After embattled youtuber/streamer/whale Boogie2988 hits the frontpage of LiveStreamFails for allegedly admitting to tax fraud, he shows up in the comments to defend himself.

173  2019-04-04 by Ghdust2


womp womp


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people using wernher von braun as an argument for the holocaust being a good thing

The rockets went up, who cares where they come down?

vere zey come is not my department

vere zey come down is not my department

Says Berber von Braun

Holy shit i had completely forgot about the engima that is LowTierGod. His salt compilations saved me from many boring shifts.


kirby lol

The whale patrol is just riding off the backs of the thot patrol. Turns out tax evasion is a pretty easy way to get sent to prison! Day of the harpoon when?

He is literally the definition of a parasite. Patreon-funded by morons to sit about and eat himself to death for years while manipulating his wife into being an unpaid carer

he got divorced. rn he pays for prostitutes so he can beat them and get his ass wiped

I forgot about the thot audit. Did anything come of it?

Apparently some people were reported, but it was nothing big from what I've seen.

Isn't this the guy who was fucking a wh0re-slur and then the wh0re-slur made a video about how awful he was for not paying her for being with him? This guy is a drama machine, I love it.

Top ten anime declines

He's also quick to defend himself when he constantly fails to lose weight.

I have seen this guy's face 3 times this week alone thanks to drama. It's not allright

maybe he can finally go away

That’s not even to fraud lmao everyone does that

t. Tax evader

It is literally fraud it's just nigh impossible to bust someone for it and the IRS doesn't care a whole lot

I don’t know the last time I got caught doing that I only got charged with “resisting arrest” and “gross Indecency”


Big if true


People are such unbelievably whiny fahggots.

Why isn't my favorite streamer who I think is my real life friend I have a real life close friendship with because I watch his internet videos not a flawless person? How dare you make jokes that I don't like?

Cries out the fa/g that thinks reddit strangers are their close personal friends, only subscribes to heckin pupper posts, and posts their facebook stream to reddit every time an important event in their life occurs

PAY MY HEALTHCARE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wonder how bad his imtertrigo smells like

double cancer

This shouldn't be funny but it is. It's like saying mega aids or something.

is this the guy that got famous by pretending to be retarded?

no that's trump




please no bully

Yeah, I remember back when I was a freshman in high school my friend showing me Boogie videos, but in those he would do a Cartman voice and they’d have titles like “fat guy destroys xbox”

Is he legitimately angry, or is that a skit that him and his former wife were doing?

Boogie, theres no amount of mealy mouthed "explanations" that will ever get these people to respect you. The reason they dont respect you isnt because theyre judging you on your actions. Theyre judging you for what you wont do, which is tell them to get a miners hat and some sawhorses, find your balls, and suck them.

I would be so happy if he did that


redditors actually make we want to side with this fat fuck

Boogie is peak g*mer


Right, I am not young enough to have been fully clued into the youtube stars and their rising, I was never into it that much. Anyway, about this guy, he used to pretend to be a mentally disabledd person who would scream and stuff about video games yeah?

No one has an issue with him pretending to be mentally handicapped for laughs? I just want to be clear, because it bothers me but no one else seems to even mention it. I am a knob head so it could be that.


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