The internet janitors of r/menslib and r/mensrights go to war with each other. For three days straight.

154  2019-04-05 by Ghdust2


Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


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The sexual tension is unbearable. Just kiss already!

Why do a lot of people care what Jordan Peterson says? He’s just a random dude

I only accept philosophy when conveyed in Kermit voice

JP -> Kermit. Kermit -> frog. Frog -> Pepe.

Checkmate fascists. You thought you could fool us?

"Why are there so many songs about rainbows?" - JP, 2019

Because we failed men in society (bottom text) so bad that Jordan Peterson became their Harry Potter. 10 years ago they'd just have become bronies instead.

I think because he’s tied to “inceldom” and 2016 taught us that the greatest threat to freedom and democracy isn’t meddling Russians, exploding ISIS piñatas, nor even the meticulous Chinaman;

No, the world’s greatest threat is overweight 56% mutt basement dwelling virgins.

This but unironically

He isn't really an incel type though. I've seen some of his vids when he got popular and he talks about how there are factors about modern society that make dating harder for a lot of men, but he argued that self-improvement is the solution to that. Incels are almost all deterministic and defeatest.

Then why r/braincels hated him?

because braincels are the incels of the incel world.

you're surprised incels, the ultimate incarnation of "we live in a society", have a problem with a dude advocating self-improvement?

I gotta assume he's the first self help guy most magacels find first, and when your parents neglected you growing up just having somebody to tell you to clean your room is like having a dad for once

How many other men do you know who get emotional enough about their subject matter to actually cry in public? Say what you like about his half-baked philosophy, his traditional conservatism, his mindless religiosity, and his tenuous conflation of post-modernism and Marxism, but you've got to give him some credit for his impressive weepiness.

I think its because he became the figurative father figure for hundreds of thousands of men who are confused and trying to figure out the issues they face.

In times of crisis, people seek comfort in people offering solutions, no matter how ridiculous it is. Jordan Peterson got popular because he infused gender war politics with self help, and turns out, it is a pretty jackpot worthy combination.

I remember a post from somewhere a while back that explained it in this vein, basically that he's a surrogate father figure to a lot of guys that grew up either without a father or with parents that failed to instruct them on the basics of how life works and how to excel as a man, so his comparatively simple advice which mostly boils down to just keeping your affairs in order comes off as profound because while it seems obvious to many of us it's the first time they've been exposed to it

It's over for single-mothercels

really activates your almonds

It sounds profound because he wraps up his messages with references to Nietzsche and Jung. That lends them intellectual weight.

figurative father figure for hundreds of thousands of men who are confused and trying to figure out the issues they face in modern society.

yikes, i literally could not imagine anything more problematic. don't these guys know they should've just found a hole to die in? oof, so much oof

These chuds think they’re better than overdosing on SSRIs and marvel flicks like the rest of us.

Worse, he's Canadian. I feel like that sums up how ineffectual and effeminate that whole movement is.

"I don't like feminism but I can't vote for those dumb Republican bible jocks! I know, I'll create a weird online movement to REEE about how the cultural expectation that I shouldn't cry in public hurts me as a man."

Why do a lot of people care what Jordan Peterson says?

One group or mongs care because he says things that are obvious and (not long ago) universally accepted as true and correct, which makes them flip shit and sperg because if you accept that some things are obvious and universally accepted society will never adopt the bullshit they're peddling. The other group of mongs care because he says things that are obvious and (not long ago) universally accepted as true and correct, and they embrace that and want the other group of mongs to take a long walk off a short pier before they make society unlivable for good and decent people with the bullshit they're peddling.

He's basically a cipher. What he actually says doesn't matter as much as what is projected on him. He's the most mundane, milquetoast, middle-of-the-road motherfucker in existence, but depending on who you ask he's either the champion of traditional western society and thought or the second coming of Hitler, out to bring down the q-slurs and t-slurs and destroy what Chapotistas would call "progress."

Some say he sounds like Kermit the Frog, wants you to clean your room, pisses off people most of us don't like, and has something to do with lobsters. All I know is we call him the Stig!

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FFS they’re still yapping about the Duluth model. No one even follows that anymore.

What do you mean?

Most police departments have quietly dropped the most sexist parts of the model, like the emphasis on the physical size of the two partners which (surprise surprise) overwhelmingly made men responsible for intimate partner violence.

How can biological facts be sexist?

trying to bait me into seriousposting

Nice try. I actually had a comment halfway written out before I realized.


Someone doesn't realize how fat American women have gotten

So they're only keeping the majority of the overwhelmingly sexist bad idea

Well that's just swell

A 2011 review of the effectiveness of batterers intervention programs (BIP) (primarily Duluth Model) found that "there is no solid empirical evidence for either the effectiveness or relative superiority of any of the current group interventions," and that "the more rigorous the methodology of evaluation studies, the less encouraging their findings."[13] That is, as BIPs in general, and Duluth Model programs in particular are subject to increasingly rigorous review, their success rate approaches zero.

I don't do shit bro.

Feminist theory put into practice with our laws and regulations doesnt do shit?




Well clearly it just wasn't Feminist enough.

We know it don't do shit - the thing is that I know social workers and diversion programs that are still based on it.

Throw them in a fire then.

Not doing shit wouldn't stop them using it

Wow immediately assuming something in a complex situation based solely on a surface level observation didn't work? I'm shocked.

/r/menslib mods did a fake lobster ama for april fools

I don't know what surprises me more, that jannies came up with a funny april fools, or that they were menslib jannies.

LMAO at the couple of legitimate /r/menslib users who fell for it:

Bwahahaha Why did you think this environment would be receptive to your brand of faux-intellectualism?

LMAO at the couple of legitimate /r/menslib users who fell for it

I'm not surprised. A few weeks ago, a number of KIA users fell for a gibberish tweet generated by Jordan Peterson Simulator 2019™ and attempted an in-depth discussion of it thinking it was real.

Personally I don't understand obsession from both side. If you wanna read right wing books there is million better then some guy who ate only meat and almost died.

I'm still confused as to why nobody has ever called Peterson an Angry Jung Man.

Source pls

Based and Nintendo switch-pilled

Lobstermen: "Leftists should be more willing to host us rightoids"

Menslib: Hosts Memerson.

Lobstermen: "NOT LIKE THAT!!!!!"

april fools!

You: unable to put 2 and 2 together and realize the ama was not real.

Imagine caring enough about lobsterman and male feminists to go check.

Oh but you too do care. You read the title, came here and left the comment. You just are too stupid to understand that menslib would never host a fascist AMA.

But hey, just keep hiding behind "lol I dont care"

I didn't do it tho

three stinking days

should have been irl war tho

Imagine falling for an April Fools joke and then arguing about it for 3 days.

When doing it for free goes wrong

Imagine unironically caring so much about your 'job' (They do it for free) as a reddit janny that you get upset about things.