(((Cream cheese))) unironically says that his (((fellow cream cheeses))) that support a (((cream cheese ethnostate))) are mayo nationalists

19  2019-04-07 by thisishardcore_


leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


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Few thing are more Hebrew than self hatred

Antidote came faster than I expected.

Took a while to figure out the angle, eh?

To quote (((Larry David))), who is a G-d amongst men, "I do hate myself...but it has nothing to do with being Jewish!"

lol I love it


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Why can’t Cream Cheese make Northern Florida their holy land or something?

Everyone knows that North Leeds is the true Holy Land for cream cheeses.

t. Resident of North Leeds

What state is that in?

Yorkshire, Norf

Is that in New York?

It's pretty near the original OG York, about 30 miles away.


There was some 20th century plan to make Long Island for Jews only if I remember. It’d be like the ussr’s Jewish oblast.

It might have been just some George Lincoln Rockwell/Malcom X friendship plan tho

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Wut? I haven't seen any Jéwß around there, only droves of headscarf-wearing mueslis.

In Leeds? Try visiting Moortown, Alwoodley or Roundhay. You can smell the lox.