An almost cruel glimmer of hope for ricecels :(

172  2019-04-05 by ArlenBilldozer


My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


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Is he wearing one of Ming’s suits?

Is that Mugsy Bogues?

Fo shizzle.

Yao's head is almost as big as his entire torso. Mugsy must have loathed the showers. His line of sight is basically eye to dick for any power forwards or centers on his team.

Muggs can still dunk. Yao can't even jump. :(

Mugsy blocking Ewing was one of the craziest things in basketball

I felt like Mugsy passed the torch to Nate Robinson, but now we don't have anyone for him to pass the torch to.

Apparently Isaiah Thomas is the shortest now at 5' 9" but he hardly plays due to injuries. Now that the game has moved to shooting so many 3s it seems like it would be a golden age for manlet pgs/sgs.

Ya Boston really fucked him over.

But you're right this is a golden opportunity for the less athletically gifted to take advantage of what the NBA has become (which I hate).

lol I thought it was Kevin Hart.

Holy shit, am the size of hi dick

Dis look shooped, there's only a 2 foot difference between them

Those #YangBucks doing work. 👏

It’s 👏NOT👏 over for Yangcels

but i am 5'5 :(

It never started for you, so you can't miss what you never had! 🤗

ding dong vrs ching chong which is bigger?

Basketball, the leaf answer to "Can we make a sport shittier than baseball?"

5’11 vs 6’0


Selective breeding programs by the Chinese government are their only hope.


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Bet the 🅱️lack guy is still more hung than him though.