"Centrists are basically nazis" -Politicalhumor

293  2019-04-07 by VanOldenbarnevelt


The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.

Unfairly made famous and rich through copied ideas and appealing to kids. And yet is driven by some bizarre need for attention to spout insane, teenage edge lord style views. You are clearly not all that up on politics (or anything, maybe you can code?) yet your wealth has given you an oversized platform of confused 12 to 16 year olds to yell "sjwjjwjwj" at over and over again.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if you've been driven mad by fame or some bullshit. When I see amazing creative people dying depressed in poverty every day and you get to sit on twitter and make half assed 'now yur the nazi' comments, it's fucking sickening.


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I wonder of the kulaks had their needs met? 🤔

They fattened themselves on famine ackshually.

Uppity fucks should've known their place. Thus in a small drought the entire social class just..... liquidated.

Of course they did. Meeting those needs, though, comes with some responsibilities that they neglected until those came to bit their ass, though.

>inb4 muh hard working

Somehow the Lagidze, who was hardworking on making soft drinks, didn't only retain his position, soviets actually built him a new factory when old one has burned down.

Maybe because he wasn't usurious cunt, who were profiting off people dying from hunger around him.


I, for one, accept your insane commieposting. We need more leftytards posting here to balance out the MDEtards and return r/drama to a state of radical centrism like it's supposed to be.

Exactly, we should all updoot him to the nines.

On the other hand it's seriousposting, which we have MORE THAN ENOUGH OF PLEASE AND THANK YOU.

I believe in the mods, though. The ban hammer has been moving faster than a Parkinson's patient playing whack-a-mole.

Some seriousposting is so absurd that it loops back around to being a joke again. you know, horseshoe theory n all that shit

This principle is literally the only reason pizzashill is tolerated around here.

1 Kulak is worth an infinite number of communists


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Far left: "Wh*te men are responsible for all of the world's problems!"

Far right: "J*ws are responsible for all of the world's problems!"

Centrists: "Lol @ both mayos and cream cheeses tbh."

mfw centrists are really native americans

This is too much knowledge for a single man to have

Based and redskin-pilled

🤫 Don't tell them

Far Right: The (((elites))) is responsible for all your problems and must be killed

Far Left: The (((rich))) are responsible for all your problems and must be killed

Centrists: Gal Gadot is my waifu and I won't let you hurt her!! 😭😭😭




no real centrist says that

fuck you. pay me.

Secure the bag.


Based omnicide poster

I see that sub continues its streak of posting zero humor

r/politics doesn't allow memes and screenshots of twitter posts. So they have to political "humor" and act like they are have intellectual conversations regarding twitter posts and memes.

But this post is a twitter screenshot 🤔

Yes and it’s posted on r/politicalhumor and not r/politics. Which was the entire premise of my post.

Um stop discriminating against me for not being able to read

fucking ableists smdh

Just like a certain drama sub that has become completely devoid of actual drama recently

I new here, and even I kind of agree with you


You are part of the problem and consider your part of the equation deported.

Ok papa

Blessed mods deporting as fast as possible to keep us under 100k


What have the MDEfugees done to this poor sub

That is why we aim to be self-sustaining.

tbf we had multiple drama bombs dropping in a row so having a few slow days ain't that bad

Fugees downvote because they can't handle the truth.

The woke left seems to enjoy “clapter comedy”

that article gave me cancer

Subconsciously, I was primed to home in on this passage this time around, because usage of the term “clapter” has become increasingly widespread since this profile was initially published.

Whoever wrote this sounds like a 7th grade trying -and miserably failing- to sound smart.

home in


It’s genuinely terrible writing. One might even call it “marked by incredibly boring and shortsighted” smugness.



Okay. This is woke!

When people congregate in groups, they act in unison in a way that is not always conducive to the creation of inspired comedy. They laugh at jokes they wouldn’t ordinarily laugh at, but for the contagious nature of the laughter around them, and they clap at things they wouldn’t ordinarily clap at because it feels rude not to join in. In and of itself, this is not a particularly challenging problem, and it can be combated easily enough through adequate repetition and stage time.

Unfortunately, this problem has been compounded by the fact that consumers are increasingly turning to comedy, somewhat indistinguishably from our informational echo chambers, as a means to stoke and reinforce our personal perspectives.

“tHiS is A cOmedY show!” t. Jon Stewarts of the world

Actually found Jon Stewart really funny when he was on. There's too many late night shows like his now tho

There’s no late night show like his

Michelle Wolfe of all people parodied this pretty well.

“Now, I’m gonna say something serious. Because it’s time to get serious. And because it’s easier than writing comedy.”

It’s a good bit, I’m gonna try to find it.

Michelle Wolfe

I just watched the Respondents Dinner (?) standup. Was pleasantly surprised at everything except her voice.

Here it is. Michelle’s “broken clock” moment.

It was a straight xpost from chapo lol.

While conveniently ignoring all the times Chapo calls for guillotines and gulags.


I can't wait to watch some exciting baseball in Chile's Estadio Nacional here, today, September 11, 1973.

its not violence to kill your oppressors.

gosh im so upset right now im going to go shoot myself in the head

They should be put in the world Guinness record, of having the least humor on Reddit.

Third comment down and already talking about Overton windows. Why does Reddit love talking about Overton windows.

It’s popular in critical theory

critical theory

Tell me something that is more of a waste of time than critical theory.

Beanie babies

Close but critical theory is a bigger waste of time than beenie babies. At least beenie babies are useful to small children and babies.

Ah yeah, good point

You'll be crying when I'm retired at 35 off of my Beanie Babie futures, crypto currency's, and the massive inheritance from my grandfather's estate.

You just wish you were a smart investor like me.

Jokes on you, poorfag, I've held on to my large collection of Pogs for the last 30 years. Just waiting for the right moment to cash them out...



Reading /r/drama

Human resources



First person shooters


Having to wait for a station attendant to pump your gas in the state of Oregon

Human resources for payroll, the pinnacle of being a waste of air.

Hey don't fault the State of Oregon for correctly determining only a select percentage of their citizenry can be trained to pump gas safely.


Reddit loves to think it's smarter than it actually is. The meme tweet in OP is a great example. I'm sure whoever posted it thought it was galaxy-brain level of insight.

it's a chapo meme so no thought was put into it as it was just reposted.

Because they read a sentence or two on the theory and thinkbthat they understand it. Even more so, they think that it makes a really nice stick to beat their political opponents with.

Because it makes you sound smarter than saying "the new normal"

Why am I always late in posting Drama 😣😣😣

Lmfao at the funny joke in this humor sub

implying america has a left wing

Shhhh dont say that you'll wake up them

Far left: we're gonna get everyone's basic needs met...by decapitating the rich, forcing out the survivors, and starving everyone

PoliticalHumor: ThE lEfT iS THe OnLy ReeeeSONablE SidE

> starving everyone

Kulaks were doing that for a long time, but one time the same shit is done to them, everyone loses their minds.

Imagine agendaposting in favor of the golodomor on drama. 😬😱😱😱


moar like lolodomor

the communism is lit! golodomor calls for aid!

Based a diet pilled

the kulaks were not exporting grain to other countries in the middle of the worst famine the USSR ever faced

something tells me they were not as bad

They were just trying to get by. But crushing them and ramming collectivization through allowed the Soviets to win the war. So... meh for the kulaks.



Better to link the suicide hotline tbh

Another day, another tankie denying the Holodomor


That's the tankie's "holohoax".

🐴 👞

Another day another r-slur pretending Ukrainians are an actual ‘nationality’.

Are you being serious?

Starvation in the snow would be too good for you

Do you have proof of any of that?

Calm discussion on rDrama.. f[slurs] get out

don't downvote the lolcows, please.

We love calm discussions

r/allfugees ruin everything. 😠

"Centrists are basically nazis" -Politicalhumor

Everyone's a Nazi if they actually make an effort.

The greatest generation that stormed Normandy and firebombed Dresden would be Nazis these days.

It is the fact they don't make an effort is what causes them to label everyone a Nazi.

I agree, active people are Nazis and lazy people aren't.


The reasonable right are the establishment Democrats. Clinton, Biden and the like

Every fucking thread has to mention that Dems are totally right-wing as well.

The Dems are seriously proposing reparations.

I don't know any European right wing party that's proposing reparations for slavery or colonialism.

Not even lefties are into that shit in Europe

I don't know, Corbyn might just...

Corbyn is a fucking commie though


And a br*t 🤢

And a fucking jew hating nazi at the same time! Something, something, shoe?

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And a fucking joo hating nazi at the same time! Something, something, shoe?

Socially democrats are left wing even by European standards. It's economically that they're right wing relative to the rest of the Western world.

Another issue that I can think if is, single sex clubs.

Dem controlled cities have limited them while Tories atleast won't limit or ban such clubs.

But they aren't. They just don't have enough backing to go super far left economically.

The British conservative government just announced they were going to pay up to 200 million in compensation to those affected by the Windrush scandal, id say that's somewhat similar just much more recent history

That's different.

Thy aren't trying to right historical wrongs or whatever.

They're paying the price for a fuck up.

Well yeah it was initially a fuck up to not supply documentation to the immigrants, but the subsequent extremely hostile immigration policy with deportation targets isn't a cock up particularly since the home office was warned about the issue and didn't change anything. But these details are kinda irrelevant, paying for a cock up is the same thing as righting a historical wrong just the context is different. Its like if reparations had happened 30 years after slavery had ended.


True, only a matter of time I guess.

The fucking germanic people should fuck off to where they came from and give western europe back to the celts.

And the Normans should fuck off already.

Them too

They also mention this as if it matters, at all. In reality it is 100% irrelevant.

I feel like we couldn't go without it at this point. It's such a staple. Just like whenever a thread happens to mention guns, an enlightened european has to tell us that they're glad nobody in their country has them, or that their police don't carry them.

i like when people say europe is so much more lefty than america with literally nothing to back it up

(Here's a typical r/politicalhumour-cel getting his ass handed epic style by Swedes.](https://old.reddit.com/r/svenskpolitik/comments/akb8mc/do_you_think_that_swedes_ignore_facts_about_the/)

In some western European countries they intentionally make getting an abortion a hassle for women, like making them watch videos on why it's wrong, or making them see a psychologist. Imagine if they tried that here.

I mean, they do stuff like that in red states. Mike Pence even made funerals for aborted fetuses mandatory while governor of Indiana.

It's just a noise, you know, a space filler at this point. It fits into their conversation like "uhm" or "uhh".

Translation: A handful of western/northern european countries have universal healthcare and maybe one or two other issues I care about therefore the entire world is further left than the US

Real translation: I heard this talking point on TYT, Chapo, or a random comment and accepted it at face value

It's like a kind of dullard's political calculation for people who don't actually understand the deeper principles behind political positions.

It's easy:

  • Right Wing Is Bad.

  • Left Wing is Good.

  • More Right Leaning Means More Bad.

  • Dems are more Left but still Right Leaning, so still Bad.

  • Support What Dems Want and More so they become Good.

Don't pay attention to the substance of anything being said, or any of the adverse consequences that could arise from it. Don't pay attention to how each of these regions' history has created different parties that want different things and define themselves differently.

Just do your duty and catch up with the Euro Good Left.

Maybe they think that if they say it enough, it will become true


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me: good

them: bad

centrist: same!

Literally the same retarded take over and over.

That sub unironically triggers the hell out of me. Why is reddit getting worse and worse?

Feeling TRIGGERED, libtard?

I love how they think centrists are basically extremists when the point of centrism is to be moderate

When the world is full of extremists, centrists are the true radicals.

we live in a society

probably just the inevitable outcome of forcing everyone into their own little internet corner and the only time the two see each other is when something extreme happens.

Leftist are tired of losing to the right and so they blame centrists for their problems, as if they have to side with them. They are so egotistic and not aware of what they're doing. That won't conform anyone to your side.

I've grown up a moderate Republican, only to see that party shift further right. So now I'm a moderate who finds himself ever shifting to the left, because holy hell can Republicans not get their shit together

100% LARP

How do you do fellow (((Republicans)))?

Other than electing the current standing president of the United States of America? Really makes you think 🤔

That shit happens all the time on /r/politics.

"I've voted Republican my whole life, but not any more because orange Russia man bad."

There's no way any principled Republican would look at the modern left and think "This is my new home."


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I'm a dyed in the wool democrat from a union family and I look at the modern left and go "Haha, no way".

Of course, I look at the right as well and go "Eww, gross."

It's like being stuck on the short bus between a 300 lb fat kid in a smelly trenchcoat and the ret🅰rded boy that smells like pee. I'll let you guys argue about who is who.

I'm a dyed in the wool democrat from a union family and I look at the modern left and go "Haha, no way".

Of course, I look at the right as well and go "Eww, gross."

Welcome to what's known as "normie world".

Counterpoint: Max Boot and Jennifer Rubin's entire careers post-2015

Yeah that's not what the far left is saying.

Someone mentioned Chapo and others mentioned Stalin etc and the reply was

except those fringe groups don’t represent the left or hold the values of leftist thinkers. you’re confusing an edgy teenager subreddit as an entire political movement.

Okay from now on I declare that centrism will only be represented by Me, Abraham Lincoln, and Mister Rogers. Any attack on centrism is an attack on us and anybody that claims to be centrist and does something bad is actually not representative for some reason.

Someone is trying to say that the far-left in America would be Central Right in Europe or Canada.

And of course the usual ACKSHULLY

Actually, what is called far left in America would actually be called left or center-left in most of other countries (especially in Europe and in Canada).

Far left: Collectively racks up a body count that would make the most extreme fascist cream themselves in jealousy

Political humour: “I blinked what did I miss?”

Extreme Left: Kill The Rich, Become Totaltarian, Secret Police, Send non Supporters to Murder/Slave Camps, Disarm Populace, Everyone Starves

Extreme Right: Same except, Kill Poor, Police aren't secret, immediate execution instead of Camps and start an Unwinable Global War.

Horseshoe theory is Always right. Radical Centrism is the only way.

Is it only reddit leftists who shits on centrists? Or do the_donald types also engage in the shit flinging?

Every person set in a "camp" like repubes, dems, magatards, chapochuds, etc get at the very least pissy about centrists/moderates/independents even in real life in my experience. Back during the last election, I had a co-worker fucking scream at me because I said I was going to vote Johnson because I couldn't stomach voting for the other 2. And this was a man in his 50's and not some zoomer who hasn't had life beat the passion out of him yet. I figure it's that lefties and righties view each other as lost causes and they generally aren't a danger to their less dedicated cohorts. But trying to get those people to be reasonable and see things in less absolutist terms and get them out from under their side's propaganda is a big threat so the banner wavers get super up in arms about it.

Are mayos a "social group"?

Can PK be our Hitler?

Everyone who doesn't think just like us are nazis!

Nazis rise to power

Pikachu face before involuntary shower.

How many times do they jerk themselves over the exact same joke?