/r/GirlGamers absolutely seething that Toadette is easy mode.

297  2019-04-04 by loendrin


I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


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do they have an ai picking relevant quotes for this bot?

 It’s oddly interesting to me how Nintendo keeps doing shitty sexist stuff like this and no one seems to notice.
The fact that we rarely get playable peach is so lazy and dumb on their part


Peach the character that always gone cant be played

I Am Shocked

New game where Mario gets kidnapped and Peach has to rescue him. Donate to my kickstarter now.

imagine being a "person" who thinks like that

ultra sad and mega lmao.

anno domino MMXIX

holding a company in a very androcentric society to the West’s gynocentric standards.

I seriously hope you guys don’t do this.

lol feminist

Toad was also supposed to be easy mode, but the creators decided a m-slurlet easy mode was far too unrealistic for a Mario game.

The tojos are m-slurlets so they know the struggle of the vertically deficient.

lol someone in the comments is recommending to watch anita sarseethian

I hope to god they're trolling. I cannot imagine a human being in the year of our lord 2019 unironically recommending Anita Sarkeesian vids

Anita was just slightly ahead of her time. Cucktubers love watching the exact same style of shit in 2019 only its hbomb, contrapoints, etc

Turns out even degenerate men make better YouTube content than women, even if it’s the same lefty bullshit. Who would’ve guessed?

Modern day content creators differ from Anita in the fact that thay actually make videos

Some like commie twink even actually puts effort into their ideologically twisted arguments. Rather than being just another big nosed smug Armenian reading off bunk bullet-points.

All of them are commie twinks, you have to specify



beautiful, using this.

Based and receding-pilled.

Imagine being a Contrapoints watcher

I can imagine mental retardation, yes.

I have had a professor assign a few of her videos this semester. Unironically too.

Imagine getting into debt for that

GI Bill. I ain’t paying. If off myself if I was.

Being in the military, I'm honestly surprised you already haven't

True, probably should just get it over with now.

Even though you are a raging homo with your shitty posts here, keep yourself safe.

Maybe one day I can be as based and straight pilled as you.

Maybe one day you'll do the right thing and take a long walk down an IED

I’d off myself if I was

You'd off yourself if you *were

what fucking clown college assigns a video game video but cant teach you subjunctive mood

Teacher: "Take the cow into the field!" What mood?
Little Johnny: The cow, sir.

Idk. I’m a chemistry major. I don’t do a lot of writing in which professors grade heavily on grammar.

What class is that?

Anthropology class that’s litterally all about how race and gender are social constructs and how all society does is oppress women and minorities.

I'm sorry

I would never suspect a genuine "im sorry" in this sub, but I appreciate it.


no one should have to go through what you're going through. sending thots and prayers.

What are you majoring in?

Chemistry, It was just a gen ed I had to fill.

forced to take classes completely unrelated to your degree

I feel so sorry for burgers

Yup, it’s pretty fucking dumb. I have no interest in anything to do with anthropology. It’s a made up field and the class is a joke. I just write stuff that sounds woke and it’s an easy A.

write stuff that sounds woke

Thats not very shitlord of you

Seriously, you gotta stick it to the man by defending the man.


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just a gen ed I had to fill

What, the econ classes all filled up early and this was the only social science credit you could get?

anthro class


Race is social construct tho, there are no different races just different ethnicity.

I'm taking a class in social metaphysics in my philosophy masters at the moment and they don't even try and push that shit here, but there's always a couple of spergs in the class trying to bring up the patriarchy all the time

Like I thought the class was going to be on more about how humans developed but I didn’t know that’s called biological anthropology. I’m a chem major so I don’t know much about the social sciences. Just thought I’d expand my knowledge but if I wanted to learn to be woke I’d go on Twitter.

Genuine question, what exactly were you expecting when you picked an anthropology class in the current year+?

Every anthro class I took was exactly that. How every other society has it 'figured out' by demonstrating cherry picked examples of their 'inclusiveness'. The west had nothing but problems to unload onto the world though. The professor also gushed over Hugo Chavez constantly, I wonder what tune she's singing now.

You know, I thought it was going to be about how humans developed and different cultures but nope it was just about feminists and race in America.

What was the class

Anthropology class

A useless class and a dumbass teacher all paid by a GI Bill. My tax dollars at work.


You should've let the terrorists win I'm pretty sure it's a Chinese communist infiltration scam since this shit spits out commies anyways

Chinese communist... baby commies

So at least half the babies are going to be killed?

What the hell class are you taking?

You’re the dumbass here for signing up for whatever fucking major makes you do this class


... you are studying chemistry and have to watch Anita ? That’s one weird university

It’s a dumb gen ed class.

What? I looked through the post and no one said that. Could I get a link?

Shit my bad. I don’t know how I missed that. Fuck I was starting to side with them for a minute



It's really a shame. I'd love to play Mario in a dress. I played through odyssey in the wedding dress outfit.

Your point has been proven.

I've had to block 3 people and report 8 just from posting this comment. None of the posters harassing me about this post in this sub at all, and clearly came here from r/drama just to troll and be mean.

Mods you might want lock this down unfortunately :(

Quote your shit f- slur. I thought you were a lolcow.

Plot twist: I am


Suckling on that drama teat.

Differentiating quotes is against dramas culture and should be banned on sight actually

I've had to block 3 people and report 8 just from posting this comment.

Sounds like a typical Thursday afternoon for you.

I hate that I'm stuck on the same team as people as r-slurred as you are

Trust me, we are not on the same team.

No one is on anyone’s team - it’s the war of all against all!

War of y'all against y'all

Can't behave

Based and Hobbes-pilled


People from here need to stop brigading the lolcows. All that happens is that their mods cut off the drama early before it has a chance to really develop fully, and that's not okay. It's not okay that we're missing out on quality drama just because Cletus McCAfugee needs to splurt out his witty little comments.

you can't stop r/drama, f*id

Expecting our Mods to do anything


Also it’s because Japan hasn’t yet bowed down to western insanity.

Shit is super functional here and the social homogeneity works fantastic.

There are stronger gender roles here and while they mad about it, women do want to be mothers and they’d rather be a stay at home mom, IF they could afford it and IF it didn’t mean having an husband that works 80 hours a week that’s never home.

Imagine being millenial and Gen Z G**sy and thinking your life has improved compared to the life our close ancestors had.


Imagine thinking that women discussing a lack of equal and fair representation means that they're "absolutely seething." How pathetic OP.

Lol you're arguing over a genderless fictional race in a video game.

And you're harassing a bunch of women trying to discuss representation by being overly dramatic and trying to pass it off as drama. Someone's butthurt over the womenz.

Posting about a thread considered harassment now? 🤔🤔🤔🤔

Considering the original post got brigaded because of yours, yeah. It's pretty pathetic that you're stalking a sub for women just looking to stir up nonexistant drama. I thought this sub was about drama, not shitting on women.

It's pretty pathetic that you're stalking a sub for women just looking to stir up nonexistant drama.

Women have been responsible for the vast majority of drama created throughout human history, so this seems like a winning strategy to me.

Though r/GirlGamers is probably the wrong place to go looking for women I'll concede that much.

Oh sweaty.


If you actually look at the timestamps, there is a single removed comment after my post. Those other comments you're speaking of actually came before this thread. It was most likely those incels from KIA or some other subreddit, so don't use that bullshit brigading excuse on me.

I thought this sub was about drama, not shitting on women.

Well, you'd be wrong. We here at r/drama are proudly the number 1 cryptofascist sub on the entire website. Oppressed demographics beware! The dramatards are coming for you all!


Shitting on women is merely a beneficial byproduct of the drama


To be fair shitting on people creates drama. Also most people on that sub aren't actually women.

sub for women

Oh honey

harassing a bunch of women

Lol, sure they are

Do better, be better.


Are they actually genderless? Assuming it's a woman for being pink is pretty unwoke in that case

/r/gamergirls on s*icide w*tch

So people are just assuming Toadette's gender based on their outward appearance?


Really activates those almonds.


posts in almost every single overweight fem*id sub


Stalks every single "single overweight fem*id sub


Gosh, well since a t*erf said it, it must be true

Perhaps OP used a bit of hyperbole. You might find that you enjoy life more if you don't take things like drama posts and Nintendo games so seriously.

“Lack of equal and fair representation”

Imagine saying that about a video game 😂😂😂😂

Imagine being so insecure that you can't even empathize with fictional characters of another species unless they reinforce your fragile identity.

It's really a shame. I'd love to play Mario in a dress. I played through odyssey in the wedding dress outfit.

I'm fucking pissed this matters to anybody in the world. Suicide is my only option

Of course a r/girlgamers poster would identify with a fat, hairy manlet in a dress.

I've decided not to kill myself, thank you for the clarity

Why are you so heated about something that doesn’t matter

You'll learn about hyperbole next year in 7th grade

Woah. You’re funny! Like, really, really funny. Good one man, you should be proud.


So I know you don't know what hyperbole is yet, but it's not inherently tied to humor.

after the capeshit is dealt with we shall turn to the gamers, brother

Isn't r/girlgamers 75% "allies"?

75% "allies"?

try 90%

You didn't have to round it down from 94.7%.

Not 13%?

wrong demographic, 50%

Oh oh you mean 40%

I thought it was 42% tbh


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Nah the other 25% are t-slurs


In dresses

With beards

I prefer the term "Speedrunners"


That sub is probably full of dudes who play female characters to jack off to them anyway

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Fight me faggot

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🍊 apologist




That sub is probably full of dudes who play fem*le characters to jack off to them anyway

It has to be. 90% of the posts there look like satire of the people screeching about Gmergate in 2014. Actually, it's probably the same people who have been whining about the gmer menace for the last 5 years


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G*mers are a menace to society tho.


The only people who care about playing as f-slurs in video games is t-slurs

dudes who play fem*le characters to jack off to them anyway

look if i'm going to be staring at a digital ass for 30+ hours of game time you bet it's gonna be a digital lady ass.

also after playing conan exiles, all games should have titty/dong sliders.

When they had their online meet someone complained it was all men.

Reading the comments in that sub is like taking a look through the window into batshit crazytown

Y'ALL CANT BEHAVE im lockin this

They retconned toads to be genderless, it's fine.

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Yeah harder daddy

No way a t-slur gayyymur and an srdine?


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Man SRDines are really outdoing /r/drama with overly dramatic titles

lol even the SRDines deleted the thread because there wasn't enough drama

Don't downvote it you fucking retards. Get it to the top of SRD so we can see their screeches.

yeah sure keep projecting

We're not dramatic enough for SRD? I'm insulted.

Typical /r/drama. Someday this shithole of a sub will go down and the most annoying toxic idiots (the one's who aren't already here) will invade this sub. Not that we haven't already enough dumb popcorn pisser here...

Why tho? All their regulars are trash, all their drama is trash, they don't have shitposts... It'd be like emigrating to UK if US got nuked, you'd have to be completely restarted to do that.

Typical /r/drama. Someday this shithole of a sub will go down and the most annoying toxic idiots (the one's who aren't already here) will invade this sub. Not that we haven't already enough dumb popcorn pisser here...

Lmao S E E T H I N G


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Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian

Sorry, I just wanted to hear 20 fragile male egos screaming out in unison.

>projecting this hard


Anita Sarseethian.

Stealing that, thanks

What you gonna do about it? Cry?

Yea, f-slur, I will

Oh shoot. I'm sorry vro 😢🤗

piss your pants maybe?

"hey her videos are kinda stupid"


Lefties. Every single time

Didn't she get actual death and rape threats, was doxxed and overall insanely harassed? Sounds like gamers in general are just a bunch of screeching babies

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Didn't she get actual death and rape threats, was doxxed and overall insanely harassed? Sounds like those who game in general are just a bunch of screeching babies


Out, out, out!

lol triggered

No, some woketard from TopMinds has no right calling anyone else triggered.

Lmao I just laugh at you morons over there. Make sure to close your closet tonight so the scary feminist doesn't get ya.

Assuming this is a right wing sub.

More proof that TopMinds users are every bit as r*tarded as the people they mock.

scary feminist

I'm shaking in my fuckin boots. Everyday I live in fear of the army of rainbow-haired landwhales and emaciated s0ys knocking down my door.


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Want to try that again without the slur, bigot?


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You are more of right winger than anyone on this sub, since you can seem to comment without some sort of slur.

Yes, because using insults makes someone a right winger. Could you get any more stupid?

Yes, I could be a TopMinds user.

Does using insults make someone a right winger?

You’re projecting lol

you're projecting the projection

Yeah I couldn’t believe it either!! Learned about it in the series “Tropes V. Women in video games” - worth a good long watch!



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Female gamers discuss the mushroom person’s gender

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F-slur gamers discuss the mushroom person’s gender

I keep thinking about buying a Switch because I really want a portable system, but the overwhelming sexism in so many games keeps dissuading me. It's sad that Playstation and Xbox seem feminist in comparison.


Imagine being so pathetic you base your consumerism on topics like Feminism




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Based and g-slurpilled



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You're right of course but you also sound like the kid that would unplug the controller when they're losing

/u/HardIsLife This is your last warning, GET OUT OF MY FORT!!!

Do you even know how to play video games though? Minesweeper doesn’t count 💣


My favorite thing about Nintendo is they don't give two shits about the western audience. They make video games for the Japanese first and if other people buy them then that a bonus.

This is true hahahaha. When a game doesn't do well in the west, game devs will continue to making games but won't release it to the west.

Nintendo keeps doing shitty sexist stuff like this and no one seems to notice.

"No one seems to care" how about that? How has Mario not been accused of sexual harassment yet?

This is against Toads and rabbits nothing more.

Someone should post to /gamingcirclejerk how enraged these gamers are.

I despise these people. I’m sure nabbit isn’t even mentioned

Woah, r/Drama swung to the right HARD. Y’all are the ones flipping out here

yikes this aint it chief!


There it is again. You forgot to add the obligatory “gross and creepy” and grunting caveman noises, though.

Combining gamers rising up with fslur whining is even sadder than expected.

What an absolutely garbage sub

Girl gamers really are the most oppressed group in the world.


Haven't been to that sub but I assume that "girl" is terminological inexactitude.

It’s oddly interesting to me how Nintendo keeps doing shitty sexist stuff like this and no one seems to notice

ain't just nintendo. I always find it hilarious when filthy weaboos find out that japan is gasp sexist as fuck


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I swear these r-slurs think that video game companies owe them something. Just don’t buy the game if you don’t like it good lord

People are not addressing the real issue here. Playing Mario kart doesn’t make you a gämer lol

Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian Anita Sarkeesian

Sorry, I just wanted to hear 20 fragile male egos screaming out in unison.

Thanks for reminding the world she's still useless I guess.


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They should made her the hard mode, because it's probably really effing hard to navigate that world as a woman. Ratio of men to women is outrageous, so she probably gets hit on Aaaaaaaaall the time. She's also a different color from everyone else. And the most famous woman in her world (Peach) is often depicted as helpless and/or emotional.

[Insert stale gender assuming joke here.]

They should made her the hard mode, because it's probably really effing hard to navigate that world as a woman. Ratio of men to women is outrageous, so she probably gets hit on Aaaaaaaaall the time. She's also a different color from everyone else. And the most famous woman in her world (Peach) is often depicted as helpless and/or emotional.


Took a random stab at 5 profiles from that thread and was able to confirm that 3 of them were troons.

r/girlgamers lol. Most people on Reddit who say they are women are actually men.

same people that unironically fell for the "not real gamers" copypasta.

just f-slurs being f-slurs everyone.


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Oh boy, the titles of some of their threads right now,

  • Hottest video game dudes

  • "Go back to healing" is the gamer version of "go back to the kitchen"

  • I’m so over being patronized just because I’m female

  • Anyone else frustrated with the standard for female streamers?

Let's just say, they've got a new subscriber.

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Oh boy, the titles of some of their threads right now,

  • Hottest video game dudes

  • "Go back to healing" is the g[amer] version of "go back to the kitchen"

  • I’m so over being patronized just because I’m f[emale]

  • Anyone else frustrated with the standard for f[emale] streamers?

Let's just say, they've got a new subscriber.

Also, this automod "Your comment has been removed. As of recently, we have figured out that using mean words" shit is tedium.


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"Go back to healing" is the g[amer] version of "go back to the kitchen"

idc if its sexist when 90% of the girls i play with play healers and the 10% that play DPS dont have the mechanics to play it properly.

Oh no a company from Japan won’t conform to my ideals

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I’m about to make a new law describing this phenomena: Every Online female-only space will eventually be dominated by men seeking female attention.

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Look at all those fragile egos.