Build a wall and make /r/conservative pay for it

303  2019-04-04 by dootwthesickness_II

They're bringing seriousposts. They're bringing circlejerks. They're as smug as the SRDines. And none of them realize how unfunny they are. DEPORT.


Time to move to r/SubforFunPeopleOnly

But are any of the dramanauts fun?

Not me man, I'm old-school drama and pure cancer.

It's a dogwhistle. None of us are fun


I'm fun, why cant I view this? This is bullshit

Can we keep the circlejerks though?

Let them post but reduce their voting rights. How would 3/5ths sound?

I just like the utility of a bunch of dudes standing around in a circle jacking each other off.

Do you assume that some, are good people ?

Whoa, let's not get carried away now.

You're right, they're all bad hombres.



/r/conservative is a den of scum and villainy. It’s the place where based bantz go to die.

This is a non partisan issue. For every conservitard serious poster there are three woke Mayo serious posters.

Imagine being this wrong

Imagine failing at imagine posting.

The fact that anyone genuinely believes there are more l-slur wingcucks here than r-slur wingcucks really shows how fucked the sub is

The exit is to your right and you can see your way out. This sub has enough edgy woke mayos already.

reeeeeee someone said climate change is real 😭😭😭😭😭

You're delusional

Reddit in general is left leaning. Rightoid posters only have major influxes here after one of their shit subs is banned, but edgy mayo-left agenda posters are far more abundant. It’s the hard truth, most don’t want to hear it, but I don’t lie for partisan nonsense reasons. Don’t serious post and continue flaming me and we are good 👌🏿

You're one smug cookie, man.

Don’t confuse smugness with being correct 😎

seriously. MDEfugees are starting to make an actual dent in conversations. shitposts are getting downvoted and unironic right wing seriousposting is getting upvotes. we need to do something drastic.

It's not the MDEfugees anymore. Now it's just plain old normie conservatives who are causing the worst of the crisis.

<It's not the MDEfugees anymore. Now it's just plain old normie conservatives

It's hard to tell who's who now that they can't throw n!&&@ around all willy nilly

It's been going on for months. Like rats they have to try and infest every corner of the site.

As a conservitard who ACTUALLY immigrated LEGALLY and has assimilated, I say, WRONG.

  1. There are way too many conservitards on this sub
  2. They all serious post
  3. They all upvote serious posters and downvote dramatards
  4. Most Egregious - They downvote lolcows. Disgusting!

There should be a purge.


Nah I’m just anti ban, banning is the single most mayo act one can do on the internet. As someone people would consider a right leaning person, I’d agree rightoids have more of a tendency to lack a sense of humor or have self awareness. It’s on both sides, but rightoids are worse about it. I’ve brought sjws and literal fascists around to radical centrism, or at least being reasonable too. Like r/fuckthealtright is no better than r/CA, no one is making those “people” human, but the mayos in TMOR,SRC, and other not super extreme political subs, can be brought around.

Katbot you are an ideologue who will continue to push cancer on this sub.

Further, and more importantly, you are a serious posting long winded bore.

I hope the mods ban you.

Mayos gonna mayo 🤷🏿‍♂️

Maybe one day you will be sentient

get out of my rDrama plz

James Jesus Angleton himself would be proud.


real talk hes not even a lolcow just a suckposter

Yep, but can’t ban upvoters to my knowledge

No non-centrist can ever assimilate. You. Have. To. Go. Back.

we have too keep r/drama pure

The Day of the 100k approaches.

Here to stay tsar. Kick rocks 🦵 👶🏼

self deport

No u



Christcucks never fail to amuse me at how retarded they are. Imagine actually thinking abortion is wrong, jfl

Cant we acknowledge that anything past 3 months is alive, while also supporting late term abortion? Like, what's even the point if you don't get credit for the eventual killstreak

There's 9 Billion people on a planet that is supposed to support at max like 1 billion. Abortion shouldn't be an option, it should be fucking mandatory

Our planet can easily support many more billions.

Imagine being this retarded.

"Can" in that everyones gonna have to live packed together like sardines eating algae and insect protein because the seas are dead, the air is poisoned, and the groundwater needs to be filtered 200 times

And it will be fucking radical.

Only losers wouldn’t want to live in a cyberpunk dystopian megacity.

Judge Dredd future when??

Fuck that, I wanna work for a Great Dragon.

Why would you want a country house and kids when you can be shooting up custom engineered drugs on the 878th floor of a dilapidated concrete housing complex.

it's over for agrarian-cels

can we retroactively abort you first

Feel free to follow your convictions I guess? Anti natal people are fucking retards.

I aint having kids. The only r-slur here are the people selfishly squirting more diseased H*mans out

Why don't you lead the revolution and off yourself first?

nah rather play the hand im dealt. Have fun with the alimony and child support btw, bre*der

Jokes on you, like anyone would sleep with me.


Lmao the irony of you being downvoted in a thread complaining about seriousposters.
Downvoters OUT OUT OUT 👉🏿👉🏿👉🏿

And you're right, pro-abortion is the best position. Fuck pro-"choice".

oh look it's a eugenicist who has no clue what it's talking about

The virgin mandatory abortion scheme vs the chad colonize mars scheme

Abortion should be legal until 18 months after birth. Before that it doesn’t even have the intelligence of a housecat.

It should be raised to 25 years along with the voting age.

100th term abortion should be legal.

True radical centrist😍😍😍

just imagine if we could safely, humanely, and painlessly gas every one at rally with a red hat

I got a 3 day ban from drama for arguing in favor of post birth abortion.

Totally unfair suppression of my free speech.


I keep my ideology simple, I vote against abortion just to spite women.

Abortion keeps the poors in check.

Yeah r-slurs (how we say republican right?) are dumb. Banning abortions only hurts their future election chances. That why demorats finally went pro-immigration.


Stealing this forever.

Imagine meeting a child, any child, and thinking "it would be wrong to put this r-slurred little sociopath out of its misery."

Children really are just useless pains in the ass.

Why is every selfpost always some butthurt leftist? Between this and spamming "cope" and "seething" I think you leeches need to start pulling your weight around here.

A truck couldn't pull some of these leeches weight.

lol cause they are fat I get it


bitch please


You had me on your side until the second half.






You have to go back. 👋

out ##out ##out

Why is every selfpost always some butthurt leftist?








leeches need to start pulling your weight around here

Stop with this seriousposting.


i used to be pro open border until i saw pizzashill being raped by filthy mdefugees

Pizza is a radical centrist like few others. All of his opinions are fucking extreme, but they're so incoherent that they cancel each other out and sum up to centrism.

Pizza is a r*tard, but he's our r*tard.

I miss his sp*rg posts. They're so few and far between now.

also isnt he like antifa and mra both or something

Pizzashill Thought is a wide ranging subset of Marxism-Leninism-Kropotkinism.

Its primary thesis is that in order for Communist Utopia to be reached, the less intelligent (that is to say f-slurs and daddy defenders) must be shamed and derided until they withdraw from the political sphere. Once these elements, the t-slur and the DDF have been sufficiently "patrolled", a revolutionary vanguard may be formed to lead the remaining proletariat into a communist state.

If you would like to know more, If She Breathes lays out the case for dealing with the f-slurs, while On the Badness of Orange Fans outlines his thoughts on the DDF.

this is scholarly

He's like a neoliberal Incel, I've seen him unironically defend Hillary

He really is perfect.

he's the best of us

we must secure the existance and future of the pizzashill race

after Ben Garrison drew all those lewds of her, who could blame him? Granny brap is the yummiest 😌😌😌

/r/conservative is invading drama

Brain-dead take. If you want to cry about TD or CA fine but you think the boomers from /r/conservative are coming here?

Ngga what the fuck is wrong with you?

you think

This phrasing implies that I might be wrong.

Conservative is unironically worse than T_D. At least T_D spends only 50% of the time whining, the other 50% they suck off Daddy, conservative is like KiA just without the games.

But T_D is just so insufferably boomer I almost hate them more. It's like picking between different flavors of vomit.

TD is full of boomers and based Basketball Americans. It's just CAnimals and MDEfugees that are coming illegally.

the Donald posters at least have the excuse of being drug addicts and or paid by rushia

It's the "most of reddit is becoming alt right" schtick the coping smuggies have come up with to ignore their laughable obsession with a tinfoil hat conspiracy since 2016.

Shut up

Can we just turn the sub into a sub for discussion about the royal family only?

I'm on board with this. /u/Cdace are you with me?

I’m not a britbong so no

They are to be referred to as crumpets smh my head

Listen here you dino loving piece of shit. That's the ROYAL FAMILY you're putting disrespect on.

What’re you gonna do about it you dinosaur 🦖 hating cocksucker

Imagine letting a bunch of inbred Germans as your national figureheads.

Only if it's the true royal family and not the prod imposters.

Seriouspost circlejerkers should be deported. Sure, some of them are good people, but they're not bringing their best.

rghtoid agendaposting is epidemic here lately. I think chpos are annoying, effeminate cowards too but half the front page is left right ulture war bullshit

We made fun of chapos so much the rightoids thought they were in good company

Yeah it is rediculous. I really liked this sub for the no filter banter but it is just retards smug posting and jerking each other off about sjws and twitter blue checks at this point.

I made this joke earlier today but used KiA as the funder. I don't think r/conservative posters are nearly as obnoxious as KiAcels.

jk it wasn't a joke.

This smells like a butthurt lefty post. Please keep agenda-posting to a minimum!

Delete Jimbob

True. I’m tired of being down voted for speaking the truth and being cute.

Some, I assume, create good drama.

I doubt they come from /r/conservative honestly, in my experience most seriousposters came from 'political' subs with a borderline similar """"""""""culture"""""""""" to /r/drama's, e.g. chapo before it became total shit or MDE before it was banned.

working on it.

Throw the seriousposter down the well. So my subreddit can be free.

Yeah this sub has gone to shit. It isn't even drama, just links to articles and tweets with liberals acting retarded. R/drama is just cringeanarchy2 at this point.

I mean I sorta understand how this happened. It’s partly SRD’s fault for becoming SRS2.


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Yeah srdines are completely insufferable but why couldn't they just start their own sub and leave this one as a centrist/laugh at everyone common grounds? The good thing about this place, besides being a place to shit talk, was that it wasn't an echo chamber and you got a variety of opinions from people who didn't base their identities on their politics and who had other interests than their retarded politics. Now it is just the r-slurs from t_d larping as centrists as they upvote/downvote according to their retarded dogma. Well I hope you enjoyed reading my seriouspost.

Rather than leaving, we might benefit from SRDines coming here in limited, manageable numbers.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Like treating C. diff. with a fecal transplant.

I think it's more about effort vs "reward".

Why should I bother compiling 10 different links to reddit/twitter and get drowned out among all the submissions with only comment from Snappy, when I can link an article and hit top of the sub and 200+ comments?

I found that most people are probably too lazy to even read textposts/links to drama that's image/article submissions usually get upvoted more. The only way to combat this would be mods deleting posts like that but it kind of goes against the nature of the sub so idk.