The (((vegetarians))) are trying to destroy good bussy

48  2019-04-05 by queerjihad

I bought some weird vegetarian "meat" made from chickpeas that was on sale because it's close to expiring. I made falafels from it and ate it with some beef like 20 minutes ago.

My stomach is in fucking cramps right now and I think I'm about to have explosive diarrhea. The (((falafel industry))) is clearly behind this islamophobic attack on my bowels.


What is the difference between a chickpea and a garbanzo? I have never paid to have a garbanzo on my face.


Sounds like you got some much needed extra fiber πŸ₯¬

Don't be a mod just eat meat

ok Mr. Esquimaux

its over for healthy stomach flora and mucous cels

they are trying to destroy good bussy

proof: my bussy got destroyed

bold claim OP. post bussy.

Post Bussy Chud

sry sweetie, im too bussy to take a pic of it rn πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


I guess they don’t like tossed salad.

You shat all over your wifes' dick, didn't you?