Stabs me in the back
9 2019-04-06 by homosapien_not
So at the time of this event I was a 13 years old in middle school. I have a strong hatred towards people, especially the ones who quote vines/ tik toks on a daily basis because of this it’s really hard to find people to like.
Eventually I found this dude who I’ll be calling M. He was one of those people who did this, but I found I wouldn’t get annoyed at him when he was doing it. This really never happened before, so I thought it really meant something. It was second semester, so I wanted to tell him how I felt although I couldn’t do it on my own.
I ended up asking my friend K if she could help me. Of course she said yes, and we made a plan. Our class would be going on a field trip, so we though that would be the perfect place to do it. K luckily got in a group with him which made things a whole lot easier. I was at one of the stations when K ran up to me saying she did it. Of course my other friends were pushing me to go talk to him, but I have social anxiety and thought I would just bother him.
Later that day when we got back from the field trip I was wondering what M said about me given K didn’t tell me what he said. When the bell for bus riders rang I ran up to her and asked her what he had said. K: Oh sorry I totally forgot.
I was mad, of course people will say “oh well she really could have forgotten” but really if you were going up to the person your friend liked to tell him or her how they felt you would remember mostly if not exactly what they said. K on the other hand couldn’t remember a single bit of what he had said, and brushed it off like my feelings were nothing. I was rightfully angry because I needed to know if I needed to talk to him or not, I mean if he rejected me there is no point in bringing it up although if he had some interest of course I would want to talk to him about it.
Three days later my other friend M comes up to me and says that K had gotten a boyfriend. I was very happy for her, I mean who wouldn’t be happy for their friend who just got in a relationship! Come lunch I ran up to K and was congratulating her on her new man.
ME: Oh my god I’m so happy for you! Sooo who is he I want to meet him. K: Thank you, he’s right over there.
I looked over to where she was pointing and saw M. I was beyond angry. She knew that I liked him, so why would she do this. Granted I wasn’t mad that she was dating him, but it’s a different story seeing as she never even told me that she had feelings for him, and knew that I liked him. I looked at her obviously irritated.
K: What is your problem why are you looking at me like that? ME: You’re dating M?!? K: Yeah duh. ME: You knew I liked him why would you do that. K: Well I liked him before you and I think I deserve him a little more than you do! ME: Did you ever even tell him that I liked him?!!! K: No I didn’t think there was a need to I mean he didn’t seem interested, so I left it alone.
I was fuming! She never even told M that i had feelings for him. What kind of human being does that? She though just cause she knew him before I did that she was just entitled to him? I ended up sitting with my other friends the rest of lunch. Oh but little did I know sweet sweet karma would circle back around.
They ended up breaking things off because M couldn’t deal with K being over dramatic, and admitted he didn’t really like her he was just too scared to say no. I’m not sure what happened from there oh but K was pissed, and I was taking in the beautiful revenge.
1 Curbside_dental 2019-04-06
Yeah I just want to order a large fries.
1 BenaGD 2019-04-06