The Lobster King argues with his fans about the “Jewish Problem”.

55  2019-04-06 by Ghdust2


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The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


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Rightoids are more obsessed with Jews than rabbis are

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so your unrecognized resentment and cowardly and incompetent failure to deal with the world

The world doesn't even take much work. You just need to be around, do what you're able to do, and be alright with everyone doing the same.

You can't hop into the overcharged minds of the youngins because they're being ruined by the internet. No one knows how this'll pan out

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From a quote...

Guys, come on. I don't want to twist about just to shit post around here


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J Words did this.


Lobster daddy literally shitting on his fans for claiming to be vikangz n shiet. based and lobsterpilled




🦞 snip snap 🦞


"Juden Peterstien is a lying coward"

that nickname is hilarious.

Say what you will about these guys, but they're clever with nicknames


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People who hate J_ews are unironically just jealous.

It's hilarious that alt-righters cheer Peterson on endlessly when it comes to societal degradation and yet go full DDF when Peterson tells them that alt-right idpol is as bad a left wing idpol.

the enemy of my enemies is not necessarily my friend but when they're fighting I'd sure know which one to cheer on.

when it comes to societal degradation

Which is the only thing they can agree on him on. His ideas on mayo improvement are super liberal. I never got why they assume he's alt-right.

j-slur haters are the funniest people on the internet


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Red-sea pedestrian, next time- got it.

It must get pretty frustrating having to continuously tell people they're ridiculous for calling you a racist while a core part of your fanbase keeps asking you to be woke on the JQ lmao

Isint that like 2 years old, stale ass d slur

so in turn rightoids have low IQ?

wtf i love memerson now