Automoderator didn't ban a word. What is going on here?!?!?!?!?!?

60  2019-04-07 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


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F-slur is still a hard no



I thought л looked more like a g than г




Maybe if you're a stu​pid fag​got.


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Sodomite. Fornicator. Buggerer.

Batty boy


Your comment reminded me of a moment in my favorite Christmas movie. It took me a bit to a clip of the actual scene but i'm glad it did because I also found this great montage of insults from the movie, which is basically all the movie is, is people talking shit to each other.

Watch a little of the montage if you have a moment.

Brit. Anglo. Kraut.

Are you retarded?

The automod is trivially easy to get around. Just lookup the cyrllic alphabet and pick a letter that looks like the one you want to use but isn't.

Let me just grab my Cyrillic keyboard.

Lmao this brainlet hasn't hearded of cutting and pasting or unicode.

Regular expressions are a bla⁤ck-and-wh⁤ite tool, meant for use with simple ASCII, while Unicode strings are bundles of ambiguities filled with ho⁤moglyphs and invisible control characters.

Basically, it’s Europe’s and Asia’s fault for wanting to write in their weird squiggly barbari⁤an languages rather than use proper English like Jes⁤us did.

Well, I looked at that comment through my X-Ray goggles that show escapes for any characters not in [0x20, 0x7F) range, and I don't see anything weird. Unlike /u/GENDER_OF_PEACE's comment below that shows as "Imagine thinking automod would help a retar\u200bd like you."

Maybe r-slur is on the list but r-slurred isn't? Or is automod doing stochastic terrorism now?





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God wrote the universe in codepage 437. ASCII & Unicode are the work of the devil.


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You're retarded if you think it's a difficult thing to do



Use the letters above to bypass any word filter on any website.

For more letters see


But most of those don't look right. Just go into notepad and copy an invisible control character and put it inside your word

Shh don't tell anyone about this trick. L

Not fаke, not gаy.



You are a brain​let and a ret​ard.

Why do we want automod to stop banning words? I've enjoyed the creativity we get

AFAIK, automod doesn't ban cunt. Yet