Wedding Disaster
6 2019-04-06 by homosapien_not
B: Bride TK: My Aunt R: Evil Aunt EG: Entitled Grandma ME: me
So a little backstory. My aunt was planning to get married on June 6th. The original plan was for me to be a junior bridesmaid, R to be the maid of honor, my mom to be a bridesmaid, and TK to also be a bridesmaid. Now a couple months before the wedding there was drama like there always is, and B had kicked my mom and aunt out of the wedding. Of course me and my sister were still in because are mom wasn’t a mean person, but I still wasn’t happy about it.
At the actual wedding, it went pretty smooth I looked half decent in my dress, and they got married. Now come the wedding reception party, oh god. It didn’t even feel like B’s wedding EG and her husband entered first with that stupid presidents music playing, and I was uncomfortable entering since I’m a shy kid.
Now being I was in the wedding party I was supposed to sit at the wedding table, nope I sat with my family who attended the wedding. Now the family that I was with they weren’t to fond of B, R, and EG, and they weren’t to fond of the family so they sat them in the very back corner of the room. I had a pretty great time talking with TK and my other grandma.
Now you might be wondering where the real drama kicks in well... after the reception party I left with my grandma and grandpa in their car. We had just arrived home and I got a call from TK. Apparently my uncle had gotten jumped by a group of firemen. Ok so my grandpa (EG’s wife) was a former firemen and invited his buddies to the wedding so that’s where they came from. My uncle had been drinking that night and had gotten drunk. He told my grandma how much of a horrible person he was and proceeded to leave, but the firemen the didn’t let him they formed a circle around him and STARTED PUNCHING HIM!!!
Now my cousin was there and when he saw this he went off, he started kicking and punching them including my moms dad, who is over 70 years old, and what were people doing this whole time? The groom was watching telling my cousin(17 at the time) to stop and pretty much just watch his dad get beat up, TK jumped in and started beating them with her shoe, and EG and her husband were watching. Not even helping, watching.
Later EG and her husband threatened to press charges, but if they did we knew we would win because 1) They attacked a person under the influence for no reason 2) They hit my cousin who was a minor 3) They were firemen... this would not look good on them whatsoever
We ended up FINALLY cutting contact with them all!!! My mom recently asked if I wanted to see EG and I was like hahahahhahahahahahahahahahah!!!! No.
1 le_epic_xd_part_2 2019-04-06
Are you taking creative writing lessons? If so, they aren't working
1 homosapien_not 2019-04-06
Oh I’m sorry English isn’t my first language. I’m also terribly sorry that I have to be a skilled writer in order to tell a story that happened to me. If you don’t want to read it then don’t, just don’t let your big ego bud into my business. Thank you and again I’m sorry that my bad writing just affected your life you irrelevant ass.
1 le_epic_xd_part_2 2019-04-06
Ok rętard.
1 homosapien_not 2019-04-06
Whatever. And sorry I took so long to respond I actually have a love unlike you, who probably just spends your whole day picking on other people. You low-life.
1 le_epic_xd_part_2 2019-04-06
1 Rentokill_boy 2019-04-06
hah this is excellent, A*
1 WiggityWatchinNews 2019-04-06
Stopped reading when you said your aunt got banned from her own wedding