Bret Hart attacked by fan during WWE Hall of Fame speech. Fan has the shit kicked out of him.

368  2019-04-07 by GoldenMonkeyPox



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That's the best

Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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  6. Dash Wilder (WWE wrestler) gets in ... -,,

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Sweet short hook from Dash.

top guys

Imagine paying money to go to the hall of fame for a fake sport just to attack an old man with multiple strokes and CTE.

And then get inevitably destroyed. There wasn't an outcome where he didn't get beat up I don't get it.

It's mean and stupid simultaneously.

Maybe his fetish is to be manhandled by buff guys?

There's less selfish ways to get that for free. I think he had some kind of wrestling fantasy gone too real in his head.

when keeping it real, goes wrong

Do you guys want some grapes?


You mean like Hillary Clinton running for president over and over?

This ain't Ben "my ante is Hillary's granny panty" Garrison.

Ben Garrison that you

Oh so he's a drama user then?

Death by chokeslam was his ultimate wish

In true WWF tradition they should have beaten him with a chair and then threw him on a table that then broke in half.


I tried this and it doesn't work.

It's mean and stupid simultaneously.

Absolutely /r/drama based then. We should fundraise this guy’s legal/medical bills ASAP so we can mod him

Why? Why would he do that?

I'm not being hyperbolic, I am fucking baffled at the motive. What could Bret Hart possibly have done in that dude's brain to deserve this?

The only thing I can think of is being a wrestling fan and taking it waaaaaay too seriously. Sports fans are terrible, wrestling fans ar e just as bad.

Even so, Bret s last appearance was like 4 years ago.

Guy holds grudges

long grudges

Here I thought real Bret Hart fans stopped watching wrestling altogether back after the Mtl Screwjob.

Brett did screw Brett

What do you mean?

That was the famous promo VKM cut on the screwjob

Dude, don't even try to put "wrestling" in the same category as sports. Any major league sport has dignity.

Vince hired him


Why are you assuming it wasn't staged?

this shit obviously wasn't staged, how fucking r-slurred are you?

You should at least be suspicious. I wish Vince would get back to edgier story lines, like the Chris Benoit double murder suicide thing.

Weird bowflex but whatever.

It clearly wasn’t staged lol they cut the live feed and the guy who got attacked has had serious health issues in the last few years including cancer and a stroke.

Tbf they had Batista drag Ric Flair out of his dressing room by his collar for his 70th birthday show a couple months ago. He has a heart condition and has had like a million surgeries.

The difference being 1. They showed it on tv 2. The person doing it was a wrestler not a fan hopping the barricade. 3. Ric didn’t actually take any bumps or anything just got dragged a little

I agree this wasn't staged just meant that there's a recent precedence for a situation like this.

Are you actually an adult wrestling fan? Because you're all over this sub defending it.

I don't watch wrestling so I don't really question the authenticity of knees to the face.

And to be honest a couple of those knees to the face still seem pretty convincing.

I'd guess he wanted to say he'd wrestled with Bret Hart, and it seemed a lot cooler in his head - he probably imagined the crowd cheering as he gets dragged off by security.


It’s his audition tape.

Sounds exactly like what a ⚪ guy wearing a Jamaican dreadlock hat would do.

Preeeetttyyy sure hes 💩✊🏿


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If you've ever watched the TV show Wicked Tuna, then you know how douchey wh*te guys in rasta hats tend to be.

Imagine watching Wicked Tuna

There's nothing I love more than unsustainable fishing and Boston accents.

Imagine paying money to go to a wwe event period.

I actually went to one of the televised events about 10 years ago because my work gave me 6 free tix. We had a good time, it was better than a Dave Matthews concert

Imagine being a shithead like you.

Am I watching the same video as you? It cuts away quicker than Owen Hart's safety harness?

Holy shit they were on that guy. Can’t even see how many blows over the pile of people. That’s kind of a gray area between stunt/suicide attempt.

That shit used to happen a lot in the late 90s/early 2000s and pretty much everyone would get a hit in including the refs and announcers.

Dude you need to post a link of this happening please

Doesn’t miss a beat lmfao

lol King calling out us despicable disgusting leafs

I love the dude on the ground all confused like "uuhhhh, do I get up or"

lol that sounds like RVD all the time (he likes the marijuanas)

here is triple-h and a ref beating the shit out of a fan

Damn the ref put the fucking shoes to that guy. 😂😂


Wait, is this real or is it part of the fake wrestling?

Seems like its real considering this happened right after the long hair dude acted "knocked out"

It's real. HHH is supposed to be "out of it" because Austin had just pinned him. But all that goes out the window when a random weirdo jumps in the ring and starts attacking one of the performers.

The outcomes are fake but the wrestlers themselves are still a bunch of roided-up monsters with aggression issues.

Fake suplexes never look that painful.

Holy shit, that last punch knocked him the fuck out.

This is a good one hahaha they fucking go crazy on this dude.

Lmao, the fatty.

Here's a guy getting the shit kicked out of him by HHH and the ref when he ran into the ring during a match.

My dumb friends tried to rush the ring during a tag match for the main event at a RAW in Phoenix in 2000. The plan was to get into the ring and give The Rock a Stone Cold Stunner. One of them made it as far as the ring apron before he got kicked in the face by the Undertaker who then stepped on his neck while security mobbed him. It's too bad everyone didn't have a video camera in their pocket back then or there would be some better video of it. On the broadcast you can only see my friends face and arm for a split second as Undertaker is stomping him.

He must have been surprised when a man named The Undertaker put hands on him.

Put foot on him actually.

It wasn't a bad plan for some drunken teenagers really. As DeathBahamut said that kind of crazy shit was fairly common in that era so the security guards were ready for it. First one guy jumped the barricade to cause a diversion and while security was tackling him the other one made his move. That was how he was able to get all the way to the ring. He would have gotten away with too it if it wasn't for that meddling Undertaker.

Chris Benoit & Kane defeated The Rock & The Undertaker in a No Disqualification Match (5:02)
Monday Night Raw, Phoenix, September 11, 2000

Must have gotten in his head

give The Rock a Stone Cold Stunner

Worth it just to see him oversell.

that shit's been happening forever. but in the old days the cops would look the other way, a few people might get some shots in in the ring but the real fun was backstage and uh...let's suffice it to say, the person who did it would never ever want to do it again.

SOURCE: Me, carrying ring jackets to the back during nashville blow-off shows of the Memphis/USWA promotion.

One of the first dudes to get him was Travis Browne a top 10 UFC Heavyweight fighter not that long ago. He goes by "Ronda Rousey's Husband" now though.

Travis Browne (salmon jacket) is the first to really punch the guy in the head. He does it three times. The first ome is sloppy so he readjusts his mount and goes in clean twice. Browne is a 6'7" former UFC heavyweight. He was ringside because he is married to Ronda Rousey.

Davey Boy Smith Jr. Is a member of the Hart family, and a wrestler in Japan. He is the guy in the gold pants that gets about 5 clean shots in as they drag him out.

Dash Wilder is half of a tag-team they call "The Revival". He is the guy who hits him with the very sudden KO strike as they are hearding him towards the barricade.

Goddamn Trustafarians

Wtf hitman just reverse that shit and put him in a sharpshooter

That would have been amazing. He would have probably thrown out his hip though.

Yeah after the stroke I don't think he's gonna be doing a lot of spins or flips.

Well not on purpose. All of those older wrestlers look haggard as fuck, which I can understand why. Edge looks like he i 50 years old.

Well not unless he's playing the Genie in Aladdin on Ice(Which in retrospect was a much better casting choice than Wil Smith).

FWIW Edge is 45, doing pretty well compared to the others, really.

Ahh right on, I did not know he was in his mid 40's.

wrestling ages wrestlers badly.

That's what he said.

Also, I like how Edge's actual name is Adam Copeland.

Edge looks like he i 50 years old.

I mean he is 45 years old. And Googling for pics of him, he looks pretty good for his age.

wtf did I just read

He wants Bret to stick his leg through the other guy's thighs and then pull'em upwards until he wah wahs.

Bret Hart is old and has heart issues

We don't deserve embolisms!

I read about this before I saw the video and at first I wasn’t crying tears for the guy but I also didn’t get the bloodthirsty hatred shown either. I mean large events get people like him all the time. Drunk people streaking naked, people jumping on stage and fucking with musicians at concerts, whatever, it happens. It doesn’t mean anyone should get beaten up for it.

But then I saw the hat.

I hope he dies in agony.

Who gives a fuck if a dumb cunt gets beaten up?

Haha dude weed haha lol.

Play stupid games get beat up by rednecks wearing ill fitting suits.

rednecks wearing ill fitting suits

I fucking lost it seeing one dude hulking out in a goddamn bedazzled dress suit jacket

That was WWE comedy act (and Golden Gloves boxer) Heath Slater. There was like a hundred dudes within thirty feet of the stage who are either legit tough guys or just fucking massive.

When even the guy in the vajazzled suit can batter you, you gotta be out of your mind to tackle a 61 year-old cancer/stroke survivor who every one of those hundred dudes grew up idolising.

This is legendarily hilarious.

This guy got a straight ticket to Valhalla. They’re literally carrying his limp corpse to a Viking funeral at the end of the video.

Drunk people streaking naked, people jumping on stage and fucking with musicians at concerts, whatever, it happens

yeah this wasn't a harmless prank, he spear-tackled a 61 year old man with partial paralysis and recovering from prostate cancer

Are you seriously just gonna ignore all the staged shit the wwe does?

If you think this is staged you actually might be retarded

Automod help!!

Imagine thinking automod would help a retar​d like you.

He used to help me.

You are a ret​ard tho, and automod knows that.


Is this the unslurrenning?

Faking cancer is pretty low though

It's a work bro, when Bret dies he's gonna pop out of the casket at his funeral and give Shawn Michaels a piledriver.

If it was staged they would film it. Cameras cut away until after Hitman was secured and safe.

Like he (probably) wasn't trying to kill him, but could have, dude's old and recovering from cancer. Much worse than streaking.

lol r/o&a get too boring for you as well?

What was the hat

Yeah what was on the hat?

Rasta mon hat complete with fake dreads

What got me is how easily he got in and pulled him down. Thankfully, he wasn't armed.

Security was absolute shit for an event that big

Performers have been killed on stage, I have no problem with them beating anyone who tries to rush them. They have no idea what they could be carrying or planning.

As a bland, wh ite suburban kid, I grew up watching Wrassling, and lately have been getting into YouTube lists (WhatCulture Wrestling, Wrestlelamia) as background noise when I work or do other stuff.

It's actually kind of funny, for some reason there's an attitude that if a fan gets in the ring or somehow becomes a "part of the show" it's free reign to literally try to kill the person. There's been about half a dozen occurrences of this happening - usually overseas - and the wrassler physically demolishes the dipshit. I can't wait for someone to actually die doing this - it'll be good for drama coin

LOL I can't wait for the Whatculture/Cultaholic/Wrestling with Wregret/etc videos on this tomorrow. The best part is people are trying to say it was Enzo Amore doing it. I hope that gains traction.

No, no, no, Enzo jumped the barrier at the other wrestling event tonight (in a worked angle).

I really hope they scrambled to book this in the mere hour after it happened to Bret.

Darn. Enzo pulled some shit at a WWE PPV so I think that is why people are trying to pin it on him.

I can't remember if it was at Summerslam or the Rumble, but he caused a commotion during one match and was escorted out. no barrier jumping tho.

Who the fuck is he?

It was Edward Ferrero, same dude who did it four years ago with Seth Rollins in the same wig.

Did they confirm it was that dude or just a guy dressed in the same r-slur hat?

Nah, I'm just taking a wild non-journalist guess. Dont @ me if I'm wrong, but it's the same hat, they look similar. Makes ya think...

Taking a wild non-journalist guess

Sending you my 11.99 right now, Big Dave

Thank you sir, the venmo is OPEN for business.

Forreal tho, if I'm right, everybody can hit that Venmo with 0.69c donations please? Ty!

Watch OSW Review, 3 Irish dudes review different eras of WWE, WCW and some TNA. Plus some movie reviews.

for some reason there's an attitude that if a fan gets in the ring or somehow becomes a "part of the show" it's free reign to literally try to kill the person

i think it's the exact opposite, actually. the whole idea of pro wrestling is for a bunch of trained athletes who know exactly what they're doing to get together and pretend to fucking destroy each other. any fan unstable enough to jump in the middle of that is unstable enough to actually hurt someone too, if they're given the chance. they're an unknown, chaotic element in a performance that requires a high degree of trust and coordination to ensure no one ends up in a wheelchair. that's gotta be fucking terrifying if it's your neck on the line, literally or empathetically, i don't blame them for shutting that shit down with extreme prejudice.

Saying that, he's right. A wrestler killing a fan is going to be fantastic for dramacoin. Like when that Lamb of God guy threw a fan off stage and killed him.

As a heads up, Wrestlemania 35 is tonight my nslur and nothing immerses you in modern wrestling quite like a 7ish hour long show you can play in the background while eating tendies.

It is free reign to beat the shit out of him lol. Not only was the attacker mayo, but the victim was a hobbled old man. Yes I know he was also mayo, but obviously the victim was an ally since the tag team known as New Day, who are basketballs, immediately came to his aid

But whose side is he on?

what are you talking about!?

Would you stop would've worked fine here as well.

i fucked it up, I thought Monsoon said that after Marty Janetty dived through Brutus the Barber's window, as Heenan rightfully pointed out, but he says:


I don't know who these people are, but I see two crimes here:

Elderly abuse and cultural appropriation.

There's this really great shot after Bret starts talking again where you can see the biggest guy in WWE, Braun Strowman, can be seen walking behind him in the direction of wherever they took the guy backstage.

I gotta believe he went to go give that kind Rastafarian his hands.

Come on, you're clearly just using Braun as an excuse to post pictures of Alexa Bliss.

Do you have a problem?

Also, PSA: they definitely fucked, if only just to see if it was possible.

Just that if you're going to post a picture of Braun, it should be a nip slip.

Why do all WWEhores looks like washed up meth addicts ugh

Strowman fallacy.

And now I’ve seen her naked and getting fucked.

God, I love the internet.


Those are fakes.

So is it a hate crime because he was wearing a fake Rasta hat?

I expected Nattie to do SOMETHING

apparently she took most of the bump for Bret

She did. She grabbed Bret to try and stop him from falling. Unfortunately, being a woman, she is naturally weaker than the weakest man, and she just ended up being flung onto the ground by Bret’s momentum.

I for one, cannot wait for Hall of Famer Donald J Trump to tweet about this.

Lmao I always forget that our current president is in the WWE hall of fame. This truly is a great time to be alive.

The dankest

I would unironically pay to see him do another "battle of the billionaires" match as president.

>fan tries to jump in

>secret service intensifies


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I try to point this out once a week or so. Burgers don't usually like it :(

The stupid ones.

I will make a flair bet that he appears in some way at Wrestlemania today.

It's in New York, muh Russia is dead in the water, and Vince's wife is running his 2020 superpac.

If he does a heel shoot about how "women belong in the kitchen not in the ring" before the main event I would be sooooo happy.

Wait is this real

Thx bb 😘😘

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Bret Hart screwed Bret Hart

Bloodthirsty r-slurs screaming "beat his ass"

God bless the USandA!

Lmao what's a Rastafarian doing at a WWE event

Imagine attacking someone at an event where literally everyone in a 50 foot radius could kill you with their bare hands.


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It’s WWE r-slur. They could pretend to kill you

Minor alterations to the stuff they do on stage could kill you. Just ask Darren Drozdov how "pretend" it is.

He can still walk. Was probably faking the quadriplegia too.

Theyre still muscle-bound roid-jockeys who throw around 200-300lb dudes 300 days of the year

Idk about murica. But after the threath was removed, every hit he received would be an assault, not self defense. That guy could sue so many people, plus the event organizer and make a lot of money.

I'm sure the multi-billion dollar company is scared to death right now.

Again. Its america, idk its laws. And if its multibillion then its easier for them to give more money.

Always way easier for them to drop a massive amount of cash on lawyers.

if laws is in his favour, the money on lawyers on wont help the company

Yeah, there’s literally multiple videos right now circulating the Internet showing them beating the fuck out of his whilst he’s already restrained.

They could splash a billion on lawyers, doesn’t mean those videos aren’t enough proof already.

god i hope the system isn't pussy enough to let it happen for this.

the laws are bad if he could sue other for assault after he was restrained.

Cuz what i see is people angry beating him and not so much self defence.

Of course he is also guilty of assulting that old wrestler

i understand that he could sue or press charges, but I hope that any Judge presiding over that shit would throw it the fuck out

there's zero chance he didn't know he was gonna get his ass beat. he was probably hoping for it

really? thats not even an argument.

There are so many things we dont know yet about the incident, but what is certain is that the guy was assaulted.

He did pose any threat 3-4 seconds after he entered the ring, he was immidietly restrained. Every thing after that that was unnecesary is criminal offence.

It doesnt matter if you agree, also you dont seem to know much about laws.

You're gonna tell me that knowingly endangering yourself to attack an unexpecting old man on what was essentially global television isn't going to factor into a judges decision?

Get the fuck outta here

thats a separate offence.

you have a separated left and right brain

thats how brains are. yours is obviously flat. keep talking about what you dont understand.

you are not smart if you know how to use the internet.

and u are still american.


wrong on both lol

My old correctional department used to get sued and settle all the time even at no fault. It's really not that uncommon. They went way overboard on that guy. If a corrections officer did that to an inmate he'd be charged with assault. Not saying the guy has the mental acuity or financial ability to sue ,but he almost certainly could. I've seen excessive force lawsuits that were way less obvious than that go in favor of the guy getting beaten.

It would be great for dramacoin if his lawsuit was successfull.

I see a lot of WWErats in this thread who are not concerned with drama hmmmmm

No idea why you get downvoted, to are spot on

Its reddit. That happens when you use your brain and dont go along with the circlejerk.

Also imagine how dumb they are, that the only thing they can do is downvote.

No arguments, no nothing.

You're definitely not mad you got downvoted for being retrarded. Jack shit is going to happen, wwe is rich enough to assassinate the whole crowd and wipe this from the Internet in about 30 seconds.

ik its usa, but i dont think the system is that bad there

Lol crumpets are pathetic with their laws. This dude deserved every hit he got. Dude legit could have killed his victim(stroke victim, cancer survivor, numerous leg injuries in his life to the point that hes hobbled), and although that would've been great for dramacoin, it goes to show how serious that attack was. Dude could have killed old dude with just what he did here, he deserved what he got for it and more.

another one who doesnt know the laws.

the verb "to deserve" doesnt mean anything in law or football( the real one)

So not a lawyer, but did really quick research on criminals that have sued victims or people who assisted the victims.


It looks like to have any type of case to get a some amount of money, he is going to have to have been majorly injured, which doesn`t appear to be the case.


At this point if he attempts to sue, the multi-billion dollar company just files a counter-suit for much bigger damages, his crimes are overall more serious than the guy who punched him.

Maybe if he was independently wealthy or a lawyer on his right, No lawyer is going to take him up on the case... and no officer is going to try and press charges.

When I worked in corrections we got sued by inmates fairly often for things way less obvious. It really doesn't take much to win a lawsuit like that. They focus more so on what happens after the restraint has taken place. It was cringeworthy watching those dudes rain punches and haphazardly drag him. I had to be trained on positioning of the restrainee solely to avoid lawsuit.

Just seems crazy to me that we had to go through all that while a bunch of random people can punch the guy unconscious and drag him out of the place.

I'm gonna bet my money it was the same dude wearing the same wig four years ago when he jumped in Seth Rollins' entrance. Edward Ferrero. Dont @ me if I'm wrong.

I haven't seen this many old coke heads in formal attire since Bret Hart died.

Dash Wilder is gonna be throwing hands at the next Josh Barnett's Bloodsport. And Davey Boy Smith Jr is a 6 foot, almost 300lb weeb who can beat ass. That fan got fucked up.

Wouldn't spread rumors about the possible fighter unless it's confirmed by an official source. Reddit has a not so great history of getting the wrong bad guy

Uh, the guy reporting it is an offiical source.

So was the 'Boston bomber' tbh

Was that the cute one

I enjoyed watching that shithead get the living fuck beat out of him

/r/squaredcircle thread on the incident

Implying any woman will let this shithead impregnate them.

Why do Redditors believe that all women are totally pure and morally upstanding?

Redditors mayo-knight all the time in hopes of one day obtaining a crumb of pussy.

I'm so tired of people defending this guy. It makes me so sad for our country that this guy is getting sympathy. If hes mentally ill, let's get him help. Outside of that, can we just agree stay out of the kitchen if you cant stand the heat. He had to know what he was doing is wrong and pretty selfish.

Loooool he got FUCKED up

People that watch WWE are pathetic

Why does that bother you?

Why do you think it upsets me?

It's crazy how.many wrestling fans are on drama. This is clear evidence that the DDF's presence is too much

We cannot allow the noble and storied culture of r/drama to be subsumed by these mongoloid invaders

The only course of action is to make wrestling gayer

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Any people who were ever 8 years old ... are pathetic!


can I ping someone in a response?

Right, I’m definitely calling 8 year olds pathetic and not the manchildren that follow WWE like wom*n flicking their bean over The Bachelor.

Pinging is reserved for Drama Premium subscribers. I don’t send the mods $45 / month just so any random pleb can ping

The wrong son died. I wish Owen was still here

I wish we could exchange you for Owen.

You and me both pal

You people keep using the word "fan". I do not think you know what that means.

It's short for fanatic.

LMAO way to go after john oliver show about WWE. The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.

I want to make fun of the wrestling fandom, but I watch a few sports and as an adult am realizing that the rest are likely as fake as wrestling; just less exposed.

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I love the fact that they had trouble getting him out of the ring because the people in the ring were too busy kicking his ass.

So are we still pretending WWE is real or what?


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>Bret Hart got screwed over at WWE

As is tradition

Special shoutout to Dash Wilder of The Revival, a fantastic tag team. He's the beefy mayo who punches the mongo's nose into his skull. If any of the dramatics here want to check out the appeal of pro wrestling, watch one of The Revival's NXT matches on Youtube. They're storytellers first - each match is a different three-act story. They're brilliant at their craft, no matter how goofy it may seem from the outside.

Hope he sues the fuck out of them, that reaction was well beyond reasonable.

lol at the cry baby bret fans here i found it funny brets suppose to be this real wrestler and yet lost to a basic guy who is only an amateur mma fighter currently