Jussie Smollett to Chicago: “up yours”.

104  2019-04-05 by Ghdust2



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I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


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Imagine how solid his brass ones feel juking the justice system like this

Honestly this is just reparations for all of the injustices of the past.

OJ died for this

OJ is alive you’re thinking about Rodney king

OJ killed Rodney King for this.

I actually thought Rodney King was still alive, and was trying to be funny. TIL Rodney king died in 2012 from chronic high blood pressure.

The juice is still on the loose lmao

imagine how easy its going to be to dismiss black peoples complaints about stuff in chicago now

"oh he probably just faked it"

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Imagine committing one of the dumbest crimes possible, and getting away because the local PD is somehow even dumber. I'd be smug as fuck too, we truly live in the greatest timeline.

Ever see those videos where the monkey tugs the tigers tail

because the local PD is somehow even dumber.

You mean "because you're politically connected with the Obamas, Kamala Harris and State Attorney Kim Foxx."

The real cope


He means you wish you were

muh OBUMMER and kamalalalala




You really think a Z-tier actor who has only met those guys once at press events has that much pull??

He may not be "politically connected", but if you think the case against him was dropped for anything but political reasons from higher up, then you belong in /r/politics.


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The PD was fine, thorough even, it was the DoJ that looked the other way. The police are pissed about it.

Not the DoJ (that's federal). It's the prosecutor's office that decided not to charge him at all. Kim Foxx has taken quite a bit of flak for it.

I'm referring to Kim Foxx as, I suppose, the local DoJ. I admit that I may be using a misnomer.

The fuck are you on about? The PD did their job. The DA were the ones to go full r tard.

It's the smart thing to do, tbh. Paying voluntarily would basically be the same as admitting guilt. Let 'em sue and see if they win, if they do and you're forced to pay, that's very different.

It’s really the only move

uh oh heere come the npcs. i have heard this exact line like 100 x about this. i am startin to feel like neo in the matrix (final scene movie 1)

Doing anything that could legally be interpreted as admitting guilt, like saying "I'm sorry" after being in a car accident is extremely stupid. Jussie paying the money is basically the equivalent of doing just that. Having common sense and a sense of self preservation != NPC you fucking mong.

where did u read that? /r/legaladvice ? i am a lawyer n considered an expert.

does not mean nething

lole i like this guy

follow my reddit profile

Such as forfeiting his $10k bail or the alleged community service he performed?

16 whole hours of community service. lol

Settling a case does not operate as a legal admission of guilt. That's kind of the point of a settlement.

Right, but this isn't the same as settling a case. This is CPD saying "You made us spend $130k to investigate a false report, so we want you to reimburse us." and Jussie saying "Shit, you right." and paying the $130k. It's not a settlement, it's a reimbursement.

Right, but this isn't the same as settling a case.

Yeah, it is. The City threatened a civil suit to recover the costs of investigation. It is seeking a civil, not criminal, remedy. Smollett could have settled that suit with the City for an undisclosed amount and no admission of wrongdoing (and no associated legal consequences beyond being obligated to pay the money).

Instead, he went the more dramatic route, and god bless him for it.

OK, I see what you're saying and you're right. Still and f-slur, but you right.

But a civil settlement would not exclude him from future criminal prosecution. If he settles with the city, that makes him look pretty fucking guilty regardless of any actual admission and provided a DA who isn't on the take is elected or appointed before the statute of limitations runs out, the threat of future prosecution is real.

No, the criminal settlement (plea agreement) already did that. (Also, there are statutes that forbid using a civil settlement as evidence of guilt in a subsequent criminal trial.)

The criminal charges have already been resolved and dismissed with prejudice. Charging him again for the same incident would be barred, sort of like double jeopardy (it's not technically "double jeopardy" but the same basic rule would apply).

Wait a minute. There was actually a fucking plea agreement in the criminal case? I thought they just withdrew the charges. How the fuck did they make a deal without him pleading guilty or even an admission of guilt? Like when has the DA, in any jurisdiction, ever voluntarily taken a complete L without going to trial?

unironically npcposting

i love it cause u libtards always get triggered over it. even months later.

Stfu. This isn’t a conserv sub. It’s rad cent.

We dont want your dumbass “cnn talking points” shit.

Think of an original insult or gtfo

uh oh ! is the libtard triggered cause i am in his safe space ?

U rtard, check my post history. I’m a reg on thedohnald.

Im just not awtistic enough to go into a new sub and not learn their culture.

This sub isn’t for your seriousposting garbage.


"i-i-m a don ald poster randy. p-pls stop makin fun of me. .w-we are allies right ?"

Dealing w/ rightoids this ♿️♿️♿️ makes me 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮

It’s disgusting to see a child imitating an early stage Alzheimer boomer.

You don’t have to become the thing that touched you.

Do better, be better sweatie

i guess i did not think bout it the way u just put it. follow my reddit profile to prove ur n ally

r-slur i hate you so much

I’m a reg on thedohnald.


Damn straight, these fucking refugees need to integrate into the superior drama culture. Imagine thinking one could just waltz in here, fresh off the latest banned right wing sub, and just shit all over hard working dramatards' ancient and venerable culture? Busy nationalism, that's what we need.

Winning a civil case against Jussie still proves his guilt, just not beyond a reasonable doubt. If it goes to court and he loses, then that would have been worse than paying voluntarily. He's taking his chances with a jury and my non-lawyer guess is that he might be able to get a more favorable jury in a civil court than a criminal one.

proves his guilt

just not beyond a reasonable doubt

Civil law vs. criminal law: Burden of proof

Another significant distinction between civil and criminal cases is what it takes for a party to win a case. In either trial, the accuser must meet a burden of proof—essentially an obligation to prove or back up the claims being made. Criminal cases, and the serious penalties that can accompany them, require a higher bar to be met than civil cases. In criminal law, the standard is that the accused are guilty of committing a crime “Beyond a reasonable doubt.”

For civil cases, the burden of proof is lower—usually based on the “Preponderance of evidence” or “Clear and convincing” standards. These different standards can seem a bit frustrating to those who aren’t familiar with them. You’ve likely heard of criminal cases where the evidence makes the accused seem like they’re probably guilty but they were not convicted. In these cases, criminal defense attorneys worked to poke holes in the credibility of the evidence and witnesses presented to create reasonable doubt among jurors.

Just sayin'.

Saying what?

Saying that the standards of proof are much lower in civil cases than in criminal cases, so winning a civil case is much easier than a criminal one. Apples and oranges, dude.

Yes, this is why I explicitly said "not beyond a reasonable doubt". It's not apples to oranges. Losing a civil case still means he has been proven culpable, just under a looser standard. They're still going to produce evidence that he lied, whereas if he did not fight this, it would blow over.

Paying voluntarily would basically be the same as admitting guilt.

Didn't he already admit that and blamed drugs or something?

It's the idea that he needs to be careful not to admit to what 98% of the nation already knows he did, is what I find funny. All he's doing is ensuring that the spotlight stays on him, his legal bills continue to go up (along with the penalties and interest on the $130k). And people in this thread are saying it's a smart move? LOL it's as consistently stupid as everything he'd done to date.

Plus he can incorporate his history into his character of Empire next season

this guy is going to be so fucked lmao he thinks hes invincible because he knows kamala harris and the obamas

also says hes innocent still and that all that stuff happened lol

Dont push your luck, Jussie. Or do, for drama's sake

We need to mod Jussie 🤭

Democrats need to nominate him.

Aw, Jussie you messed up. Now they get to haul you to court and put on all the evidence they didn't get to present in the criminal case. Shoulda just paid that bill, son. Shoulda just paid that bill.

Cope. Jussie will unfortunately never see a day in prison.

I wouldn’t expect a civil trial to end with a prison sentence but I’ve been surprised before.

Hate to say it, but there is a 100% chance this scumbag will get away with it completely again. No reason to get your hopes up

Hate to say it, but there is a 100% chance this scumbag will get away with it completely again.

Good. Fuck M-slurs lmao.

He personally will, but my hopes are still up that the Postal Inspector will come out with something about his patrons around October 2020.

That doesn't even cover a single golf trip for Donnie Moscow. lol

But what about Drumpf!!!

Both of you should be banned for being so low iq.

Your face should be banned. From the public. Because it's gross. Like u

Orange fan mad?

Based Jussie BTFOing everybody who reeed @ him 😹👌

The Man: Okay we’ll let you go but you could at least pay for your fuck up.

Jussie: I wouldn’t even pay child support why would I pay that?

Only in America can a little lesbian black girl grow up to be a giant dickbag.

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Only in America can a little lesbian African girl grow up to be a giant dickbag.

Don’t you people think it’s ironic that Daddy defense force is obsessed with this story while they couldn’t care less that the DA that lets Jerrefy Epstine off is currently working at the Whitehouse 🤔🤔🤔