Drama Alert

3  2019-04-06 by homosapien_not

This story took place when I was in 7th grade. Now I had this “friend” who was over the top dramatic! She always blew the littlest things out of proportion.

Our school was hosting this 3 on 3 basketball thing where students could make teams and vs each other. My friend, who I’ll be referring to as K, was asked to be on one of these teams. She quickly regretted her decision and complained about it, but the event was happening tomorrow so there was no backing out.

The following day, I was in the stands looking for K. I looked in the bleachers where all the teams were gathered although I didn’t see her. I was obviously confused, and began to text her.

ME: “Hey where are you?” “Did you chicken out”

(I then found the team had just replaced her, and she was happy with her group of friends)

Come lunch time I had already forgotten about the texts given I was having fun with my other friends, and it had been over 3 hours already. I was having fun playing cards with my group, but then at the end of lunch I hear this...

K: Do you really think I’m that pathetic?! ME: Huh? What are you talking about? K: That text you sent me. ME: What text? (Realizes What she’s talking about) ME: Ooooh you mean the text I sent you in the gym? K: Yeah do you really think I’m that pathetic that I would just chicken out?!?! ME: Uh well I was looking for you in the stands and I didn’t see you so I texted you.

She then starts to go off on me. I can’t take it anymore and scream at her to “SHUT UP!” She then gets up from the table and slams her chair into the lunch table. My friends were honestly confused, and I was just annoyed at her. Later that day I texted her that I just can’t take her crap anymore, and that “I need space and a lot of it.”


You sound like a bad friend tbh.

I tried to tell her it was just a joke and that I’m sorry but she ended up screaming at me. Go check out another story on her it’s called “Stabs me in the back” on this subreddit and see if you can still call me a bad friend

Yeah I’m not searching for that. She got kicked off the team and was obviously upset. She blew up once and you ditched being her friend. Sounds fair weather af.

Oh she wasn’t kicked off the team. She kept bothering them and then yelled at them to take her off. And this was not the first time she had done this. She dated my crush knowing I liked him, spread rumors about me, and tried to seclude me from my friends. Yeah I’m the bad friend who stayed by her side when she was talking about killing herself and calling herself ugly, and what did I get in return a broken heart and mild depression. So yeah I’m the jerk here.

You should bang her bf or brother to get back at her.

Ha lol 😂