no criticism FYI.

We don't allow discussions of terminology, just because we don't want the sub to be endless debates about what to rename toxic masculinity, privilege or all that stuff. You don't like the name? Fine, but it's the one we have and we're kinda stuck with it. We want to talk about concepts, not word choices.

Translation = Just shut up about your problems and drink the s*y

Whiny angry virgin losers vs. Whiny virgin feminist losers. Who will be the most pathetic?

Mens Libs posters will always be more pathetic, but lobstercels are more egostistical.

As a former MRAutist I can say those dudes definitely have issues but at least they can be trusted around an unaccompanied woman. I wouldn't leave a stale hot dug bun around the MensLib crew.

That poor hot dog bun. I shudder just thinking about it 😱😱😱

Let's just say someone's getting extra m-slur.

We have the proof right here, the male feminists rapists.

Probably the people who pay attention to their slapfights.

That JP april fools """""""""Joke""""''"'''' thread. Holy shit I have never seen so much unfunny attempts at humor. Not even chapo. Fuck even r/politicalhumor is funnier than that.

All Menslibbers are rapists

making shit up about false rape accusations

oh lord not the false rape fale rape accusations accusations

You mean false false rape accusation accusations

