Please steal our wyman

128  2019-04-06 by cuuuuuuck



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You are absolutely delusional or completely ignorant if you imagine that gender studies/theory isn't central to all contemporary human sciences.

I teach art history and I set aside a specific lecture to discuss feminist theory each semester, because without it, contemporary art doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

I just gave a talk on cyberpunk at an academic conference literally hours ago, and guess what, gender theory made an appearance via Harraway's Cyborg Manifesto.

Your ignorant reactionary degenerate buddies aren't going to win this, even if they ban it from schools, because that's not how important ideas work. Banned books still get read, sometimes even more purposefully then allowed books.

Bust down, thotiana

love that memory

Nothing more obnoxious than a drunk girl.

Than a drunk wh*te girl

Drunk 🥴 broads across all races are equally annoying

That's just simply not true. I've seen various scientific peer reviewed articles and FBI statistics showing that drunk wh*te girls in particular are the most obnoxious think on this planet.

good old table 43

Despite being only 13% of the drunk population

Wh*te girl wasted is an especially heinous THOT crime.

Especially if you’re not mayo. Don’t steal 👩🏽👩🏾👩🏿 mayo culture.


And they're always drunk because they just have to krrp up with the men who can actually handle their alcohol. Then they get shit faced and the men who just got a light buzz have to watch after the poor puking girl who officially ruined everyone's night. This happened to me 70 times in college it's the worst

Wow you sound like a l-slur honestly. The rest of us just leave them puking and go home

Well then you're a bitch tbh

And you're a male feminist

I can't tell if you're being ironic or not

I have no idea what the fuck you think you’re doing, but it’s really stupid of you to take care of drunk women. They’re literally property - just pick one up and chuck her back with the other puking beauties when you’re done

Shit please keep talking down to me I'm almost there 😩

Me too thanks

It's r/Drama. You're not supposed to care.

Hey idiot, it's r/drama. That means I'm supposed to hate women while simultaneously helping them out of their bullshit. It's called radical centrism and you're a disgrace if you can't understand that

I have been schooled 😢

Just fuck them. When they're that drunk, they're always horny and even if they aren't, they don't really resist.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on there rapey mcgee! r/MensLib is this way --->

tfw no introverted anti social girlfriend who'll rather stay in with you on Fridays and the weekend instead of going out 😔

That's what waifu pillows are for u lonely fuck...

sure but Sawako-sensei is just an awful conversationalist

right, Sawako-sensei?


Date someone over 30

I think I wouldn't mind the age gap and dating an older woman if I still found her attractive.

The social stigma though ...

I was waiting for there to be a dog tbh.

My expectations were subverted tbh.


never have we needed mayocide more

just the w*men, then asian gfs for all

You mean just the me'n. Then the hwite grills will get fucked by bbc and Arabic dicc

Okay how about this, all of the wh’ite femoids go to the n-slur men and the cumskins are left with nothing because we wouldn’t have gotten a girlfriend either way

They're likely siblings and yes they totally bang.

They're likely siblings

That look on his face says otherwise. That's the look of a man who has just come home from a party or club/event, where his girlfriend got too drunk and spent the whole night either annoying or flirting with random strangers. He looks like he's just spent a few hours either trying stop men from fucking his drunk girlfriend, or trying to defuse arguments she's caused. Now they're home and he's at breaking point, and she's fucking twerking on the floor.

Or, that face says that he can't believe what his sister is doing.

I can't believe my little sister could get so shitfaced.

I always envision the girl sauntering, sorta wobbling, away from a nightclub as it explodes behind her like an 80s action movie, completely oblivious to the chaos she's caused.

trying to defuse arguments she's caused.

You know it's mostly this. But in her defense Becky was being a total bitch.

lol no, he's obviously not dating her

So that's his sister?

Ashamed bro or shy "friend".

this is oddly specific

this is oddly specific

femmeroids are oddly predictable

Baste and Alabamapilled

Pakistan pilled would be far more accurate

This but unironically


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You guys sound boring as fuck, I’d definitely party with this girl.

if you want to bang th0ts and get all sorts of gifts from them that's your concern

I’m not banging hoes just wanna party with them and do blow off their tits. Enjoy watching NetfliX with your cat this evening

What a bunch of prudes.

Sure, the sub is overrun by CA now, but it used to be a bunch of incels and every once in awhile they still make themselves known.

Gesus, get laid. You people disgust me.

🤓🤓🤓 👀 🤭🤢🤮


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You must be a friendless shut in, having to deal with some dumbarse who can't handle their booze embarrassing themselves then throwing up on the drive home ruins everyone's night.

Men do it too but it's not as notorious as the sloshed girl.

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I’d definitely party with this girl... on muh dick (if you know what I mean)

catch my drift? nudge nudge? wink wink?

Have fun with your






When she has children, they will grow up and find this on the intarwebs, and will be confused.

mayo women


We're good

Women aren’t even fuck-worthy any more.