Garrison has gone to art school apparently. I don't even recognize his work any more 😭😭

163  2019-04-06 by WarBoyPrimo


Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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What did he mean by this ?

Since it's Garrison my guess is he means that white germanic people should form motorized killing squads to exterminate subhumans and international jewry.

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It's especially funny because Mike Judge never went to art school either.

I'm actually pretty sure his only professional experience prior to KotH was writing code for F18s at Lockheed.

his only professional experience prior to KotH was writing code for F18s at Lockheed

The OP cartoon is literally in the style of Judge's pre-KotH work, you slurtard.

Aaaaaah, ya got me buddy. That was a pretty stupid way to phrase that.

I was gonna try to save face with "I dunno if I would call beavis and butthead 'professional experience'...." but that's just a cheap, low-hanging fruit deflection. That show is under-appreciated nowadays.

And actually underappreciated, not "reddit underappreciated" like Mario 64 or Scott's Tots or something.

No worries, I mostly just wanted to call someone a slurtard.

Ahhh I feel ya. Lately I've been trying out "fagtardcel". It passes the censor and gets the message across pretty clear.

Try it out sometime see how ya like it, people have been going totally bitchcakes over it. Maybe we can put the pussy on the chainwax.

Shut up faggotretardslur

As someone who was a huge Beavis and Butthead fan growing up, I'd be the first to admit it didn't really age that well.

I still like it for what it is, though. And it still has some timeless moments. The episode where Beavis gets a nosebleed will never not be funny.

F-18s at Lockheed

you disgust me

I'm proud of you for catching it.

You'd think he'd still be mad about Idiocracy.

I heard that marketing and distribution got cut because the studio didn't want to piss off Starbucks, Walmart , etc.

Actual counterculture? In my Hollywood?? Not on my watch

Pretty sure Beto is a centrist lib kind of guy he isn’t even on board with universal healthcare lol, and when he was in Congress he was signing onto free trade deals

He’s very flaky on what he wants

Beto wants Beto

You can say that about any politician

Buncha snakes they are

Not at all. He knows exactly what he wants, maximum pandering at all times.

All democrats are tankies and all republicans are nazis. Everyone knows this.

This one gets it

Both Biden and Beto are very center left. All of Burgerland is politically illiterate however so you can label whoever you want whatever you want.

I for one am horrified about how much of a communist Trump is.

This so much this.

Yeah, if anyone needed more proof that Garrison was r-slurred then this comic should show that. He must think anything left of trump is a socialist lol

> punctuates sentences with 'lol'

Millennials out.

Oooooo he big mad

Zoomer gang gang, hit’em with the dab πŸ˜πŸ’¦πŸ†πŸ˜

What is this nonsense???

Top tier boomer LARP-ing tbh. Very lit fam

You forgot a generation.

It was never a doubt. He's antivax and other retarded things, so obviously he finally supports someone like Daddy.

Well I guess this goes to show that boomers really are stuck in the past.

Goddamn he's getting versatile. Kudos to Ben for evolving his craft.

The fentanyl made poor Ben forget what pizza looks like πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

You're right, that pizza is yellow.


And he's holding it like a cock.

What does that mean 😱😱

I get my political opinion from cartoons.

Imagine not knowing that Butt-head is the top and Beavis is the bottom. WTF kind of butt knocker doesn't know that?



Fuck even Bernie isn't a Socialist forget Beto and Biden.

strong daniel clowes vibes

This is so bizarre that it's fantastic. Ben/10

Apologies to Mike Judge

He should apologize to everyone for his existence while he's at it.