Olga and Katie and are making a podcast! Ask us anything!

111  2019-04-06 by kxvz


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening.


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I'm not mentally challenged but I am definitely socially disabled. I'm not into huffing glue because that's not healthy. Alcohol and most other drugs are also not a good idea, especially for Auts, as we are prone to addictive behaviors. I encourage those with harmful addictions to seek evidence-based treatments such as the Seeking Safety program, dialectical behavioral therapy, and naltrexone.

Imagine being so damaged you serious post at the bot.

I know it's a bot. You read my reply to it anyway. I win!

Win what? My newfound conviction that paying disabled people below minimum wage is justified?

I win you hearing what we have to say. People need to listen to Auts and quit trying to speak over us.

Stop mumbling

Learn to hear my message through the words. I don't mumble. I have good enunciation, but am often so socially inappropriate that no one will actually listen to my meaning.

Like many Auts, I use a lot of echolalia in my communication. I repeat things that I hear and then spend hours repeatedly editing the phrases until it seems like there is some chance that my words will be recieved positively. I'm often wrong and get banned and end up in some of the worst parts of the internet (e.g. this sub) where I learn increasingly inappropriate communication methods.

This got steadily worse ever since I started trying to post online to talk to people and eventually began to repeat some stuff that was essentially hate speech. Finally I got a message from a very kind Christian Aut whose username is u/DaffodilsTigerlilies. She accepted my rude communication and we struck up a friendship. She taught me through patient example how to communicate better with Nauts.

Over the following months, it became clear to both of us that her life in Flint was not normal, that she has Stockholm syndrome, that her "husband" is a violent criminal, that her neices and nephews were in serious danger, and that she needed help to get away without being killed.

We worked together to make a plan for her to get away safely, with the help of a few other trusted friends. The rescue did not go at all as planned because people rarely are willing to listen to Auts and think that they know better than us what we need to live lives of peace and dignity.

Despite all odds, she is safe, I am safe, the cats are safe, and she even managed to rescue her cookbook, which is why one of the things that we wrote about on Patreon is that she will write by hand a copy of a recipe to people who enjoy our podcast and want something that is very special to Katie.

This shit is far from over and we are going to be fighting for the rest of our lives. There are still women trapped in the same sort of slavery as Katie suffered and which I was nearly caught in when trying to help her.

This is not just about getting help for Katie and I. As long as God grants us breath, we will continue to fight and destroy every obstacle that Satan puts in our way. God willing, we are going to change the world and we are going to make things better and we are going to abolish slavery. Hopefully you will be able to understand our message through these words so that you might decide to join us.



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Good bot

Bots are nailing it today.

It pinged but I can't


we will continue to fight and destroy every obstacle that Satan puts in our way.

Genuine mental illness, getting rid of insane asylums was a mistake.


Nice, you should check out /r/gangstalking

for other people to take you seriously, you have to demonstrate that you're worth being taken seriously. Just being autistic doesn't cut it. I hope you take care of those cats you found tho

on the other hand we have the 19th amendment and wom*n still have nothing worth saying


A cringefugee's ideas are less valuable than used tissue

been here and there longer than you fxid

imagine bragging about how long you've been on a gossip forum on reddit 🤣🤣🤣

silence xxfugee. cursed axe-wound haver. fxmoid.


reminder that you were kicked out of the garden of eden and cursed for eternity


Yah, cursed to have to put up with ret@rds like you 😴

So were you buddy 😏😏😏

User reports
1: Snally you’re so cute when you get mad 🥰
user reports:
1: Snally you’re so cute when you get mad 🥰

She is tho

I hope you take care of those cats you found tho

Ok snally, you've convinced me. I'm calling the cops on them

The cats are being cared for to the best of our abilities. They have food and water and a clean litter box. We will be getting them to the vet as we get better connected with resources.

You guys can't take care of yourselves, what makes you think you're fit to take care of animals?

You are intentionally rude and I am blocking you now.

Have fun killing those cats

are you sure you have the means to take care of those cats?

you dont have any jobs and you dont have a house from what i know, i feel like it would be good to give those cats to a stable family

I'm hoping to be able to do that with this podcast. I tend to come off very abrasively but Katie is super polite and good at getting me to shut up and let her explain what I'm trying to say without being so offensive. She often is too passive in saying what needs to be said, so I'll help her by being more aggressive about the things that require asking. Because of her abuse, she's scared to even ask for things, let alone literally shout at people about how they are violating our civil rights as people with serious disabilities.


I don't see my comment here. I thought I already replied to this question. We are doing what we can to show why people should listen, though we are really traumatized right now and focusing more on self-care and following the safety plans. The cats are doing well.


Damn I was hoping you were one of those non verbal ones

We both become orally or entirely non-communicative under enough stress. We are capable of high-level communication via scripting and echolalia under the right circumstances.


Can you help me find a girlfriend

Maybe. What kind of person are you and what kind of people do you like to interact with? What does girlfriend mean to you? What kind of relationships do you want to have with people?

Im a PROUD hideous alcoholic troll manchild who spends all day online shitposting. I interact with no one in real life.

Is it a happy life?


Why do you get a girlfriend and not benefit society but he doesn't?

I'm not sure what you mean by girlfriend, but I think that unequal resources under capitalist patriarchy result in men being valued for their ability to secure resources and provide safety and not on their inherent value as people.

Here is a very interesting article about Marxist Japanese incels. I would like to see more of this optimistic and revolutionary thinking in the Reddit incel communities.


Yes but putting somebody in control of the money and spreading it out always means it won't be spread out evenly. So, it's not a capitalism thing, it's a reality thing.

Are you familiar with anarcho-syndicalism?


Yes I am, why would somebody work without wages?

Because wages are slavery and you don't need money if you have a community.

Please help and feed your kitten. You are naive to reality. Community does not care of you, and will need to consume you. Resources are finite and suffering is infinite.


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On further thought, I do benefit society. I make an effort to connect with others and help them connect with one another. By helping to form a radically accepting, Aut-positive communication network, I am creating value to my society and am appreciated for that. I think the willingness to sacrifice one's own comfort in private solitude and go out into the world to fix a real problem is an attractive quality. It is one that I am trying to cultivate in myself, and I guess other people notice it and also find it attractive. I think that anyone else can also achieve this self-improvement if they keep trying.


drools all over you


Our ranks are large

Can I add 🤠 to this? Cowboys were incel alcoholics for months at a time and people think THEY are pretty cool


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I feel personally attacked

Huh... You aren't one of my alts ::thinking::

So you were only pretending! 🙄

imagine ruining this excellent thread with a greenpost


Sorry sweaty but this is a mod playground. You're swinging from my set 😘


yoooo would swing on your set 😍

Hot. Send nudes.

Ok Buddy you win this one

People with PCOS who are too fat to defend themselves or run away are fun to abuse. I like to take a spoon, heat it up until it's glowing hot, then place it on the skin while they're asleep. The reaction when they wake up after the 25th time of being burned by a redhot piece of metal is amazing. You can literally piecemeal their mental stability down to complete insanity, then leave them in their own homes helpless and alone. :DDDDDDDDDD


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I'm Olga (Ruk).

Hi I'm collectively the FBI and we need you to let us in to search your apartment

Specifically the sock drawer

What do you want from my sock drawer? The Patreon explains that you can make special requests. If you want my socks just let me know and I'll probably mail them to you.


If you want my socks just let me know and I'll probably mail them to you.

This is amazing.

Why? So long as I can find new socks, what need do I have for my current ones anymore?


Your logic is flawless.

Personal property is a sin.

Do you have any merino wool socks?

I have Darn Tough socks. I think they are wool but I don't know which kind. Where is it that the is wet weather in the summer?

I go on waterways a lot. Also it's not summer for a few months.

Gonna need fully clothed but tasteful full body pics of everyone involved including socked feet so I can decide.

What if I don't have feet tho

lol that second one is pretty good.

it's like my buddy who is missing half his middle finger. he has a fake rubber finger that he puts on it to make it look like it's broken and such.

I once felt sorry for myself because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet.

Ok please post this request as a comment on Patreon. There are way too many comments here for me to feel confident that I will remember this.

Just think of comments like toothpicks on the floor

What if I step on one and hurt my foot? I hate wearing shoes. They are so uncomfortable when they touch my feet. Ugh!!!


No you aren't.


I am the Godddamn FBI heres verification


I'm not stupid. FBI and Homeland Security have real documents that look like this and I can then call the official phone lines to verify the badge numbers, appearance of the agents, and confirm that the agent on the badge is actually the person who is trying to speak with us and not part of a pedo ring.


That website is the digitalization of FBI verification I'm sorry for your mistrust

Lmao @ her apartment

Wait you're Ruk? I think I was mean to you on discord. Didn't you own Mutual Aid Network?

I don't own anything. I'm a steward of various things. A lot of people have been mean to me and I've been mean to them. No one can escape sinfulness so we should try to be kind and forgiving.

Whatever lets you sleep at night

I'm Katie

I love you Katie. Please stop hiding in the bathroom and get in here and reply to these lovely Auts.

What are you guys gonna talk about

Did you read the link? I described various themes we will be talking about. Today or tomorrow we are going to make a first podcast episode about our love for rocks because nature is great and we need a light-hearted topic to lure you all into liking us before we start discussing slavery and rape.

This is what autism shouts and this is why autism is ignored

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talking about rocks to draw people in, then talking about slavery and rape

You've got that backwards m80. Please talk about the slavery and rape first so I can finish without having to listen to you talk about rocks.

Which one of you uses the shower chair?

We both have physical disabilities and would love to have a shower chair if we had a home to keep it in!

[Venmo me so I can get us a place to live.](www.venmo.com/OlgaKomarovna)

Don't you already have welfare?

No. I'm not good at interacting with government agencies and strongly prefer to ask for help from friends and communities that I am part of. I don't want to be at the mercy of the State.


So do you live in a tent?

I'm not comfortable sharing any information about our location or where we are staying at with whom. We are safe, but extremely tired.


It's okay I wouldn't admit to living in Seattle either.

lmao they're running a hilarious scam with multiple donation frauds claiming some bullshit about "slavery" over some troll-looking s/he creature.

and i can't believe there are dipshits actually donating to their fake gofundme

Call the kia neets and have them summon the thot police.

I'm surprised Pizza hasn't tried to Patrol them yet, he hates the f slurs.

imagine even thinking of putting 0.0000000000000000000000000001€ into this, leave alone doing it.

peak of human r3tardation?

Come on dude,you don't know that

i have a pretty good idea that none of the things they claimed happened actually happened.

Ruk has literally lied about a ton of shit. 2 months ago she had a different gofundme set up for a different person in flint without the added kidnapping and sensational pedo bullshit. A month ago she petitioned me and a bunch of redditors asking for ideas on how best to get money out of normies. Between then and now she has threatened suicide, faked a suicide on Discord including creating a bunch of alts to try and convince people she was dead, and has been banned from multiple leftist subreddits and blatantly called out for using sock pockets. She is a disingenuous person, why should this be taken seriously?

oh, i didnt know that

The only thing in question is, is she using this other $perg or is that $perg in on it

Her ambition really impresses me. I think her brain is a stew of a*tism, NPD, BPD, and maybe a dash of schizotypal personality disorder.

Lol they started the patreon because they realized GoFundMe has fraud prevention that they're too retarded to work around

No, we've been talking about making a podcast for a while.


Get this person a shower chair!


What is wrong with your legs? Do you need help reaching to wipe?

I have hypermobility, arthritis, and malformed SI joints. No, I manage to wipe alright so far.


Your new best friends and future presidents.


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Firstly, fuck this filter.

Secondly, I hate wmen, I'm a whte man.

Gender is a spook, as is sex and race. Identity is divisive nonsense. The only things that are real are love and fear.



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Are you gonna say the n word in your podcast?

I personally won't be, however if Olga or a guest feels the need to use them in order to accurately communicate some concept, stopping them would be in my opinion extremely ablist and unacceptable.

I don't expect to have a reason to use that particular slur, but I don't plan to censor guests who may choose to do so.

PC language culture is oppressive and ableist.

I'm gonna go on her show and say the n-word


/u/n_mullen's still not gonna fuck you

You are likely going to be able to do that because you are such a charmingly terrible sinner. Can you figure out how to record a podcast via Discord VC, edit it via phone WiFi, and post it somewhere? Please send step by step numbered instructions for us to follow. Then we can do a podcast whenever you are free. The first episode is going to be about literal rocks so you're going to have to be creative if you plan to include racial slurs in our discussion of pretty rocks.


rocks are just a bunch of n words.

Rocks are glorious.


Why did you kidnap this low functioning r-slur? Was sit just to solicit more donations? I thought you had a good income already from posting butthole pics for venmo?

I did not kidnap her. I contacted the national human trafficking hotline when her situation became clear. They passed the information on to the Homeland Security human trafficking taskforce and they took it from there. I've been with Katie at her request since then because she is my friend and I care about her well-being.


And in the meantime you decided to get her to post her vagina online and use her to get money for a patron wow epic


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Can I see your vag

Have I ever told me youre my heeeeroooo

She's mine too! I don't think I have smiled or laughed or cried as much in my whole life combined as I did since going to Flint to meet her. She is the most interesting person I have ever met.



Its disgusting

Your lack of compassion, superficiality, and unkind words are far more revolting than Katie's body could ever be. After 27 years of slavery, covered in scars, with extensive physical disability as a result of her abuse, Katie's body is the perfectly natural result of the life she had been forced to live.

If you think her body is not pleasant to look at, please try to consider how our body is a reflection of the life we live. Her life has not been pleasant. She has been abused so violently that you will never be able to believe it when you are first hearing it. It is likely going to take years for Katie to find the language to fully express what she has been through. Right now, she has a few friends from Reddit and Discord and Homeland Security who are starting to show her some of the words that the outside world uses for situations like hers.

In the meantime, here is a photo of a room where she was kept in Flint.](https://i.imgur.com/AQ5aoXp.jpg) She was not allowed to leave this room without permission, not even to empty the boxes of feces. Be glad that you cannot smell through a photograph. Her captor is a pedophile and you can see his computer in the back corner with that "totally legal child model photo" as the background. That computer is now taken by federal law enforcement.

Katie's body is not disgusting. It is a tragedy, just like your ignorant words.

Your con is almost as unimpressive as your neetnest

So you kidnapped a special person?


pardon what?

The autismshouts one is pimping out the rslur one.


1) it was my idea, because dark humor and dick jokes

2) I took mine first

3) I am aut, not incompetent. I can post pictures of my vag if I so desire

Wait, did she actually kidnap a low-functioning autist? Details pls

I mean that's basically what this is all about. Katie seems salient enough on Reddit but ruk came on vc and told us about how she is barely verbal at times. And also she was apparently kept as a breeding slave so some guys could have her birth them autistic babies so they could rape the babies.

That's all according to ruk here though so take it with a grain of salt. The prevailing theory from the VC call with her was that ruk is coaching Katie on what to say and type to try and make the story sound as fantastic as possible so that people will donate money.

damn that's some ambitious grifting. What's ruk's story about how she rescued katie?

It’s on their sub here.

Sweet thanks

I'm not even sure actually. I do know that part of their wacky adventures involves running around a hotel they were getting kicked out from while screaming

About a month ago, after ruk did an obvious fake suicide on her mutual aid discord she then started asking the easiest way to acquire an ar 15, 9mm handgun, van with reinforced door and supplies for wilderness survival. Obviously she is incompetent and would fuck up what ever she is planning but it would be sad to see her drag down an even more "special" person.

it unironically sounds like they're living in a fun and exciting folie à deux like qanon people. If only we could all be so crazy :'-(

eh bb u wan sum ruk?

I worry that there might actually be some grain of truth to it, like maybe Katie was in some fucked-up situation where she believed she was a breeding slave, or got convinced that she was by Ruk after she left. It sounded to me more like a crazy person's perception of real life than just pure fantasy, but I dunno.

Why do you call her ruk?

I have not been coached on what to say. Olga was not present at the forensic interview, everything she has said is true.

Functioning levels are outdated. We use support levels now, and it seems that support level is more closely related to trauma and access to Aut-positive community than to inherent disability.

Katie is the highest support level (3) and I'm the medium one (2). We both experience significant variation in our ability to "function." We find that it depends on the environment we are in, the people who are around, the food and resources we have access to, whether or not we are tired, our emotional state, etc.

The idea of static functioning levels is harmful to Auts because it does not accurately reflect the reality of our life experience. Those who are deemed "low-functioning" may be sent to abusive institutions and never given a chance to learn language, while those who are "high-functioning" are not given access to the resources that they need when they go through a period of reduced functioning.

If you expect that someone who has not gained language by age ten will never do so, they probably won't be given the necessary resources to ever learn. If you expect that someone who was able to get a job will always be able to work, they will suffer badly when they experience hardship and aren't offered the necessary support to survive until they are able to work again.

I did not kidnap Katie. She and I worked with the human trafficking hotline to make a safety plan for her to escape her captor and get to a safe place. Since her rescue, it's become clear that I am now also in danger because the trafficking ring knows my full identity. We are planning on sticking together for now because we don't really trust anyone, not even the feds. They refuse to give us the updates we are requesting because it's an active investigation. All we know is that we are to continue to follow the safety plan and answer the phone when we get calls from HSI and FBI.

u/DaffodilsTigerlilies can tell you more about the situation.


That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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I was not kidnapped. I asked my friend for help escaping, and she has gone above and beyond. I am safe, I am here of my own free will, I have money and a phone in my pocket with which I could leave if I so wished. I do not.

Why would someone shoot a man before throwing them out of a plane?


Okay. But whag about Bane? Why does he wear the mask?

Dunno. I know enough about pop culture to have heard the name, but that's it.

IIRC old school bane was hopped on that steroid stuff called venom and the mask had tubes feeding into it.

Nolan's Bane was cause a bad face wound and mask pumps him full anesthetics

Old Bane was based on Mexican wrestlers, the mask being one's that luchadores or grorious nipponese poruwresurus wear. Venom went into the back of his head or arms depending on who the artist was.

You really aught to read people's usernames before responding to them.

What in the fuck is your deal? You asked a broad question and I answered.

Wait a second, you are not CIA.

It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is my plan

Because people are better at hurting one another than loving one another. Violence begets violence. I'm into radical pacifism.


are you into radical centrism as well?

I'm not sure what that is about.



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I'm gonna need a lot more info about this...


Turning out to be a really solid thread, that's two from scam hawk and the fautist calorie victim.

Is it really a good idea to livestream when you are supposedly in danger of being kidnapped by this group of pedophiles? Is it really a good idea to brag all about an active investigation and give the criminals a chance to escape?

supposedly in danger of being kidnapped

lmao did you see the bridge troll they're claiming was kidnapped and forced to be a slave?

We are in a secure location. We are extremely tired but safe. The FBI is aware that we are now speaking publicly about Katie's ordeal. We are not federal agents and it is not our job to handle their investigation. If they really did not want us to talk about this, I expect they would have said something during one of our many interviews with them. We are both getting really tired of them not updating us about the status of anything and are hoping that publicity will get them to act faster.


Show us proof you agreed working with the FBI.

We were previously working with Homeland Security and yesterday were referred to FBI.




I've posted about Homeland Security and various local and state police in previous posts and on Katie's GoFundMe which that is stickied in our sub.

just because you have screenshots of calls to the fbi doesn't mean that you are actually involved with the fbi you monglord

You know they don't give you a copy of things until they finish an investigation, right?


you know those aren't documents but screenshots of your phone right?

Why has the FBI not come to visit you and given you a business card or paperwork?

We have this from Homeland Security already and posted it. FBI is doing whatever they are doing. They will not give us any updates except to call the HSI guy.

why are you posting your home phone number on this sub?

That was not a home number

That's the number for FBI Michigan.


Yeah......the FBI tend to get pissy as fuck when the witnesses in a federal investigation go running their mouth off giving details that would tip off their targets. Tends to allow them to, oh I don't know, fucking run away?

I'm glad that r/drama has such an experienced federal agent available to provide advice. Thank you for your service to the community.


Not a federal agent, just someone who happens to know you don't go blasting out details of an active federal investigation. Second, if this was true and she was a true victim, I would imagine they'd be taking care of her instead of you so she doesn't disappear.

Oh, finally, If she is being hunted you are actively putting her in danger by blasting her picture all over social media

You should totally apply to the FBI because you clearly already know everything there is to know about federal investigation! Bravo, internet-based education!


If they really did not want us to talk about this, I expect they would have said something during one of our many interviews with them.

That would indicate that they weren't taking you seriously.

I'm sure you have a lot of experience with this.


Why would anyone want to listen to anything a f0id has to say on anything.

Because we have things to say that are worth hearing if you know how to listen.


Lol no

I have no idea who you are but which one of you is the butch lesbian?

What do you mean by butch? We are both some sort of not-hetero but gender roles don't really make much sense so I don't know what the appropriate word would be for either of us.

In the photo posted on Patreon, Olga (me) is the one with the mohawk and headphones. Katie is the one with glasses who is almost entirely bald except for a small patch that she braids in memory of her grandma.


How many?

You need maintenance on yours eyebrows, and some concealer wouldn't hurt either.

Good luck on your quest to do porn.

My body is beautiful just the way it is. I have two black eyes from falling while running away from that hellhole in Flint. I have no shame about who I am or how I look.


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My body is beautiful just the way it is. I have two blxck eyes from falling while running away from that hellhole in Flint. I have no shame about who I am or how I look.



Hi, I'm le_epic_xd_part_2. What's your take on sounding?

Whatever you're into is fine with me so long as everyone involved is a consenting adult human. I have no authority over anyone else's sex life and don't want to. Unless they are a pedo, in which case I will strongly encourage them to castrate themselves before they encounter someone who will do it for them.


Thanks for the genuine response 🤗

You're welcome! I wish there were more good questions here. I'm starting to think that you folks were taking advantage of my willingness to see the best in people when you convinced me to do an AMA here and not on r/iAMA. I think that Katie and I will still do one on that sub after we rest enough to be ready to handle trolls again.

She was replying to this post earlier today but got frustrated with the stupid comments and now she is on discord talking to the guy she's got a crush on because he is apparently much more fun to talk with in her opinion. She's very kind-hearted and sincere and doesn't seem to understand why anyone would make low-effort posts. She's got a lot to learn about the free world and probably is going to need a therapist after reading the comments on here.


Look at this way, you're much better prepared for an AMA on a larger sub now because you took everything drama could throw at you and even got the jaded jerks here to mostly like you. Even if some of it is laughing at you, a lot of it is laughing with you because you're actually pretty funny and you can bantz pretty well.

A regular AMA will be easier now because there will be way less trolling. Though you'll face more difficult, serious questions.

Good luck!

Thanks for that perspective! :)


Thank you.

What about people having sex with dogs?

Go talk to a priest or a lawyer because you need help.


Based and A*tism-pilled.

Nice feet



only if you like hideously huge, manly feet and knobby legs.

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Here is a list of some things we are willing to do/send to you:

*A hand-written recipe for something Katie likes

*Olga's dirty socks

*A half-smoked cigarette with Katie's lipstick on it

*A rock that we think is very pretty

*Pics of our feet

*A hand-carved stick that Katie believes has magic powers (Olga doesn't believe in witchcraft)

*Some hair shaved off of Olga's dog

*The disgusting outfit that was Katie's only clothing during her time in Flint (you will need to sign a waiver for this because it is too filthy to even open the plastic bag it is sealed in and very likely will spread disease)

*Olga's long ponytail that she cut off in solidarity with Katie when her hair needed to be shaved off because it was so fucked up after being rescued that there was no real hope of saving it

I don't know what to think about this whole shitshow but fuck me if it ain't good content.

I sort of wish we had saved her shoes but they were so vile that I made her throw them away in the nearest trash can as soon as we got something else to put on her feet. She was wanting to keep them because they were "good" boots. I'm sure someone with a really bizarre fetish would have been into them, but they would have turned the car into a Superfund site and we likely would catch some felonies if we sent them anywhere via mail because they were so hazardous.


So are you this girls madame now?

No. I am her friend. I and other friends have been very careful in explaining to her that we do not have power over her and that she is fully in control of her own life now. She has some money in her pocket, a working phone, and a good head on her shoulders. If she wants to hang out with me, I'm happy to have a friend at my side. I don't know where my path is going to take me but it seems brighter with her company. I hope she'll continue being my friend, but it's up to her. I'm not a great person so I'll understand if she eventually decides to part ways.


Olga, I thought I explained this to you. EVERYONE is a shitty and bad person. It's only if you are aware of it you have any chance of doing any real goood. You are aware in a way that makes you if not the best, one of the very best people I have ever or will ever meet. If you want to get read of me, you'll have to ask, I'm too aut for hints, and you're too much fun.

She’s going to sell you.

We both already sold our souls to the devil when we agreed to call the feds, so I'm not sure what there is to sell.


I have not replied to you yet because I do not reply when I can not talk nice. I'm still not sure I can talk nice.

I suppose the proper response would be to thank you for your concern, reassure you that I am here willingly and able to leave, not being coached, not being pressured into literally anything.

My highest morals include presuming ignorance over malice and attempting to see your vile accusations as concern. But I don't want to talk nice to someone who would say something like that, and so I think I will end the comment here.

You're not fooling anyone, Olga.

Based on that list even the hand-written recipe is crawling with disease. I wouldn't touch anything that's been near them without a hazmat suit

No, the recipe will be written out for you on clean paper. They only item from that shithole that will be going to anyone is that horrible outfit after we get a chance to talk to a lawyer.


How big are your pps?

What's pps?


how big are your fun holes?



Classic autism

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Penis. How big are your penises?


I don't know what you are talking about.



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I'm too lazy to watch can you send me thirty second videos summarizing each podcast? Thanks in advance

Maybe we'll see about various accessibility accommodations, including TL;DR, text transcripts etc. We're all about accessibility.

That's a great idea! Thank you for this suggestion! I totally understand not having the energy or inclination to spend more than a brief time on something. Maybe we can find a friend who can animate the summary videos? Any volunteers here?


You talk about "well armed militia of Aυtistic people" on your Patreon page. What kind of weapons will you be equipped with, apart from your weaponized aυtism ofcourse?

Bibles and AR-15s is my current thinking, but I'm open to other suggestions.


What denomination do you belong to? Is Katie also a Believer?

I'm a Quaker. Katie likes Catholic services but enjoyed the Quaker meeting that I took her to last week. I'm about to go ask her what kind of service she wants to go to today, as it is First Day (Sunday).


I only like Catholic services because they don't ducking talk to you like most protestants. You can go in, follow the pattern, and leave with no unscripted human interaction.

My beliefs are somewhat complicated but could be classified broadly under Christianity. My sacred morals consist of:

  • ignorance isn't malice

  • Put what effort into others you would want them to put into you

  • I am hear for a reason, that I will survive as long as I am still needed for that reason, and when I have completed it there is no point to trying to stick around longer, so I need not worry.

If you have more specific questions I'd be happy to elaborate but I am careful about sharing my faith with others. I'm not into proselytizing.

will you declare allegiance to pewdz or t series before your massacre?

Quakers don't swear oaths.



What the fuck is going on here?

I don't understand, English is not my first language ;_;

Do you speak anarcho-syndicalist bread memes?


I still do not understand

Love and gratitude.


Blessed day

Bless you as well!


How much for anal?

How much for you to sit with us long enough to fully understand our theology, convert to our faith, and become such a sincerely attractive person that I'd be interested in that?


i'll do all that if you give me anal.

Sorry, you have to earn it first. No one is owed anything. Even the incels don't have a right to sex. You need to first be worth fucking. If you just want sex for money, I can refer you to some more pro-capitalism sex workers.


Top or bottom?

Of what?


What's your endgame?

The universal liberation of all beings. Every plant, animal, river, pebble, star, and galaxy must have freedom. If there are non-material beings that exist in some other dimension, I demand their total liberation. Even Satan itself must be freed from fear and hate and separation. All beings must be supported in full unity, so that we can come to truly understand God and abolish sin.


i don't think you can abolish sin while hating on pedophilia.

If the pedos castrate themselves and cut off their hands and feet, I'll feel a lot more comfortable being around them. I pray for good surgical treatments for pedophiles because DIY amputation is pretty risky.


this whole supporting violence thing really undercuts your support of global unity.

I don't think it is violence to encourage pedophiles to get effective care which means physical castration. I don't want to see physical violence to anyone. I want them to realize that we all depend on very significant support and that no one can survive as an individual. Nauts live in a society that has grown to meet their support needs while Auts and others with disabilities do not live in that world. Abolishing grocery stores and money is not violence. It will make people see how interdependent we truly are and force us to find other ways to get all our needs met.


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I don't think it is violence to encourage pedophiles to get effective care which means physical castration.

it's violent to consider unwilling self-mutilation as 'effective-care'

Nauts live in a society that has grown to meet their support needs while Auts and others with disabilities do not live in that world

you know, we could just lobotomize you and you'd probably stop caring about the shit that you do ...

but i'd also consider that violent unwilling self-mutilation, and unacceptable.

i personally think the most effect aut!sm reduction within society, is going to involve making sure every child gets enough sexual stimulation as an infant/child, particularly through the use of breastfeeding (not just breastmilk, but the actual act of sucking on your mom's tit), for at least 5 years for each child (yes being a mother IS a time consuming activity), as our society is not progressive enough to handle anything more. gotta get dat oxytocin, yo, but our hatred of pedophilia is making talking about such a solution in a systematic fashion rather unattainable due to sheer philosophical blindness, in that sex is considered just like a bonus of adulthood, not a need really required for proper functioning as a species. and of course, once you accept this, you start wondering why we make such a huge deal about the gap between weaning from breastfeeding and supposed sexual maturity, it starts seeming rather stupid how much a big deal is made over pedophilia.

Abolishing grocery stores and money is not violence.

only if you force people into it. though, i don't think the solution is abolishing grocery stores, or any kind of mass food distrobution ... just money.

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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bad bot

it's violent to consider

Thoughts and words are not violence. Forcibly chopping someone's dick off is violence. Please consider the important difference between wanting something to happen and individually making it happen despite other people's will. I hope for society to develop in such a way that castration of pedophiles becomes socially acceptable and not stigmatized and that people who are attracted to kids will be enthusiastic about that option rather than the alternatives that society will offer to them.


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self mutilation IS violent, however. history is full of assholes such as yourself, advocating for similar kinds of sin as a solution to various social deviances, based on their unjustified internal bigotry.

I hope for society to develop in such a way that castration of pedophiles becomes socially acceptable and not stigmatized and that people who are attracted to kids will be enthusiastic about that option rather than the alternatives that society will offer to them.

doing so under threat of worse alternative makes it forced violence.

you can't even figure what the fuck is or isn't violent. what the fuck are you talking about global unity for?! learn what non-violence is, ei not advocating for the mutilation of other people based on your internal bigotry, THEN you can preach unity. you CANNOT preach unity before such a realization is had.

... god damn, fuck this r3tarded hell hole planet, most of you idiots deserve the self-extinction your internal bigotry is going to cause us all ...

god is censored

You sound mad. I hope you feel better soon.

sharing a planet with a massive set of dismissive violent psychopaths pisses me the fuck off, yeah?

Have you considered destroying the planet or leaving?

yeah i do get suicidal ideation plenty, but humanity will destroy itself just fine without me.

We will be discussing a variety of topics, such as the enslavement and abuse of Autistic people, why we hate the local cops

Fucking white people scum.


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Please describe you vagina using only sandwich euphemisms



Can I pretend to be one of you guys online?


What would happen if Pinocchio says, "my nose is growing now"?

This is from a children's story but I do not know it enough to remember the events in it.


I will support, but only if you stream on camsoda or chaturbate.

What's that?


Live porn sites.

Can I get a quick rundown on these two pitiable souls?

Read our sub or our post history. r/AutismShouts

Why are burgertards such lost causes? Do you think individualism was a mistake?

What is the first word?

Yes, the idea of individual selves separate from the community is pretty terrible.

Ah yes, the radical notion that individual interpretation of the populace weighs same as that of the authority.

Now tell me again, would you agree that lolcow of yours would've had a better childhood in a community.

Either it is one person larping for cash with helpers or the person larping kidnapped a low functioning special person.

R slurs wanting to become meta posters with their cringey schtick and all the vergens are salivating

Just remember, you guys promised to let me on the podcast.

Send the instructions like I asked from the other guy so we can start a recording in the next day or two. We are exhausted.

1 patron

$1 per month



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My eyes, they burn

Am autist oligarch philanthropist. I'm sorry you don't want sacks of my filthy lucre.

We will accept your money but oligarchy is a serious problem. We need to end unequal resource access. If we get enough money, we will be working to create anarcho-syndicalist schools and work and housing communities. We are getting organization help from the Quakers. Some Christians in Michigan tried to convince me to contact Betsy DeVoss but I've heard lots of bad things about her and don't have her number anyway. If you're actually an oligarch, please put us in touch with her.


What is a Quaker gulag?

You'll find out a lot about it when we get around to recording an episode on it!

In short, it is accepting the idea that we are all terrible people who hurt one another and all belong in some kind of rehabilitation space where we can work together and learn to be better friends and communicate with love and silence.

Separation of groups such as in the Soviet gulags leads to divisiveness and suffering. We should not isolate the "worst" of the people to prisons or gulags while leaving the rest free. We can only become truly rehabilitated if we have radical inclusivity so we can all do our part in working towards the universal liberation of all beings.

All life is suffering and we are all sinners and we all belong in a gulag. The Quakers are the kindest, friendliest, and most patient people I've ever met, so I want their help in building the gulags. Once built and presented to people in language that they understand, I think many people will want to voluntarily join the gulags so they have accessible housing and opportunities to do meaningful work that benefits the community. The lack of flexible work options means that many of us are unemployed, but that doesn't mean we are incapable of contributing.

The plan is to register the Quaker gulags as 501d non-profit, which is the status used for monestaries. That means that no individual will be able to control the resources of the community and that we will have to learn how to work together to direct our shared future.

Your pulitzer's in the mail

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Feet pics and other special requests

umm sweaty.. wat??

Olga, I think I'm in love with you. What should I do?

Be my friend and help us change the world.


I want to make beautiful, a*tistic children with you.

I want to start a pro-Aut fertility agency so we can use modern medical science to help us have the healthiest and happiest and biggest families as we want. I'd personally like to raise 3-5 kids of my own and donate the remaining frozen eggs/embryos to other Auts with fertility issues.


I would like to father your 3-5 children. How do we make it happen?

Join the discord and become my friend first. There are multiple other natal males who have asked to be the biological father of the kids I raise. One of them is a very dear friend of mine who is also Aut but in a different way than me, and we think that mixing our genes will result in some pretty awesome kids and we are excited to create the best environment to raise those kids.

We are already working with a reproductive endocrinologist because we are going to need to do PGD and IVF because he carries a gene for a fatal genetic disease. We want to ensure that biological offspring are not affected by that condition, so I am doing egg retrieval and freezing so that we have the best chance of creating enough unaffected embryos to result in 3-5 live births.

It's decently likely that I will end up having additional unfertilized ovum available after that which I'm willing to consider other sperm donors. I'm not planning to do any pregnancy or surrogacy until after we buy physical properties for the residential schools. I grew up without much stability and I want to make sure my kids have a better childhood than I did.

We are going to be building the schools in an environment that can support many more than 3-5 kids. If some of the other ones are biologically related to me because my ovum were used, that's fine, but I don't think I can personally parent more than 5 kids and I don't think I want to either.

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I want to help with the schools, as well. In fact, I think it would be great if you became the face of a*tism issues in the United State.

It sure would be great if actual Auts were viewed as the source for info about Autysm and not anti-Aut hate groups like Autysm Speaks, which is run entirely by Nauts and seeks to use eugenics to prevent us from being born. We have the same inherent value as anyone else. The fact that we have cognitive processesing differences and communicate differently does not mean that we don't have something worthwhile to share with the world.

Once Katie and I get our own lives a bit more stable, we will be doing a lot of public advocacy to try to educate people, and this podcast is going to be our first attempt at something more organized than Reddit posts and Discord chats.

People have so many misconceptions that result in severe trauma. I think that once we can educate one another and the Nauts, Autysm will be seen as more of a cultural minority and less as a disability. I see many similarities between Auts and the Deaf. I am deeply grateful to them for the work that the Deaf community has done to show a path for the Aut community to take.

This is a civil rights issue. I have a lot of political issues with American politics and democracy, but I'm willing to work within this system to an extent and use the existing civil rights laws to fight for the rights of my community.


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The euphemism treadmill is annoying.

It sure would be great if actual Auts were viewed as the source for info about Autysm and not anti-Aut hate groups like Autysm Speaks,

Do you know about the A* Self Advocacy Network?

Yes, I have some info from them on non-profit fundraising stuff. I'm planning to contact them again soon about Katie's ordeal.

What is this even

The next phase in the evolution of the Aut*stic people. A platform for civil rights agitation. A way for Katie and I to build the world we dream of. Something to make you laugh and think. Love, prayer, war, revolution, play.


Sounds cool

This has to be a troll alt. Only one of us could be this touched by the tism

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