If I hated a group of people I might have a reason to live because I would want to kill that group of people

52  2019-04-06 by MoreProfessor3


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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don't worry people, he's gonna kill himself in 5 years anyway.

This is the sort of edgy person whose favorite game is "Hatred" unironically.

Imagine trying to sound like a badass only to come off as a huge pu$$y.

I have been punching walls since I was 1 years old its very therapeutic


Are you saying you don't support the mayocide? Excuse me? Do you know where you are?


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He seems as mentally stable as any Chapo user


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downvoting lolcows

Be better OP

This is why we can’t have nice things (insert clap emojis)

99% chance they don't punch, but slightly tap some shitty americana McMansion whole that you could sneeze the hole in. I once accidentally bitch-slapped a commieblock wall in sleep. Knowing how much this shit hurts really dissolves all the "punching walls" bullshit.