Juicy! Chinese Communist Party is destroying mosques, cracking down harder on Muslims.

126  2019-04-07 by GodOfDarknessWine


I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


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Funny how we M-slurs have leaders who refuse to condemn China. But America is.

The m-leaders are just paternal dictators with a cultural fabric that can only sleeps at night if bearded daddy controls society with an iron fist.

Condemning the panda lands doesnt fit in because the victims look like rice-slurs where as the victims of h-Isra_el do not

No you retard its because of trade and money

Im afraid you are mistaken, its actually because the quran tells them so.

Makes u fink

durka durka brother

What do these politicians realistically expect the U.S. to do? We've already escalated trade relations significantly, and that was just to get the CCP to do something about rampant IP theft. More sanctions for what is an entirely domestic policy will undoubtedly just lead to the CCP digging in it's heels further. Why are so many Westerners to naive and stupid enough to think that this isn't the same regime that responded to civil disrest by inflicting thousands of casualties against students?

All I want Americans to do is stop seriousposting >:(

To know your enemy is to know your drama

Ameen 👳🏾‍♂️🕌☪️

The tragedy of our age is that they never will

You can take our lives, but you'll never take our seriousposts.

Seriousposter on the left.

There's legit something about the topic of China that gives me seriouspost Tourettes.

Are Chinese b*ssies sideway?

No. It’s slanted.

mrw somebody insults the CCP


Ha, idiot. Totally invalidates your entire argument.

Yeah but Ur fat.

Far from it lol.

Thanks Mr. Skeltal

I have a centrist body.

Slightly overweight and ludicrously hairy?

Neither corporeal nor ethereal.

I'm in awe

Wow this


Fat as fuck.

Your mom?


rip me

We just want to b-slur about our politicians with unrealistic goals, and then b-slur at them when they try something that turns out has some consequences.

Terrorism in China undermines the Chinese government and is good for the US. Pushing too hard and actually stopping these policies wouldn't be great, because it will prevent the escalation of terrorism that will occur inevitably as a backlash. By putting a bit of pressure though, americans can be the good guys and establish credit with future Jihadis in china, which they will arm and help break apart china when the time comes.

Not bad. I'd say that's worth six sesame credits.

it will prevent the escalation of terrorism that will occur inevitably as a backlash

Odds are there won't be an escalation because of the thoroughness of the CCP police-state. They've pretty much got the Uighurs on lock-down, both literally figuratively. In other words, Uighurs are straight fucked like the Chechens.

It's not demographically possible. Uyghurs are barely a speck on the charts compared with the Han or even other ethnic minority groups. At worst China ends up with a Western Sahara situation.

Kill China

Idk which one I hate more, communists or muslims :(

The muslims need to announce a jihad against the commies.

I'd join it. Inshallah.

Both sides love suicide attacks. In the end, the rest of the world will be the victors.

If Uighurs were arabs they would have done it years ago.

hwite commie muslims.


But all the CCP shills on reddit say this isn't happening.

Not even the just the paid tolls. The CCP doesn't even need to dish out 50 cents per comment when they have CTH and other commies leaping to the defense of the CCP for free. Because the for commiecels their life's ambition is to realize a world revolution that establishes a classless and stateless society, and the best way to make that happen is side with paternalistic, authoritarian, hyper-capitalist and racist autocrats.

I'm convinced it's mainly brainwashed international students who are now just doing it for free. They are the most pathetic people in existence. I hope all them lose their internet access due to bad social credit.

This is gonna delve into seriousposting a bit, but how do the leftie burgers feel about Drumpfs China restrictions and shit now? I mean yes, they're doing some good cutting off the savages in Aussietrailya, but now they target Muslims? This is not what the Quran wishes for us! People who attempt to censor the Quran are to be stoned, according to Allah. So let us fight back against these infidels!

Allah Akbar

inshallah my pooskin brother. durka durka mohammad jihad

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_China after I read this I want them to crack down even harder.

Terrorism in China refers to the use or threatened use of violence to affect political or ideological change in the People's Republic of China

??? That's a good thing, China's government is literal trash.

Supporting genocidal sharia state to own the Chinese.


By Allah, behave yourself or I will give you a taste of my shoe.

I will beat you with 30 shoes for your insolence.

I thought the sino culture was so persausive and dominant that you couldnt help be become of it

Jow many hews are in China?

persuasive and dominant

Violence is a pretty good persuasion tool.

Violence is so hot right now

Jow many hews are in China?

You'd be surprised:


Judes insisting upon their culture everywhere

I dont think I can be surprised

based yangs don't give a fuck about what 白左 think

based and confucius-pilled

based and yellowpilled

The yellow solution to the M question. Take note yurop

I which they enacted these policies on all mn, regardless of relgion.

Just wait until the Chnese buy our government after yet another disasterous recession and xixixixi heartily while they herd the myos into the death camps to make more room for luxury condos, outlet stores and public spaces to throw garbage

Prophetic vision of the future

Religion is not a right.

China is based in this regard. Big props to em

The US should more ships to Taiwan, endorse Hong Kong independence. Then if there were was to bomb the CCP without nuclear retaliation.

They tried that already. Burma told them to fuck off.


Grandma hates communism and hates China, but she loves the notion of Muslim genocide. Grandma is confused.