[TW: Gaming Drama] Blizzard bans 👌

89  2019-04-05 by japsock


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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Might as well ban everything.



4chan literally set out to make 👌 a hate symbol to show how easy the media will run any story.

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Being well adjusted is.

The western society is so polluted that the sane people appears to be the insane

bottom text

cant even say society anymore without getting memed on

Yeah and then the actual nazis started doing it “ironically” and here we are now

Steph Curry praises Hitler everytime he makes a 3. I can't believe how widespread Naziism is among basketball players.

Point is that 👌 is actually being used a hate symbol and hence /pol/ is retarded for laughing about the media reporting on 👌 when unironic white supremacists are using it as a racist symbol.

It doesn't justify Blizzard's ban of 👌, but I don't mind it because in the end it hurts the gamers.

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Black basketball players confirmed for white supremacists.

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Blåck basketball players confirmed for whïte supremacists.

(Three tries it took me to post this. X-slur theory is HARD.)

Is that the excuse you're gonna go with?

Its that the story for the swastika

I mean a guy killed fifty people and was flashing it, at what point do people realize that it’s beyond irony

/pol/ might have set out to to make it ironic and make fun of libs, and they surely succeeded. But when some r-slur thinks sees the ironic gesture and takes it as being in serious company, it goes beyond intention

So if somebody takes this place seriously and starts the unironic mayocide, are we all to blame? Friggen r-slurs, I swear.

I mean in a way yeah lol. There’s a reason we child proof shit instead of letting the little fuckers fall on their heads

How to raise a child who walks into door handles

So if somebody takes this place seriously and starts the unironic mayocide, are we all to blame?

Don't mind me, just keeping a copy of this comment in case it turns out to be Exhibit B in some future court case.

And by "actual nazis" you mean "internet dorks critical of other internet dorks"

No I mean the actual nazis

Image boards should have stopped being relevant years ago yet somehow they still are. Power of autism I guess. I’m impressed.

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Can 4chan make mayos breathing a hate symbol next?

I saw /b/ was working on making KiKKoman soy sauce a hate symbol this morning, truly a vicious strike at the heart of the modern mayo diet

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Goddammit rewriting to avoid the magic rules:

I saw /b/ was working on making KiKKoman $oy $auce a hate symbol, truly a vicious strike at the heart of the modern mayo diet

Make corn and corn derivatives racist, burger-americans will starve to death in a matter of days.


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educate yourself

Smug cunts like this deserve the wall. He probably even knows he's wrong, yet his mоngoloid ass insists on pretending to both be right and patronising over it

>Gonna have to lock these two threads, you guys have had your fun. /r/CompetitiveOverwatch isn't the place for politics and there have been a significant number of people breaking Rule #1.









Do you guys not have phones?

Blizzard should ban gamers in general.