Schizo post of the day n+1: "Old celebrities get ill because there aren't enough child sex-slaves".

78  2019-04-07 by le_epic_xd_part_2


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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Am I totally batshit?


Kinda curious what the adrenochrome in Fear and Loathing is now, but not enough to go to “dude drugs” forums.

I’m guessing something related to DMT/ayahuasca or maybe a deliriant?

It doesn't exist, Thompson made it up for the express purpose of screwing with narcs and druggies alike.

Ah okay. I thought maybe he had just subbed that name in for some other drug.

thats true though, all celebs and rich people do it

its like how they have those services to do blood transfusions from teens to old people

You can buy synthetic adrenochrome and it is chemically incapable of doing anything beyond giving someone the normal effects of adrenaline, which can also be bought or prescribed

nah the adrenochrome thing is a bit far out but blood itself is a big thing among rich old people


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Even if that were the case then all they'd need to do is pay some poor college students to do blood transfusions, not kidnap suburban middle-class children and harvest their adrenaline-rich blood on children farms as is the lore. Whatever weird medical shit they're into has nothing to do with pedophilia, which is a practice of some of the wealthy because there are pedos in all social strata and wealth allows pedos to have more access to children than the middle class and perhaps in equal amounts when compared to the lower class

i mean if youre getting blood for youthfulness then obviously the younger blood the better

and kids cant consent

but turns out if you just steal some kids they dont need to

why would you need to steal kids when there's a ton of parents willing to give up their kids for drugs and/or fame?

Ambrosia is the company that does the transfusions from young to old people

Weird ass shit

Apparently they rely on donated blood too due to federal regulations. So there are weird young people who just give their blood to this project.

That's stupid. Everyone knows adrenochrome doesn't do shit and the key to eternal life lies in the consumption of child sex slave pineal glands.

I was only half paying attention and thought I was losing my fucking mind till i noticed it was r/conspiracy and i actually realized what I clicked on. what a bunch of d#g#nerates

How could drug withdrawal cause you to walk with a cane

Adrenochrome is supposed to be a hallucinogen anyway. Most hallucinogens are not super addictive and don't really have bad withdrawal. I mean yeah shrooms is an interesting experience, but it's not one you'd want to have ever single day.

I love that whenever someone is making up some fictional super drug it just has to be hallucinogenic. When in reality basically none of the problem drugs are. All the most addictive drugs are usually pretty simple, they speed you up or slow you down, while causing some general sense of euphoria, opiates feel like being wrapped in a warm comfy blanket, amphetamines make me feel tickles all over and trigger a rush of epiphanies (that 99% of the time were not as good ideas as I thought them to be afterward). I could do either until I died easily.

Mushrooms is like the entire world falls away and is replace by colors and nonsensical geometric shapes, and also I'm frozen in fear recalling in agony every mistake I've every made. It's funny if you do it with friends too because there's always a point a few hours in where the hangover starts to kick in, all wonder suddenly disappears and your suddenly just staring at each other and it gets like super awkward because everyone can't stand everyone else all of a sudden. Anyway, I could not imagine becoming addicted to mushrooms if I tried. Usually psychedelics are something you feel sort of in awe or in fear of afterward. You look at them with respect. You don't have some unending urge to reup your dose to keep the feeling going forever.

All them words won't bring your pa back.

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I’ve known/know both celebs and billionaires (not a ton but enough)

I highly doubt that.

you'll be sorry when the truth comes out and it's even crazier than what schizos can come up with