Anarchists of r/CompleteAnarchy: "Amazon workers could be making $100,000+ a year if they guillotined Bezos."

93  2019-04-04 by GodOfDarknessWine


This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


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I was going to say "imagine not knowing the difference between liquid assets and net worth" but I can totally imagine children not knowing anything

Anarchy can never realistically work because it will never be widely adopted. The only people who want full anarchism are children, or r*tards at the bottom of the social totem pole who have nothing to lose if the country falls into chaos

Anarchy is just the prelude to feudalism. As soon as someone that rejects anarchy wants what a given group has, anarchy collapses into feudal states.

serfcels rise up

Anarchists understand this, and see themselves as the future feudal lords.

Instead of the serfs who will be working the land 18 hours a day on a wage just enough to survive on.

Happy people don’t want to overthrow the system

So you’re telling me

That Jeff Bezos does not keep 100 billion dollars in an extremely oversize sock drawer?

It's in a large pig statue.

He obviously hires all his money in the massive warehouses he owns!

I love that sub. It is definitely the youngest "political" sub on reddit though. They make CTH look like scholars.

When I read this Beto-post I thought it belonged on r/COMPLETEANARCHY.

College freshmen haven't figured that concept out yet

College freshmen most fucking americans haven't figured that concept out yet

It's even worse - "imagine not knowing the difference between net worth and annual income."

Lmao, like that cnn reporter.

“How can you be a billionaire if your annual income in 2005 was only $150 million?”

It's over for additioncels

guillotined Bezos.

Hiistory shows, that guillotine revolution ended up with a moron dead, birthed vicious reactionary terror and an average height Emperor on the throne.

Oh look, a bunch of losers who have never done anything want to kill a guy who worked hard and took risks and built something.

I'm sure once Bezos is dead one of these morons will take over Amazon? That should be a real easy gig, I bet they can totally handle that, with their three semesters of a philosophy degree.

Actually defending Bezos

The man's warehouses are comparable to fucking Foxxcon. I disagree with the anarchists thinking that lynching Bezos will suddenly mean that everyone in the company suddenly will get a 6 figure salary. Bezos net worth is tied to company stocks and value, it's not hidden in some vault.

But Bezos is an immoral prick, who doesn't give a shit about his employees.

"Weh weh we have to work hard and it's hot sometimes"

Boo fucking hoo, get a better job, build a better company, or be grateful that Bezos in his benevolence created a place in this world for someone as worthless as you.

The Lolbertarian REEEE's as he tries to strike you

Actually telling Foxconn workers "Boo fucking hoo"

The Director of Foxxcon actually compared them to zoo animals.

As cringey as the word is, "bootlicker" describes you perfectly. I'm not gravelling to a bald manlet who created an online retail empire off the backs of his employees.

I'd love to see your fat ass be forced to work in Foxconn. I want to see the Chinese break your back.

If you trying to defend a billionaire, go with Warren Buffet.

Amazon is a fucking monopoly. You really have to be a downie to actually believe the lolbertarian bullshit of "just build another company if you don't like this one".

Holy shit, unironically S E E T H I N G

Amazon is a fucking monopoly.

Lots of competitors wanted to be the world's biggest e-tailer, including ones who sucked the dicks of their worthless warehouse employees.

Bezos, the bald manlet who accomplishes more in one second than you ever will in your pathetic life, stands tall atop a mountain of those competitors' bones.

If you trying to defend a billionaire, go with Warren Buffet.

Holy fucking shit, go back to Reddit 🤣🤣🤣

Whiteknights for Bezos for free

By that argument, Bezos will accomplish more than YOU ever will in your mayo life. And you are still going to lick his dress shoes.

Imagine being so worthless you defend a billionaire for free. It's like a masochist tendency usually found in poor libertarians and ancaps.

Lmao you made a post to make fun of those r-slurs when you were one of them the whole time


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By that argument, Bezos will accomplish more than YOU ever will in your mayo life.

Which isn't a problem for me, because I dont live my life in seething envy of other people's accomplishments.

Imagine being so worthless you defend a billionaire for free.

The payment was the years of Bezos's life that he dedicated to making my life easier and more convenient, you ungrateful, shrieking child.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'd love to continue this conversation, but I need to finish reading the Washington Post and then grab a delicious sandwich at Whole Foods!

Bragging about reading the Washington Post

Are you a r/politics user? You are actually bragging about reading Bezos personal propaganda windmill. At least read something interesting like the Economist or Current Affairs.

I really don't live my days concerned with how much a billionaire is worth. I will acknowledge that some billionaires are scum that do deserve criticism. I just find this weird need to defend them on r/drama pretty similar to how libertarians and ancaps will defend billionaires, only they really enjoy grovelling.

I don't have a need to order that many products off of Amazon. I've mostly ordered books. I'm enjoying tea, while doing some university assignments.

Whole Foods

Ewww. You scream "mayo suburban trash".

imagine being a white knight for a billionaire.

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imagine being a wight knight for a billionaire.


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Let it be the lesson for you next time you will make fun of anarchists and chapos/commies, lol.

Amazon is a fucking monopoly.

Dude are you r-slur-ed? Walmart does the same shit. Ebay did it first. Pretty sure 3rd parties can also sell through best buy. Ontop of that, you can also buy the products directly through the manufacturer. Or you know.. Getting out of your basement to go to an actual store. You must be stupid.

You do realize that Amazon is killing those companies? Walmart doesn't compare to Amazon.

I love how fucking stupid you and the other Bezos white knights are. You realize that the European Union is looking into Antitrust investigations into Amazon?

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Buying things in stores? What is this, the 1920s?

Amazon is a fucking monopoly.

Amazon is the only online marketplace? 🤔

> Amazon is a fucking monopoly. You really have to be a downie to actually believe the lolbertarian bullshit of "just build another company if you don't like this one".


Just tell them to build another country if they don't like that one and enjoy the autism.

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You have been visited by the Bezos of Strength and Fortitude

May good fortune smile upon your entrepreneurial endeavors

This. Lmao imagine defending this dick, but also imagine letting teenagers run Amazon.

Foxconn is a great employer.

But Bezos is an immoral prick, who doesn't give a shit about his employees.

Why, you think, chapos (and hell, actual commies) get radicalized in the first place? Because of rampaging sycophant tards, who make it worse for everyone. Hell, the whole shitfest that is modern job market is thanks to the slaves who think that boss one day will respect them wasting their health and life away "working hard and not complaining".

Bingo. And judging from this thread, there's a lot of bootlickers who do have this slave mentality.

I'm sure once Bezos is dead one of these morons will take over Amazon?

Temporarily, but then they'll be too rich with their $100k so poorer people will kill them. It's anarchy all the way down.

No one is equal until we all live on potato peels and piss in the landfill behind our tent, comrade. Viva la revolucion!!

Based and globalpilled


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Are you going to let Bezos fuck your wife too, cluck cluck cluck?

Are you going to realize that you are a mentally ill man in a wig?

Jokes on you, im not wearing a wig.

Depends on how much he's paying.


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They can't be this retarded.....right?

How did you say the golden word

Automod randomly enforces the banned words or there's a list of people who can say the naughty words

Maybe it was the .... after the word which we shall not speak. I’ll try it


How retarded of them :D



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Only the re​tarded are targeted by the bot.

You have to be retarded to say retarded.

Why does the anarchy sub have an post with communist imagery

They’re so free they can’t keep the communists out

I legitimately don't understand how that subreddit can call for violence and not get banned and somehow we can't even ping?

well see this sub hurt ga------ob's feelings and that's a lot worse than threatening to murder people on a daily basis

Because they’re a joke

I don't get why we can't just print money. Then make Megatron. Then colonise Mars and have an Earth vs Mars war to the death. It would still beat being in this sub.

That thread reeks of SovCivs