r/SlaughteredByScience: "Gender or sex is not stable enough to divide the populus by. Just give us unisex bathrooms." Ewwww. Tr**nies.

33  2019-04-06 by GodOfDarknessWine


On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about β€œblood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


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A benis is pretty stable imo

I'm against unisex only bathrooms because I don't want to wait in line for half an hour to take a 30 second piss

I really hate the Tr**ny craze. I can see the appeal of the old days, when lunatics weren't obsessed with changing genders, and men pretending to be women.

More drama back then. All the current McFaggots who are too fat to know hate or anger were working hard to be better at war and political bs than their neighbors.

One thing I'd like to know, will there be urinals in these unisex bathrooms? I have never seen them before. A unisex bathroom with no urinals is like the worst of all worlds. Dudes annoyed at the slower and more onerous urinating process, pissing all over toilet seats leaving women and transwomen to have to deal with it, because dudes don't even need to sit. Longer waiting time because now everyone has to use stalls to piss.

I suspect urinals won't be in these bathrooms because women won't be very happy washing their hands next to guys grabbing their exposed dicks to piss in urinals.

Anyone from one of these c-slured nordic countries interested in enlightening me on how large unisex bathrooms work?

Not a nord-slur but I've seen some unisex bathrooms that have urinals. Some of them have like separate rooms for them.

Bathrooms that are just segregated bathrooms inside gender neutral bathrooms is some galaxy brain shit

It's just the urinals though. A more correct term would be gender-neutral shitting bathrooms.

One thing I'd like to know, will there be urinals in these unisex bathrooms?

There will be at first, but then they'll complain about male privilege of having both a urinal and toilet as an option.

Global warming is real and is the most important issue ever but we also need to replace low flow urinals with regular high water use toilets for equality since it’s the most important issue ever

Why don't they just have an "other" bathroom for the rest??

Aw shucks, normal is categorized as "other" now!

Fish dab on the binary tropical style, motherfucker. 🐠 🦈 🐑🐟

I have had a look on the comments, and this sub pretty much reeks of ignorance. Harmful ignorance. You can point and laugh, sitting in your glass palace, but oh boy you sit with some ugly company...

Don't mind if I do!

Nice. A glass palace sounds fucking sick tbh. But like strong glass.



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It's over for circuscels and honklets


Also slaughtered by science sounds like the name of a Josef Mengele fan subreddit

Translation: "I want to be able to perv on underage girls in the bathroom and the only reason they don't like it is because it is a 'learned behavior' and a 'social construct'"

That's why bathrooms should be segregated by age, and not gender/sex.

So where do you draw the perv line?

Just like everything else, at the age of 18.

Ok picture these scenarios 56 year old sex offender and hot 18 year old blonde same shitter or 6 year old girl with 2, 17 year old dudes. Is this your idea of WOKE safespace?


I love how these people keep pretending like those who suffer from genetic disorders are some how a valid example of a gender spectrum. Mother fucker they are a mistake, just like me.

I wonder if people with body integrity identity disorder feel validated in cutting off their healthy limbs because some babies are born missing arms and legs.

Everyone in social science suffer from genetic disorders

A sex binary doesn't exist because fish and intersex. Checkmate, TERFS 😎😎😎

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A sex binary doesn't exist because fish and intersex. Checkmate, T E R FS 😎😎😎

Literal lobster-daddy tier argument but it backs my opinion so it's ok.

They say they are a biologist, but all I'm seeing is a pseudo-intellectual with a t-slur fetish.

Honk honk

Oh nice another subreddit were r*dditors pretend they aren’t just as retarded as the rest of this World

Neither of these people are biologists.

Unisex bathrooms are going to make public restroom masturbation so much more exciting.