Chick gets fired from sex ed job at school for being a prostitute.

327  2019-04-05 by Standard12


In The Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien drew upon the language and themes found in the old Medieval hero-tales in order to construct a kind of new mythology. The brilliance of Tolkien was in his departure from the Pagan modes of conduct and morality of these old tales, his creation of a syncretistic fusion between Christian thought and Pagan language, and so his work achieved a deep resonance with all who read it.

We find this passage at the conclusion of The Return of the King:

The Dark Lord was suddenly aware of him, and his Eye piercing all shadows looked across the plain to the door that he had made; and the magnitude of his own folly was revealed to him in a blinding flash, and all the devices of his enemies were at last laid bare.

Adversaries in the stories that Tolkien drew upon, Grendel, Mordred and the like, often served as obstacles that the heroes could overcome through feats of strength and cunning. Sauron is not like them. When Sauron is defeated, it is not because Aragorn is stronger than him or because Gandalf is wiser. They are not. It is only that his hubris was so great that it never occured to him that anyone would want to destroy the thing he held so dear. It is not until the final few seconds of his existence that he realises his mistake.

I think that I Am Jazz displays a similar moment. In the pictured scene, Jazz's journey to what he believes is womanhood is almost complete. He is resting after surgery, a triumphant smile on his face, his rotting groin held together by a labyrinthine patchwork of stitches and grafts. But as Eru Ilúvatar nudged Gollum over the Crack of Doom into the fires beneath, so too does the God of our world intervene in this.


In a second, the follies of men are undone and Jazz's crotch explodes, a meaty froth of blood and pus pouring out of the hole where his penis used to be.

In that moment of blind panic and terror, Jazz is Sauron. All triumph and victory is gone. Only the Void remains.


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Wtf Snapshill

I did not need to read this

I did not need to read this

You're missing out

Wow actually. I can see Gollum teetering on the edge of the newly created vaginal pit.


Yeah but she is soooooo qualified. With that logic meth cooks should teach chemistry. She was probably doing something illegal, even if she wasn't teachers get fired all the time for doing unsavory stuff like having drinking/drug/gambling problems

Literally nothing you said was a good argument. “With that logic meth cooks should teach chemistry” - she never said she should be employed because she’s a prostitute, she is basically saying she shouldn’t have been fired for being one, which is a valid point. “She was probably doing something illegal” - no supporting evidence. “It happens all the time” - retarded 12 year old tier tradition fallacy thinking. I’m not saying all prostitutes are perfect citizens but does she really seem as unstable to you as someone with “drinking/drug/gambling problems”?

does she really seem as unstable to you as someone with “drinking/drug/gambling problems”?

yes she does, maybe even worse


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Atleast she know how torture her slaves by making them read black feminist theory

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Atleast she know how torture her slaves by making them read basketball American feminist theory

I'm trying to keep an open mind about what people do in their personal lives, but this chick in any decent society would be cast into the forest and forced to live off the meat and offal the bears don't want.

but this chick in any decent society would be cast into the forest and forced to live off the meat and offal the bears don't want.

as it should be.

Isn't prostitution illegal?

Dominatrixes don't generally have sex with their clients.


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she is basically saying she shouldn’t have been fired for being one

Well she's wrong. I dunno about you but I wouldn't want my kids to be taught sex-ed by someone who spreads her buttcheeks for some bored middle aged guys to shoot their load into.

Ah they’re r-slur. We’ll start them off on premium snapchats and work up the shaft.

What business of yours is it what your kids' teacher does when they're not teaching your kid?

if their side activities directly correlate with what they're teaching then, yea damn straight its my business.

So by that logic a shop teacher shouldn’t run a carpentry business on the side, or do you just not know what “correlate” means?

hahaha I can't believe you actually said that nonsense when its about getting a filthy hooker away from teaching good christian children. get your degenerate shit out of here

You don't hire prostitutes as teachers because it's weird to have your kid find it's teacher on twitter selling her pooper pics. It's not complicated really, don't be a s-lur if you want to work with kids.

I think this is the right answer here

Probably doing something illegal? There is no probably, you think being a whore is legal?


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Baited into automod

Most employers have a code of conduct in their contract. Anything seen as negatively impacting the business or reputation of the business is grounds for dismissal even if done off the clock. The fact that she is engaging in illegal activities (prostitution) means that the she could be arrested at any time as well and would leave the school without an employee.

“She was probably doing something illegal” - no supporting evidence.

Shes an admitted prostitute, that's illegal

It happens all the time” - retarded 12 year old tier tradition fallacy thinking. I’m not saying all prostitutes are perfect citizens but does she really seem as unstable to you as someone with “drinking/drug/gambling problems”?

The point I'm making is that she is not being targeted because she's a hoe, she's being targeted because she is doing something illegal/unsavory. The simple fact that she is more likely to be involved in sex trafficking is a good reason to keep her out of schools. I don't care how many times you've watched pretty women but that's not what being a hoe is like, this lady travels from city to city fucking strangers in a hotel, that's pretty unstable

As long as she isn't teaching teaching little girls to turn tricks or bringing her johns into the classroom, who fucking cares lmao

As long as she isn't teaching teaching little girls to turn tricks

Seeing as she's a blatantly outspoken feminist, you can't tell me that she wasn't doing exactly that.

"Sexual liberation" actually just means selling feet pics and faceless nudes to incels for extra cash. Very liberating!!

Anyone associating with g-slurs is a mistake. Moreso when they don't have a choice.

Meth cooks just follow recipe. Anyone can do that. An actual chemist synthesizing meth would still be a chemist.

By the same regard I can clean and dress wounds and know what drugs to give to help with the pain, but I'm not a doctor.

You're missing the point I was making. Is it really a good idea to add s criminal element to schools? Especially one who is more likely to be involved in sex trafficking

Is it really a good idea to add a criminal element to schools


Especially one who is likely involved in sex trafficking

No. But only because self proclaimed "sex workers" are whiny and annoying.

You don’t need to know fuck all about chemistry to make meth. Many chemistry professors are probably clandestine drug chemists though

You don’t need to know fuck all to take dick for money either.

Yeah but prostitutes are probably a pretty good source of wisdom regarding sex versus some fat shit PE teacher

With that logic meth cooks should teach chemistry.

Well, would you trust more a chemist teacher that cooked meth on the side or one who did not ?


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Meth cooks don't know chemistry, they know the step-by-step process they need to follow in order to get meth. And they're generally terrible with proper lab procedure, hence the reason meth labs tend to blow up a lot.

As a sex worker she's also more likely to be involved in sex trafficking even if she was initially forced into it

The irony is she probably knows more about safe sex than the rest of the faculty combined.

Man if only sex Ed was just about teaching kids how to wear condoms.

I wouldn't want a person who uses sex as a commodity to my kids that I don't have about sex.

Most prostitutes will fuck you raw of you pay them enough, but sure she knows a lot about safe sex .

most prostitutes will fuck you raw of you pay them enough

How much we talking here.

You fucking mark. You gotta give them coke.

Depends when rent is due.

Man if only sex Ed was just about teaching kids how to wear condoms.

In most places sex ed can be summarized as "Don't do it or you'll get pregnant."


"But, I'm a guy, how does that even w-" PREGNANT!

Sex is a commodity.


You're a close minded, anti-globalism, cunt.

safe sex

her profession

Choose one meme

That's unfair, prostitutes only have unprotected sex with clients when they agree to tip an extra $100, they're practically saints

So much more responsible than grandma smh

smh she has the best resume possible and still gets fired, fucking racists

I'm more shocked they had a sex ed teacher i thought they just got the guidance counselor to tell them not to fuck until get pregnant

Chicago is too far north for that sort of teaching.

Did you just think about teaching MY kid ABSTINENCE? Suzy is a #ProudSlut! I will have you fired!


F-cuss off we're full

That comment was the far from rapefugee dialogue, you’re the only one here.

She's a dominatrix, though. They're prostitutes that will beat the shit out of you, but never fuck you.

Lol, even the most hardcore of them has her price.

Hell, I probably have my price.

Hi. I love "travelling" but I spend my life pretending I don't so that I don't get stuck in dead conversations with idiots who claim Cambodia opened up their soul.

Also... £2000?

Only if smells good

Sorry, I don't deal in Monopoly money, Lord Reginald Percival Willybottom III.


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B-slur L-slur A-slur C-slur K-slur


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lmao why do they call non-whores "civvies"

So they can act like being a prostitute is the equivalent to deploying to Iraq.

I mean, both of those things do involve selling your body.

I mean, both involve selling your body. This is why they refer to hurting military members as "damaging government property."

I was once injured while in the military. I was changed at NJP for 3 counts of destruction of government property. One of those counts was for my injuries.

Oh wow. I always thought that was just a meme.

There is a lot of ways to get fucked by the UCMJ. Another time I went up for "Malicious Intent in Following a Lawful Order".

Good old article 134..."Well you didn't do anything wrong...but fuck you anyway".

The military is like the civilian world. A good boss can make shoveling shit rewarding. A bad boss can make the best job a living hell. The problem the military, you can't just tell your jackass boss you quit.

And frankly, only complete fucking morons do 20 year careers in the military. So your upper management is basically made up of idiots.

Did you get chucked out?

He took the NJP so I'm going with a no.

I don't know all this fucking American marine terminology.

It's military in general, the Marines are the smallest branch and part of the Dept of the Navy.

No. I finished my original six year contract and then got out.

"Malicious Intent in Following a Lawful Order"

What did you do?

We had to order replacement parts for a shipyard. I informed my immediate command that the parts we were ordering...we couldn't use at all. They were for a different type of equipment than what we had installed.

My objections were ignored. In the paperwork, I wrote out the issue. Everyone signed off. Six weeks later, we get shipped to us about $90k worth of useless parts.

Since I wrote my objections, the E-9 I had to deal with tried to imply that I knowingly misinformed the division officer, the chief, and then himself the master chief, to make them all look bad.

It got laughed at by the CO at my mast. But it was like the second or third time this E-9 had tried to railroad me and these things would just suck up time I didn't have.

... but did they attempt to court martial you for that? Like bring you before a court?

Saying "It got laughed at by the CO at my mast." sounds similar to corporate politics, but when courts are brought into it, it is a good deal more formal. And what the E-9 did is formally recorded and examined. So if he has a pattern of doing this to you and others, there is a very serious and well documented trail.

So basically you have court martial and you have NJP (Non-judicial punishment).

There are some big differences.

Court martial, you get an attorney and you face severe punishment. You can be in pre-trial confinement and whatnot. Its a very big deal and a long, drawn out procedure.

Most people will never go to court martial.

NJP, you basically go before your commanding officer. You don't get a lawyer. You can make a statement before it starts, but you are a fucking idiot if you do that.

The CO is limited to the total punishment he or she can issue. So like reduction in rank, a fine, confinement for a short period, and bread and water only for a short period.

An NJP, you bascially go to it and the command has already decided what they are going to do to you. Its in your best interest to just shut up and go with the punches. You can request a court martial instead of an NJP, but most people never bother.

I went to NJP three times over four and half years in the fleet. Two times for complete bullshit. The third time was because I deserved it.

Now at the same time period, I received three navy achievement medals. I was the senior mechanic in charge of the forward engine room. So its not like I was a big piece of shit. I just mainly never got a long with an individual who was about four ranks higher than me.

I will say this, after the second NJP against me, the command basically stopped listening to him until he retired.

I was just unlucky to get stuck with this jackass. And unlike the other supervisor, I would not direct his attention to pick on other people, especially people junior to me.

The "Peter Principle" is a massive problem in the military. The best junior officers and NCO's get burned out fast and leave. So the people that are left generally are really shitty at their job.

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"... after the second NJP against me, the command basically stopped listening to him until he retired." - yes this makes sense.


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One time, we had this new kid show up. His English was shit. He is in the office, just going over paperwork with me and the division officer. Just straight from boot camp.

So i just quickly tell the kid in Spanish something like...its okay. Take your time. We are going to work with you to improve your English and your citizenship paperwork is a priority for us.

Its what the kid needed to hear. The E-9 just blurts out "JSD! You speak [slur for Mexicans]?!?"

And of course our division officer is Puerto Rican. And needless to say she took offense. Which started him questioning out loud how the divo got her job without being an American.

The guy was a fucking moron. Took about two years of him doing stupid shit for the command to just ignore him completely.

Last I heard, he was delivering pizzas in the Norfolk VA area

So you never got a good conduct ribbon?

I did. I was 3-0 at NJP.

Chances are good that it's not true or he's not telling the whole story. A popular anecdote is that some private they knew got in trouble for having a sunburn, but what goes unsaid is that the private refused to go to the field or wear his equipment.

You can't get in trouble for getting hurt. You can get in trouble if you got hurt while doing something illegal.

It depends on whether or not your command likes you. Sounds like his command hated him.

Did you do something really stupid that lead to the injuries or did they just want to screw you?

How do you get stuck mortars out of the tube?

Slowly, carefully, and with ample lube

I did not get along with my immediate command. I was the supervisor of the engine room. The E-9 (there are nine enlisted ranks) and I never saw eye to eye on things. SO he would go out of his way just to fuck with me.

And most people that make careers out of the military do so because they can't get a real job.

lol government work

Normally you get disability pay not charged with offenses..

Its all the luck of the draw when it comes to your command. A good command can make your life a lot more pleasant and will have your back. A bad command is living hell.

What branch and what MOS/Rating/AFSC?

USN. Nuclear machinist mate.

Sorry fam but that's funny as shit.

Oh I laugh about it all the time.

Been there done that bro.

Destroy your body to serve the interests of Israel


Destroy your body to serve the interests of dicks

Oh man, you made it weird. Why you gotta make it weird.

Obviously it's worse than that, would you rather take dick in the ass or shoot sand people? Easy choice, all prostitutes deserve a congressional medal of honor.

Honestly I think it's to dehumanize them.

Which is ironic because in the tweet she was saying "we are people"

Kinda counterproductive, eh?

She served 10 turns, mostly between main streets

It's a way of marginalizing a normal person.

Shut up, you heteronormative cis scum

Cissies get out! Out out.

You sometimes see cops on TV/Movies refer to non-criminals as "civilians" (presumably as distinct from cops and criminals) so maybe it comes from that.

I know a few girls who do it and they turn into such cunts in an attempt to act as if camwhoring/this shit is a legitimate job, constantly posting sex worker empowerment memes and neurotically reinforcing the "18+ only" rule on their Twitter/pages because it's the only authority they have

How can they enforce the 18+ rule lmao


I believe they do it by making you advance some evidence of your age, such as a valid credit card.

Only if they call magazines "clips"

Clips are for Marines who can’t spell magazine

yeah that seriously annoys the shit out of me. if you're going to otherize people with regular jobs don't use a phrase that's associated with America's biggest sacred cow 😒

America's biggest sacred cow

is that doctors or teachers?

I lost a gig teaching in an after school program when a kid’s parent saw me in the strip club. Him being in the club? No prob. 🙄

The parent worked at the school?

They should have sent him to the principles office

For a kinky spanking

That's a serious wooosh on her part. What would the school do to the parent? Kick his kid out for having a dad that went to a strip club?

The school should have fired the parent


salami like em

I guess it's hypocritical to say "I don't want someone like me teaching my kids", but is also probably good advice for lots of people.

How is it hypocritical? It’s actually wildly self aware. If you’re a drug addict and you see your kids teacher at your score spot, you should definitely say something to the school. Likewise sex workers are trashy people that we should avoid letting influence children.

Why is it hypocritical? I know I wouldn't be a good teacher, for example.

Oh snap lmao she’s the same one that makes clients study blakkk feminist literature

Unironically the most cucked thing imaginable.


Shouldn't have handed out business cards at the parent teacher conferences i imagine

I’m still tranced out on Montgomery’s card—the classy coloring, the thickness, the lettering, the print—and I suddenly raise a fist as if to strike out at Craig and scream, my voice booming, “No one wants the fucking red snapper pizza! A pizza should be yeasty and slightly bready and have a cheesy crust! The crusts here are too fucking thin because the shithead chef who cooks here overbakes everything! The pizza is dried out and brittle!”

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Our work is valid.

it’s illegal you dumb cunt and stop pretending to not understand this

As long as she isn't teaching little girls to turn tricks or bringing her johns into the classroom, who fucking cares lmao

Something being illegal doesn’t make the work invalid. Not her fault she was born in a country with Puritan sex laws who should’ve been thrown out long ago.

She said valid not legal. Working to end the incel menace is a worthy goal

Implying incels could afford prostitutes

Hey if they're not paying rent they should be able to save up.

Prostitution is illegal, but apparently the fslur in question was moonlighting as a stripper.

Which, I mean, living in Chicago on a teacher's wage? The fuck did this place think she was doing at night?

idk OP said she was hooking

Salary figures provided by the Chicago Public Schools show teachers here have the highest average salary of any city in the nation. But, according to the Chicago Teachers Union’s calculations, Chicago teachers would rank second behind New York City.

A Chicago Public Schools spokesperson said average pay for teachers, without benefits, is $76,000.

Block said the average salary for CTU teachers is actually lower than what CPS claims, by about $5,000. It’s a disparity neither side could explain.

By comparison, teachers in New York City earn an average of $73,751. However, Los Angeles teachers make $67,600. The number drops to about $54,000 in Dallas, and just over $52,000 in Miami.

She's a dominatrix tho. That's legal.

Guys why don't you want a whore teaching your kids?

Stop being so problematic

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Listen, you can fuck sad dudes for cash all you want, but don't start demanding that everyone has to treat you with respect.



We’re not sad we’re disgusting and horny.

Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.

Everyone is missing the greatest takeaway is that shes a dominatrix who forces m@yo men to read bl@ck feminist literature.

She knows sex ed better than anyone. We need to stop condemning and criminalizing sex work.

At first I thought she meant former sex worker but then I realised oh no she's mad that a school doesn't want to employ a prostitute.

When will the oppression against thots end!


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Of course she's a communist and blаck nationalist

She is also an immigrant from Ghana but wants reparations

The absolute state of twitter

Lol she's probably the descendent of the slavers who sent their people to America

Maybe she got fired for her armpit hair color and the fact that she's a hoe was just the pretext.

Thats fucking disgusting, it looks like Doritos dust and I like hairy armpits.

Openly admitting your degeneracy in r/Drama

Based and kinkpilled.


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This is getting out of hand

who are the weirdos who pay for sex with a hairy feminist lady?

I don't want to be a hypocrite, I'd easily fuck the Domme out of her, Dorito armpits be damned.

But I sure as hell wouldn't pay for it, fuck that.

Analyzing women love using the word agency

Whores getting mad because everyone hates them lol

Wonder how they found out she was a sex worker?

I mean... who better to teach them?

They really fucked her over.

Just more proof that anyone who works in the sex industry, legally or not, has nothing of value to add to society other than being masturbatory AIDs.

God bless America!

I wonder if she pays her taxes on it

You going to start thotaudit Mk2?

How dare these schools not want the kids their in charge of to be near a literal prostitute.

As if its somehow wrong or shameful to work in an industry that pays poorly for 99% of people, cant be done the second your looks start to inevitably fade halfway through your 20s, and is filled with massive amounts of crime, drugs, and abuse.

massive amounts of crime, drugs, and abuse.

Don't forget slavery.

Why did you call her a chick? Like genuinely asking.

The obvious reason.


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Isn't this is the plot to Milk Money ?

"prostitution is a real job!"

no because it's illegal in most areas and therefore the government usually does not recognize it as such. how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?

i mean even with the legal jobs like stripping you gotta expect some people to at least look down on how open you are with that shit. you're going into something that's very controversial- you should know this. it's the trade off for making tons of dosh easily.