Geez. That's all I have to say. Just, Geez.

51  2019-04-08 by PhotonParable


I'm past the point of partisan garbage and ive been exposing myself to many ideas and ive found generally both sides have a partial truth -----so there actually might be some weight to this george soros shit ----- my question is, is there anyone on earth that is talked about more than george soros that talks less than george soros does


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This is the biggest lie I've ever seen posted on Reddit, and that's saying a lot.

Making sure everyone knows you see through a lie on reddit is a form of fart sniffing.

You misunderstand what is happening. This isn't a lie, it's the least believable lie I have ever seen.

There is nothing wrong with fart sniffing. 💨👃

Yeah the lie would be more believable if it was the housemate making burritos out of used pads.


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This is crazy enough to be real.

!There's also a very high chance (from your description of her/his room) that she/he suffers from some form of mental illness.!< I guess we're still pretending trans isn't a mental illness.

yawn creative writing

sort by controversial , only one person said that , -51 upvotes

Nope. +89 as of right now.

The upvote score is almost as stable as trąnnies mental state.

Normally I would suggest mayocide but it seems like the are doing it to themselves faster and more efficiently then anyone else could.

Mentally ill person exhibits additional symptoms of mental illness

Its rare that I actually gag from reading something. What a incredible image, drinking bloody tampon water lmfao

😬 Y 😬 I 😬 K 😬 E 😬 S


The title should say that she is 22/MtF. That was a typo and my mistake.

really makes you think


so people online told her that drinking period blood was a way to “become a wyman”

lmao, ok hands up who did this?

She screamed that we shouldn’t have went into her room and that we’re being t-slurphobic.

How dare you question my pissbottles and ziplock bags filled with your used tampons t-slurphobes! Y I K E S

Tbh this is just a 4 chan user LARPing as a t-slur f-slur.






You wouldn’t call a cis woman “he” just because she did something bad, would you?

Not enough 🤔 in the world for this one


alright, which one of you us her roommate

Fake and g-slur. Everyone knows the used tampons go up your butt if you want them to do anything.

Fake and gross, just like plastic tits.

Jfl at people who still deny that trans is a mental illness

How in the fresh hell did this person get into a university but has such poor critical thinking and anatomical knowledge to think that drinking period blood would help make her a woman? At the very least, you should kick her out for being a moron.

Why are these people always under the impression that people in college are somehow full of critical thinking and are all enlightened geniuses.


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Unironic yikes if not larp