Do you have to be mentally deficient to like John Oliver? Do being an intellectual lightweight and a fat fuck go hand in hand? An Irish woman headlining Wrestlemania inspires posters on /r/Ireland to ask the important questions

20  2019-04-07 by buartha


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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I can't take WrestleMania seriously, can't believe so many people watch that junk

You’re talking mad shit for someone in folding-chair range.

I'm a Bong. I used to watch all the shitty panel shows full of comedians years ago so I am familiar with a lot of Bong comedians who started to emerge around the early to mid noughties, the same period that John Oliver began his career.

I had literally never heard of John Oliver until a few years ago around the time of Trump announcing his presidential run. I mean, we do take our comedy very seriously over here and it's basically regarded to be high art. So I can only assume he failed over here big time, and decided to move to a land where his cheap entry level brand of humour would be received - America.

Also there is nothing more grating than the sound of someone with a Birmingham accent talking.

I'm a bong

Literally all I needed to read. 🤮

He came over in about 2005 iirc, I think most of his career had been in the US.

And while I agree with your likely description of why he came over here, it does make me wonder because the states did the same thing in the 90s.

The market was oversatured with comics in the mid 90s and many of the less noteworthy ones like Greg Proops and the Who's Line dudes went to the UK...I think a few now pop onto those shitty panel shows. What happened?

He was on that thing where everybody sat around chatting genially to professional Irishperson Dara O'Brian, waiting for Frankie Boyle to say something funny/upsetting and that was early 2000s.

Imagine if John Oliver did a 20 minute editorial about how it's a bad thing to cut your own dick and balls off. Trailer parks across the midwest would cease to breed overnight.

Yeah Frankie Boyle and Dara O'Brien were on pretty much every panel show type thing around then, but I still have no recollection of the current year reminding one.

I’ve been to comedy clubs in NYC, LA, London, and SLC, and the funniest was definitely London.

There was some 50something Scottish woman who said

“An Englishman, a scot, an Irishman, and a Welshman walk into a bar. The Englishman wants to leave, so they all have to fuck off!”

Only Brexit joke I’ve laughed at.
