the correct way to deal with califugees invading our glorious flyover lands

408  2019-04-08 by Sea_Safe


Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


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Califugees should unironically not be allowed to vote when they move to another state. Too much risk of them turning the new state into they are flweinf5

I still kinda think the re-admission of the confederate States was 400 years too soon.

Imho should have remained military governments and every child graduates from Gen Sherman primary, middle, and high school.

Baste and Marchtotheseapilled

For real, every Lee statue should be paired with a sherman with a placard that says "don't make me come back down here"

Wrap railroad tracks around every Confederate statue to remind them who's boss

That honestly would've been a better, or at least more drama-friendly alternative to taking Lee statues down.

I genuinely love this idea. No need to erase history. But those Confederate statues are leaving some important parts out.


I agree with both of these statements

There is nothing wrong with the expansion of civilized people into savage lands.

The Day of the Plastic Straw will soon arrive.

no one wants to move INTO cali

Tons of fuckers do. Almost as many as the pathetic slobs who can't make it here and leave.

So many fucking Texans, gross.

Almost as many

Cope. More burgers move out of Cali than move there, and most of them move to Texas. The goblinos fleeing the street-shitting capital of the US have already ruined Austin and are making quick work of San Antonio. The only hope for America is to give California back to Mexico.

From your own link dude.

And every year a huge number of them are Texans.

In any case, I'm glad people are leaving. If the NIMBYs won't build, that's just what has to happen. Way too many people want to live here - fuck off, we're full.

Did you not notice that the out-migration still exceeds the in-migration? You must be one of the teeming masses of California's chud underclass, Mr. Gonzales.

And every year a huge number of them are Texans.

A second dose of blind cope. Let's try for a hat trick, Calicel.

Fucking duh, do you not understand English or some shit? I never said more people were moving to CA than leaving. That still means hundreds of thousand tr*nnies arrive on our shores every year.

I'm going to repost my comment because the edit got eaten.

From your own link dude.

And every year a huge number of them are Texans.

In any case, I'm glad people are leaving. If the NIMBYs won't build, that's just what has to happen. Way too many people want to live here - fuck off, we're full. Natural growth alone is too much - 40 million and rising.

Edit - some other funny shit. The wealth and educated are moving to California.

The poor and r-slured are moving to... Texas.

You deleted your comment just to edit it and compulsively screenshot the page I linked you? You have a lot to live for (probably), Calicel. Please stop posting cope and set the noose aside.

Nah, automod killed on the edit because I was too easy with the r-slur when I pointed out just who is moving to Texas.

I do have a lot of live for - because I'm not a flyover state poorf*g.

Getting caught by the automod proves your chud status. Please stop impersonating Cali-codecels with high salaries (and low wealth).

What can I say, not everyone can be a NEET that's had the time to get used to the new glorious regime.

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Explain the skyrocketing real estate prices then.

General civil mismanagement, poor zoning, real estate speculation, codecels, and tortilla-Americans. More Americans leave California than move there, so it's up to brave Chicanos to reclaim Aztlan and octuple their numbers.

It never even began for Calicels.

General mismanagement increased the demand for California real estate?

increased the demand

Do you remember the other half of supply-and-demand?

skyrocketing real estate prices

caused by building codes that prevent high rise construction to fill the demand.

prop 13 made it so that cities no longer wanted to build new housing and no longer put housing for sale, so basically all property in california is for rent, this drives the prices through the ceiling



It’s peak degeneracy. There’s nothing civilized about it.

Literally LA is Mexico tier.

2nd highest GDP metropolitan are in the country

T-t-theyre muh muh muh mexico tier

[cries in fentanyl]

That's nice, sweaty, but please take your poo to the loo.

Living in an agrarian hell scape is a kind of poverty all on its own

I, too, enjoy sitting in traffic for an hour to travel five miles.

Imagine having 500 miles to travel to and nothing worth seeing

Land free of Californians is always worth seeing.

Spoken like someone who doesn't live in LA.

Degeneracy is fun. I don't know how rurals can be so boring and unproductive at the same time.

Coke + gays > fentanyl + incest.

have u ever tried fentanyl tho

No, I'm not a poor.

michael jackson was on it and he wasn't poor.


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But think of the attractive cousins!

You say that like degeneracy is a bad thing.


Hey, there's nothing uncivilized about degeneracy. Much more embarrassing to be one of the 14 states so backwards that they needed SCOTUS to force them to decriminalize sodomy... lol how embarrassing.

Romans were degenerate as fuck, don't tell me that they were uncivilized.

Based and MissionCivilisatricepilled.

All the economy and quality of life, none of the sun tax. You're welcome, shithole states.

Turn into an economic powerhouse that actually pays its weight in the union. Absurd idea, indeed.

You guys really have no idea why people are leaving California

Sure we do. It’s dumb fucks like you who have no idea. We all actually know people who’ve left.

Bottom 10 in education

Largest income inequality in the country

Ranked worst in quality of life

Highest tax rate in country

Please share your anecdotes on why people are leaving I can't handle all these facts

You dumb fuck, it's obvious - they can't hack it here. That nonsense only matters for the poorcels.

Beautiful state, beautiful weather, losing population. Calls someone dumbfuck completely ignores all data to why California has turned into our very own version of Brazil. Please stay in California we don't need you moving and voting. one California is enough

Population is growing you dumb fuck.

No, and it's also hilarious how upset you are about this. California's educational system has really failed you

I'm not upset you dumb fuck. I just like calling you a dumb fuck.

Population is growing you dumb fuck.

Population is actually growing, you r-slurs always forget about all of our illegals

And legals. And people simply being born.

Good post for once 👍

your opinion should be hidden by the same cloth that should be covering your entire body except in the presence of your husband


you'd be more successful at insulting me if you didn't do it by riffing off of an insult i shared with you a couple days ago



Got 'em

hahahaha Snally 👏 CLAPS BACK 👏

OP probably did this.

Most of the rednecks constantly crying about California can’t afford the paint to do this.

Srsly Californians seem like f*gs tho am I right Burgers? 😫👉

This, but with no irony whatsoever

they will leave their shithole, then do their best to create it where they land.

Tfw you're forced to live in California.



I'm not a tsarist I swear! 😫

They're just richer, so povertycels start losing their shit when superior cali race starts moving in and driving the prices up.

Based and homelesspilled. Calicels are free to bring their money to other states, but they must be potty-trained before moving.

I know the meme is that midwesterners talk about the weather a lot, but have you ever met a southern Californian outside their natural habitat?

Lmao, the only Californians who move to flyover states are the poors who want to be closer to their tweaker relatives

They're failures who can't make it in California - but they're still richer, smarter, and more productive than the dumb fucks who live in flyover states.

The reason there are so many homeless people is because the majority of the rest if the country can't take care of theirs so they head here. Even with the amount of federal aid collected by people who live here the state still pays more money back in federal income tax. Compare that to places like Mississippi and other super poor southern states which are basically the equivalent of a homeless person shitting on the street in San Francisco. I also find it funny as fuck when some inbred weirdo tries to make fun of Cali about the straw ban

Plus, you know - there is this:

People's obsessions with local ordinances is pretty hilarious too. Reality it, we don't really care what they do in whatever bumfuck they live in at all.

That plus some of the most beautiful scenery in the world within a half a day's drive. Yosemite to the East, Big Sur to the South and the Redwoods to the north. You can literally have breakfast in SF, eat lunch in the redwoods of southern Humboldt, have a bonfire on a beach on the lost coast that evening then go for a hike in the Trinity Alps the next afternoon


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Which is why you Cali-slurs keep moving to the pacific northwest. Please stop.

All the destinations I mentioned are in California. California is in the Pacific northwest.

No it is not, and you can't join our glorious Cascadian revolution.

I was referring more to great scenery near population centers ingeneral.

San Francisco is within 15minutes to 3 hours of multiple world renown parks and forests

But no it is not


you can't join our glorious Cascadian revolution.

I considered it a few years ago but came to my senses

All joking aside, southern Oregon is gorgeous

The straw ban is absolutely a thing.

A thing that most restaurants don't follow

Reminder that Mayofornia is the dumbest state in the Union, with New England once again proving itself the patrician choice for interstate slapfights.

Except for Maine. It's the Alabama of New England.

The southern tip is ok-ish. I'd be fine with glassing everything above North Berwick though.

Don't glass it, just depopulate it and turn it into a nature preserve.

Oh... yeah that would be a little more responsible than my idea I guess

So basically leave it alone?

Spoken like someone from New York who invaded Boston for college

Or because they want a higher quality of life. I can live in Portland and make $100k, have a nice apartment in the city for $1300 and commute to work in less than 30 minutes or I can work in San Francisco and make $150k with a choice between living in a tiny studio that costs $3500 a month with a 1 hour commute to work or living in a literal ghetto and paying slightly less in exchange for a worse commute.

Or you can live in Chico or Sacramento and a bunch of other California cities and do the same thing

Those cities suck.

So does Portland

lol. Sure man. Portland is literally the Sacramento of the Oregon. You got me.

No Portland is worse than Sac because it doesn't have an SF near by

Imagine not working remotelyfrom a small city lmfaooo

It's hard to find remote jobs, at least at my current level. My current position let's me work remote when I want and all I have to do is show up occasionally and smile at the leadership.

What's before the 'G'?

Flyover states are like the fat girl who talks shit about the hot popular girl when in reality she wishes people would give a shit enough to even notice her existence

The relevant states are like the hot chick in high school that you marry because you think it’s gonna work out just fine, then once you’ve been had and she fattens up while continuing to Bitch about how you look, you start an affair with a slightly chubby chick who has slightly misaligned teeth.

you start an affair with a slightly chubby chick who has slightly misaligned teeth.

Is your sidetooth chick hotter than your chubbed hotty?

She’s at least willing to do what Cali won’t

So to sum it up, all the states in the US are unattractive to reside in. Good to know

Nah it’s more everyone shits on the nerdy chick but then ends up stuck with a life raft instead of the hottie they originally had.

Is there any nation or place /r/drama actually approves of? I can't think of any.

Weird life anecdote experience flex butt okay

Califugees are worse than MDEfugees

I really hope they secede so we can build a wall around them

Out Out Out

Gee Donnie, why does your mom let you have TWO walls?

God imagine that, America could just immediately descend back into a feudal state, it would be great entertainment as they start starving and decide to invade New California only to realize that every bit of underlying technology they rely on broke because it was all disabled remotely by the Californians that made it.

My country may be a shit hole but this type of mayo nonsense never happens here.

californians ruin their homelands and then run away to our lands. and instead of assimilating they bring their shitty culture and try to turn our states into the same dumps they ran away from. say no to californifugees

Are we The_Donald now?

For real though

a stopped clock is right twice a day

Yea, but they're humans, not clocks.

Their brains are still stopped.

Your username is accurate in that it's a skeleton of a shot post.


No, they're mayos.

but they're humans


That reminds me of Richard Clock, the man convicted of knife-raping his wife.

They are swine

Holy fuck know i get that a broken clock is right twice a day

I thought it was off by a few minutes

Holy fuck im a huge idiot and faahgot

We're The_Flyover

We have been and always be The_Yang ft Sharia Law. Please assimilate.

I wish. Rightoids are taking over and it's starting to become disgusting.

Farewell radical centrism, hello enlightened r-slur, I guess.

Can't wait for the sub to shut down.

call the waaahmbulance, valley girl

You do you. But don't come crawling when seriousposting rapefugees from flyover states take over.

👈😎 SRD is thataway 😎👈

This sub is turning to shit indeed.

You must be new here

we're CA, since that's where OP is from 🧐

Californians, they don’t send their best. They’re criminals, rpits, and some, I assume, are good people.

/m@le feminists

Everything about this post is true. Die yuppie scum

You must admit that it is hilarious that the people most sensitive to how much it sucks to be a minority seem to be the most active in turning their own families into a minority.

I assume some of them are good people

Calis deserve every insults thrown at them.

mormon rednecks turning away cali money

Lol their loss

No amount of money is worth dealing with mayofornians

Every time I see a post like this, I remember that California is the sixth largest economy in the world (not just in the US - in the entire world) and that red states are the largest consumers of federal dollars.

Every time I see someone post this I realize i've met another person in the lowest tax bracket.

Take out farming subsidies that make food affordable in big cities and see where the number ends up

Probably still the same, California has a ton of agriculture.

Even mentioning food costs means you have absolutely no concept of what it's like to live in California, motherfuckers spend $12-20 on LUNCH from a damn truck then go out to eat and pay a $200 bill for dinner for two.

Oh and most of that food is grown in California, so pay up motherfuckers.

"we need to court degenerates, if they have money" -- californians

Mormons are fucking loaded tho lmao

Mormon mafia is real

Rip the alt right is gonna cancer up this sub too.

Literally just shitpost and make fun of them, it's really not that hard you fucking c-slur.


California should just be spun off into their own country

>B b b but 1488 their economy pays for your fentanyl

I dont give a fuck calicels are the lowest form of human life other than thirdies. It's not like I need welfare anyways because I'm not a chapocel, I'm fucking rich. All I want is the peace of mind that in 20 years I wont have cops coming for my gats, my pibble, or my right to have my weekly barbecue/cross burning.

this but unironically

myos from flyovers are just mad that Californian myo f-slurs are hotter and don't race mix with b-slurs.

wtf I love california now!?

calimayos not race mixing


calimayos race mix with latinos and asians. Big difference.

I'm from C-slur and have a C-slurian license plate. I've driven across the country a few times and have had many people honk at me, shake fists, middle finger me, and glare at me for what I nothing more than my license plate. It's real.

I don't believe you. I've never witnessed any 'discrimination' against Californians. I'm quite positive 99% of it is made up bullshit on the internet.

Which is a shame because Californians should be treated like animals

Have you traveled the US with C-slur plates?

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Have you traveled the US with C-slur plates or even been to any state outside of involuntarybasementdwellerneverleavinghomestate-slur?

we hate u more than u can ever know :)

You can check out any time you like,

But you can never leave!

This, but unironically, fuck califags refugees that come into my state with their bullshit entitlements.

Nice boomerpost

ok boomer


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Nothing will ever fix California, the politicians are far too corrupt. Better to burn the thing down and come back later.

happy cake day, kind stranger! xD

Why thank you sir

I feel like they've been trying to burn the entire state down for a while now

We're halfway there, we got rid of all the Republicans, they spent the last two election cycles trying the whole fear and division shit and we just booted em all out.

Now we just need to do the same for Dems.

This is what we call a reverse Dust Bowl

Califoreigner here. Can say try hard inbreeders from Reno, Nevada do this in their MAGLAD hats and sisterwives who are their actual sisters.