Powerusers and Powermods please leave this place

140  2019-04-07 by BaguetteFetish

Seriously, I'm not saying this to be harsh it's because I genuinely believe in your ability to do better. Your life is worth more than shitposting here. The users aren't your friends, they laugh at you not with you. Please save yourselves. Leave, get a girlfriend, work out, pick up another hobby. You all have a bright future ahead of you.


No. Also I already have and do all of those things.

Dunked on, sweaty. 🏀🤾🏿‍♂️💅🏽


Based and yet simultaneously dogwhistle pilled.

Is that the Candace Owen version of the alt-right symbol?

Based and dramapilled.

Lmao your 12 year old cousin is not your girlfriend bro

Uh, she’s second cousin and 16, so nice try. Totally legal.


Trust me. I browse legaladvice and IANAL’d the shit outta this subject.

Sounds like you're gonna get ANALed in prison...

Implausible at best. I don’t even post to KiA.

ffffpppppplglglglglglaaAAAArppp Oops just farted sorry 😫👍

You have irl potential that's being squandered here.

That so heartwarming and uplifting.

Unfortunately, probably not.

You failed @ hope.

define a poweruser


You don't know me.

You have irl potential that's being squandered here.

no they don't

One time Riemann called me a recognizable poster on this board and I nearly killed myself out of shame. I can't even imagine how humiliating it would be to be a r/drama poweruser

Powerbottoms tho, call me





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Your life is worth more than shitposting here.

Your life is worth

So how does it feel to be developmentally stunted?

100% agree with u. it is real ly pathetic!

You all have a bright future ahead of you.

Haha, what kind of ret*rd would ever think that about me?

you have irl potential that’s being squandered here

The reason they’re powermods here is because they have no irl potential

Whats a power user?

Imagine thinking I dont waste my life irl and here lol


You're seriously overestimating the typical powder user.

I'm here to stay bb 😘

Power users represent the distilled Rartism culture of the entire sub, if they die without replacements drama will fall.

It would be like a zoo without any poop flinging apes

Power users are the only ones keeping this sub from falling to the mdegenerates or chapocells. They are the ones keeping themselves safe, they are the ones upvoting the lolcows, they are the ones posting bussy lmao. Without them all we have is a bunch of people posting screenshots of Tweets and unironically upvoting Pizzashill.

No one wants that.