Chapotard Thinks Bernie Sanders is a Fascist.

111  2019-04-06 by GodOfDarknessWine


I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least Iโ€™m not an incel


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They've been saying this for years on subs like /r/socialism.

wait a second... i am actually suprised about chapo's wokeness! i thought that they love Sanders!

guess it means that means only Omar and AOC can do no wrong

So what is "social fascism"?

A term invented by Marxists in the 1930s to describe Social Democrats, primarily in Germany where Commies refused to work with the Soc-Dems. You know how Libertarians claim Nazis are leftists because they want a welfare state? It's basically that, but switched. Soc-Dems are Fascists because like Fascists, they support welfare capitalism.

In retort, Soc-Dems started calling them Red-Fascists. Because like Orwell said, everyone has been called a Fascist by someone.

Because like Orwell said, everyone has been called a Fascist by someone

Sounds like something a fascist would say


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I hope instead of BLM 'activists' he gets interrupted by antifa looking to bash the fash on his next Seattle visit. Chapotards v Old Man, fight!

He's too soft on them. If only Hitchens was alive, without cancer and was able to run as President. A Hitchens 2020 run would trigger chapo and MAGAcels. A true Radical Centrist.

Words really have lost all meaning

Sorry for my ignorance, but are chapotards actual communists? I assumed that chapotards were like hardcore social democrats, bordering on commie but not quite. "Social Fascism" is a commie term.

I think most of them are radical liberals. There's a growing amount of commie and anarchists there who are fighting for control. The tankies are mobilizing their tanks and trying to initiate a hostile takeover of Chapo.

It's hilarious that these fools support open borders, when the shitshow that is their subreddit is a perfect model of why open borders doesn't work.

Same thing with every far left subreddit, it's a sandbox for their special ideology that demonstrates it cannot work in reality.

They are hipster left. They liked Bernie before he sold out type

No I think โ€œfascismโ€ as a term is largely meaningless, it could mean anything. Sanders is certainly a social fascist.

Solid thought process.

Assuming Chapotards think. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

but it was a chapo jannie that exposed him

the buzzword im about to utter has completely lost its meaning, but believe me THIS time itโ€™s Been applied correctly

Bernie canโ€™t be a fascist. He falls asleep at 4:30pm ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

Commie Grandpa is the best. He should start calling the Chapo's 'Anti Semites'. Use that on the Neolibs and Neocons.

Heโ€™s such a dreidel ๐Ÿ‘


Sanders gets cucked by 2 fat negresses and a walking corpse masquerading as a presidential elect and they think consider him worthy and intimidating to label him as an enemy. I ask them again; Do they really want to go to war with the right?



Isn't that a bit redundant?

This is your brain on socialism