chapotards drop their tendies and freak out when their favorite rockstar becomes a landlord

379  2019-04-06 by Sea_Safe




You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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Lol punk died in the 90s.

conservatism is the new punk

Punk is for soft Bois who can't throw punches.



Socially Conservative but Economically Liberal*




Radical Centrism is on the rise and the left can't stand it.



conservatism is the new nu-metal

Everyone but Nazi Punks Fuck Off

Supporting the current President of the United States is anti-establishment!

this, but non-ironically

When was wavves ever punk?

"slacker punk" was in the article dude. I only listen to the sound of wet farts from fat g-slurs.

More of a dry guy myself.

Wavves is definitely punk, what else would you call him?

Mr. Landlord, duh.

“Wow, I’m Mr. Landlord!”

-Waaves, probably.

Hipster trash?

You're just jealous cause I was listening to him before he was popular

“Shitgaze” was his original sound

Imagine thinking punk lasted that long.

Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?

There's actually a really great punk scene right now. Check out: wavves, Ty Segall, black lips, bass drum of death, or Thee Oh Sees if you're interested.

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There's actually a really great punk scene right now. Check out: wavves, Ty Segall, b|ack lips, bass drum of death, or Thee Oh Sees if you're interested.

I'd say these artists fall under a more broader genre umbrella of garage rock than straight "punk."

Sure I could see that, each one definitely has a punk influence tho

Maybe if you're a pleb

Aren't they all leftists?

Probably, I don't really get my politics from druggies that can play a guitar tho


Nah, The Clash were a bunch of far right nazis because they played some songs in a reggae style, bunch of culturally appropriating mayos.

Ma drank?


i like oh sees and some wavves but like none of those are punk bands man

congratulations on naming zero punk bands in your list of great punk bands

Jon Spencer was pretty good.

He is actually making fun of the tweeter-tards sending him hot takes. Based.

I kinda love this drama tbh. The amount of SEETHING coupled with the amount he obviously doesn't give a shit is really wrecking my sides.

It's the only appropriate response actually.

I'm always amazed at people who capitulate to a bunch of fat smelly rejects typing mean words at them on the Twatter. Why?? Stop being such pussies.

Not to mention there is a solid track record indicating that apologizing to them is literally the worst thing you can do with those people, because you are acknowledging your guilt and giving them permission to crucify you.

The best part is they don't even realize he is making fun of them.

The kids in Chapo are actually like they're winning that Twitter battle.

But he is also complaining about paying for studio time.

that's a joke

Are you r'tarded?

That's a yikes from me sweaty

Work on your reading comprehension

This man has triggered the chapos more than we could ever hope or dream of.

God bless.

Fuck me he's actually mocking them.

Based AF.

Very refreshing

Based indie rockstar

The revolution of tendies in the microwave.


100% bottom bitch. I bet he is Fem4Masc

Colin Meloy of the Decemberists?

After far too many tendies, maybe.

looks like m60forjesus

Why is he wearing two shirts?


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刺伤随机评论! 咬蜡蝌蚪!

I don't see any 黄豆 there, other than sauce for different eastern friad chickens. No, I see fryer grease and MSG in that last picture.

It is common knowledge that the revolutionaries are powered by Soylent.

What game is that? My first guess was one of the 80 assasin creeds, but all modern open world games look so similar it's hard to guess.

His other tweets make it seem like it was AC: Syndicate. Of course a broke ass commie would just be getting around to playing a game that is over 3 years old.

Boy I'm sure glad he listed his pronouns, there's no way I would have guessed a bearded fat guy was he/him.

TBF it's a dangerous assumption these days

Oh yeah.... I forgot fatass neckbeards can be women now if they feel like it for no reason other than feelings...

bad band tbh

not great live

99% of bands are dogshit live. People just like to pretend they were good to justify paying for their ticket

i've seen hundreds of bands live and wavves was def bottom 25%

You could have spent that money on top quality bussy.

Paying for bussy

Lol, no

Better than paying for live music.

Imagine not getting both for free

Paying for music in current year + 4 😂🤣

that's why you go see bands with actual musicians, not overly distorted butt rock

It's because they're performing on an open area rather than in a closed area designed specifically to isolate sound. True, many musicians out there autotune the shit outta their stuff, but the whole point of seeing the band live is to, well, see them in person. The euphoria from the fans is what makes it worth it.

100% now that Dave Brockie is dead

Maybe if you're too autistic to be around real people or dance, but most live shows are way better than listening to it on crappy computer speakers while your obese parents argue in the background

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Maybe you just got unlucky, I went to see wavves and the venue was packed, great energy, great sound, he even crowd surfed. Really good show for me

If i wanna fuck am arthoe would a wavves concert be a good venue to meet one?

Oh ya totally, no better place

Idk I saw them with Best Coast several years ago in New Orleans and they were both really solid.

that was a solid tour. cherry glazerr opened too!

i think i saw them with beach fossils? whoever the other band was blew them out of the water

Best Coast are actually pretty good as far as LA Silver Lake hipster bands go. Heaven Sent reminds me of The Stone Roses, who are miles better than all these other shit bands.

Imagine actually listening to music.

judging by his last two albums, this is a good move for him

Ch*pos pretending they'll ever move out of mom and dad's house, let alone moving somewhere that the scary working class lives

I’m laughing so hard I think a tear came out

Or have money for a 40k mortgage.

Honestly, it's kinda sad that they think getting 40k is a lofty goal.

Lol at saying they changed Denver. Pretty much everywhere but Colorado Springs in Colorado is left leaning and has been for a looong time.

I pray, pray that one of the people in the chapo podcast invests in land. People would lose their fucking minds.

Why? They already get more than a hundred thousand dollars per month for that shitty podcast of theirs. That's literally more than what many small to medium businesses make per month, even if you divide it between the five soycialists there. The Chapo guys are part of the 1%!

“Every Funko Pop, every donation made to the Chapo Trap House podcast, every packet of Rick and Morty Szechuan sauce eaten signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."

-- Dwight D. Eisenhower

One of the guys from Cum Town did, but then stupidly filled the house with his idiot Greek brothers and likely cratered the property value.

Still the prime investment of the three hosts though considering one lost a shitload by buying into the BTC bubble and the other is saving up for what is going to be an absurdly expensive divorce.

To be fair, his stav's brothers are both much smarter and more successful than he is

I love Stav and all but that is not a terribly high bar you're setting there

Based and property pilled 💊

I always liked WAVVES, this just makes me like him even more

Actually a fan of his, glad to see he's securing his future. Punk is infected with the commie-types, one time at a concert, a intersectional wokey told I wasn't allowed to listen to punk if I didn't support trans people or want to overthrow the fascist government and replace it with a Marxist society.

I was with the hardcore scene when I was in my mid teens a few years ago and I don’t remember it being so full of pussies and “communists”. Just a bunch of pathetic dudes trying to look cool to teenagers lmao

That was last year, the intersectionality thing got popular maybe 2 or 3 years ago. I guess you got lucky and missed it.

That show I went to was in Seattle too so that didn't help.

It's not just Seattle, went to a show with a few local "punk" bands in Dallas, probably saw 3-4 Hammer and Sickle patches.

It's only cool to wear one kind of murderous ideologies icons in the modern punk scene though haha.

Most shows I’ve been to have been in FL and a few in Mass. with my ex-girlfriend and Massachusetts is quite a bit more progressive than FL and I didn’t see a bunch of communists spouting garbage and shit but I guess it was inevitable since these people ruin anything that’s fun and interesting.

Seattle is kinda crazy soicalist, people have hammer and sickle flags on their porches and shit. One of my friend's parents fled communist Russia so it's actually sickening for them.

tfw you live in a city where the gap in wealth is gigantic and you’re a socialist yet don’t even help the poors

I imagine these are the kinda people that protest capitalism then head to a McDonald’s for a 20 piece chicken McNugget meal and text on their IPhones lmao

One of my favorite political cartoons is a shop with the shirts, buttons, signs, etc that say "capitalism sucks" and there a bunch of people looking around and buying things.

In the corner there's a guy on the phone saying "There seems to be a really big market for this."

Or at least it was something along those lines, I can't find the political cartoon anymore.

All of my "punk" friends from high school are just hardcore fucking "halloween costumes are cultural appropriation" "Punching nazis is cool, and conservatives are literally nazis". The bullshit they are always spouting on social media always makes me laugh.

I only know one dude from my high school years who never really grew out of the punk phase and he’s in his late 20’s hanging out with high schoolers and still living with his parents.

That's what's funny. I liked about ALL of them. The ones who grew up, got real jobs and have kids and shit are all pretty normal people now. Funny how that works.

I find it more embarrassing/cringe considering the dude I was talking about was idolized by me and my friends and now that we're in our early twenties and the dude is gonna be 30 we realized how major of a loser him and others like him are.

Yeah I've read that punk is only "woke bands" nowadays. That seems flabbergasting to me since it goes against the spirit of punk.

You just are too r-slurred to understand. Only beings of intelligence are allowed to comment on the spirit of punk. See yourself away now before I bash your skull in with my bike lock.

that was beautiful :)


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The funny thing is, imagine if The Clash came out today. Even though they define the leftie punk band meme, they had a few songs that wouldn't be SJW friendly:

Wh*te Riot - Talks about how mayos need to stop being complacent and take action against the government as they're just as likely to be fucked over as non-mayos. Negates the idea of mayo privilege. Problematic AF.

Safe European Hope - Talks about their visit to Jamaica and basically how much of a shithole they found it to be. Doesn't blame the whlte man for it, just calls the place a shithole. Problematic AF.

Rock The Casbah - Talks about dictators in the Middle East. Islamophobic. Problematic AF.

And that's not even going into detail about the shameless cultural appropriation these mayo colonisers partook in when they decided to write some reggae sounding songs later on in their career.

So yeah, basically The Clash were actually nazis.

This is one blue checkmark that must be spared

DAY OF THE.. what do we call it for twitter?


Twitter's logo is a bird so day of the windmill? solar plant?

Day of the clean window

day of the jet engine

Day of the pesticide.

Day of the Roast Dinner

Whatever Mao called it when he made Chinese peasants kill all the sparrows

Day of the c0pe

Its an 8 unit apartment building, it'll give you a decent "petite bourgeois" income but not like insane money. I guess any positive cash flow besides food stamps would be enough to get any of these r-tards panties all bunched up

These are the same people that give the podcast guys FAR MORE than that dude makes from this investment. Like 5 times more. Per month.

The value of passive income is not to be understated, though, especially if your active timesink is something like fronting a shitty punk band.

I doubt he paid cash for it. He probably had a good sized down payment and financed the rest. I'm guessing an 8 unit complex goes for around 3 million. The place is paid off in 20 or 30 years when he is looking to retire.

petite bourgeois

C'mon, it's petit for a masculine noun. Be a better person than this.


Mod this man.

$3000 a month for an apartment. Why do people pay that much to rent? For $3000 a month you could literally live in a massive 2 story house with a nice chunk of land for that much where I live. That’s the real lol of this story.

Because some people want to live in a big city instead of Bumbletown, Ohio

You couldn't pay me to live in Ohio tbh

You could live in a huge house just outside of Austin, Houston, or Dallas for $3k a month. Not the greatest cities in the US but better than Bumbletown, Ohio. I suppose that if someone is paying $3k a month for an apartment it’s not their only residence. Sorry, my poor mind misses those sorts of things.

live in texas

i'd rather die, thanks

live in texas

All my exes live there.

Because some people want to live in a big city

but why

Because they hate themselves, I guess? No idea.

Good luck earning enough to afford that wherever you live.

Because city living, less carbon emissions or whatever. At that tier I would just save and buy myself a house in a nice neighbourhood instead of just wasting all that cash.

I owned a nice house in the middle of nowhere that had a mortgage payment of ~$1200 a month or so.

It had perks, but honestly there's a lot of fucking headaches that come with land ownership I wouldn't want again. I'd probably never pay $3k a month in rent if I wasn't absolutely loaded, but I have zero qualms with living in apartments until I'm dead

Who the fuck ever looked up to Wavves anyway?! I went and saw them live once because my friend swore they were great and it was the pussiest half-assed garbage I ever saw, I was bored to tears. Low-T beta music for sure.

It's pretty shit. At least he has his "passive income". Landlords are shit and I've only had 1 good one. My latest one promises to fix shit and never does. He comes over for a check, says hi, leaves.

I fucking love WAVVES and this makes me want to support him even more

what do u mean literal rockstar? who is this?

Oh shit I actually listen to wavves and forgot chapotards liked him for a bit

Reminder that being a landlord doesnt even make sense under the rules of capitalism.

What ARE the rules of capitalism again?

No one knows but they're definitely contradictory.

We’ll definitely get a good answer on that from communists, that’s for sure.

A is A.

on what planet is the wavves guy a rockstar lol he hasnt been relevant in years

Wavves is shit. He's a typical musician who tries to copy the whole "grunge" look yet his music is the most generic, bland Indie shit.

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Wavves is shit. He's a typical musician who tries to copy the whole "grunge" look yet his music is the most generic, bland Indie shit. EDIT: He's pretty based with those tweets, mocking the people outraged at him actually making a living for himself (mostly Silver Lake soiboi types.) But his music's still shit. "Slacker punk." He's not punk at all, he's bland Indie shit.


Imagine thinking making millions making tuuunez is 100% legitimate income but making a few thousand a month for owning and up keeping an apartment building is “an act of class warfare”

Somebody post this to r/indieheads. The chaos there will love it.

The one-bedroom apartments are located in the Silver Lake neighbourhood of Los Angeles. They cost $2,995 USD per month

anyone who would pay for this needs their head examined.