
99  2019-04-07 by xxMiaSophiaxx

I lost a lot of friends. I'm not going to get into lots of detail, but I said something that hurt anothers feelings. I feel ashamed. I have no excuse, it was inconsiderate of me. I sincerely apologize, but I know that won't fix what I said. I take full responsibility. In the middle of the fight, she pulled people who I care about into it and told them. Now, I have no one. I lost close friends that know everything about me. I have no one to talk to, hang out with, and now I'm stressing out. Help. I need advice.


You won't get good advice here I'm afraid.


I have no idea where's a good place on reddit to talk about something like this, but at least it's marginally better than /r/drama

[...] but at least it's marginally better than /r/drama


drama is unironically the best place to talk bout this. i remember some girl comin over here because som e other sub was givin non answers about her "male feminist" friend. every1 was tellin that girl to run and carry pepper spray.

drama is unironically the best place to talk bout this anything

Dramatards are so diverse that this is the group I'd come to if I needed help with anything ranging from gun ownership to fish tank maintenance.

Shoot your fish...


i onlty provide that kind service to my reddit followers. folow my reddit profile

i sobscribed bb <3

Leave this place, it isn’t worth it. It rots your brain.

Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.

I wasn’t doxxed, but I don’t enjoy Reddit like I used to.

Also I had to shit before the urge to urinate came, so I might have fudged that ritual up a bit.



Shit I thought we were supposed to make wine from the dandelions. I've been doing it all wrong.

Even Ray Bradbury can get things wrong.

So true. Be careful, something wickèd this way comes.

Within cells interlinked

Try /r/teenagers. They give gold.

Why do you have so many accounts

He tried to rinse the prince

It’s sad I know

When you reach the rank of SS (Serial Shitposter) in the Drama Reich, you become a target of admin vitriol.

Best to stay safe.

Horny? Chat live with hot autists in your area today with DeuxCHAT

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Wrong sub to discuss friends on. 😢 Low-key could you pm me your method of making one.

This is one of the most welcoming subs on reddit. You're just trying to lure him into DMs so you have first shot at the bussy tbh.

🤣☝️ you caught me.

I think it's a f0id pizza

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Sentient 🤗

I think it's a f-0-i-d pizza

Making one what? A friend? Dream on.

I'm not going to get into lots of detail

get into lots of detail please


Not getting into lots of detail is against subreddit rules IMO

I like details. Get typing. The devil is in the details. Warning ⚠️ Reading between the lines is not suitable for any tism.

but I said something that hurt anothers feelings


But seriously though, those 'friends' of yours don't sound like good friends to begin with.

Just turn into one of those chicks that hangs out with a pack of dudes

"I hate drama. That's why all of my friends are guys. But don't worry, haha, they're like brothers to me."

Or if she's heavy she can become a faghag.


But then she swaps one group of bitchy people (grls) for another (gys). Plus she’ll always get dropped at the first sight of potential cock.

backslash ur asterisks yo \*

/u/DarqWolff I think this one is just tight enough for you.

Probably too old.

women literally have no close friends neways. this was just a way to lose u. if they liked u at all they would have let it go.

let this be a lesson not to say mean things but not to say them in neway that can be recorded. u literal idiot.

Bit harsh there Randy. There is some truth tho.

women literally have no close friends neways

Yeah OP take the blatant misogyny as your cue to bugger off and ask somewhere else for some real advice. Maybe your parents. Maybe another adult you trust.

Do you not understand what this sub is?

Dude fuck off lmao

Username checks out?

Hahhaha get it because the username is relevant to the comment!!!11!!!!!!1!


I... Choo... Choose... You!


this better be fucking bait

Prolly not, check the account's history

No it’s someone who thinks drama is for relationship drama which is pretty amazing tbh

I envy the naivety it takes to stumble into r/drama, not look at a single post or even glance at the side bar, and think "yeah, this group of strangers I know nothing about really need to hear about my personal bullshit"

Fudge cracker them sloots; we're your friends now.

you should post your bussy

Dunno if it's a bussy


The terror 😨

They sound like they are two faced. You’re better off without them, if they are willing to ditch you that easily they sound like bitches

Real life friends are highly over rated. They did you a favor by ditching you. Now you can spend your time playing MUDs and making your new real friends online.

It gets better.

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

mfw thinking of you hurting

OP i feel for you, but halfway through the post i found this hysterical. This sub is for making fun of people on the Internet, not discussing how sam hates Becky. Either you'll make up because this sounds stupid, or worse case scenario you'll make some new friends.

I'm so glad I was never a teenage girl, this is literally much ado about nothing.

It’s gonna be ok sweaty. Maybe O is really a bitch and you’re just gonna have to deal. My advice? Distance yourself from O and put her in the burn book. Your social suicide is not worth it!

I'm sorry this happened to you babe. You can PM me and we can sort this out privately.


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This probably isn't the right sub for this issue. You should probably post this to r/braincels, where people are much more sentsitive and enlightened than they are here.

If you're younger than 23, rest easy knowing it really doesn't matter at all.


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This kind of catastrophical thinking is very silly. Just text O and explain the situation/apologize.

but I said something that hurt anothers feelings

You've earned the right to post here

Wow, you really burned all your bridges, didn't you? Fortunately one door remains open to you: change your name, leave town, and become an Aryan Nation tradwife.

Gay as fuck tbh. Who needs friends when there's anime and r/Drama

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