The chickens are coming home to roost and feminists aren't too happy.

167  2019-04-08 by IDFSHILL


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And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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It’s ok there was no collusion anyways.

Collusion is not a crime

This Snappy quote is like 2 years old

Lol sentient amirite

All of the rhetoric over the years, all of the bluster. "gender is a social construct" "women just as strong as men" "we support full equality."

Look where it has gotten them. We're on the cusp of seeing likely the biggest triggering in human history, a day I never thought I'd see in my lifetime.

f o i d s might actually get their equality, and it'll send them right over the edge.

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Twenty privilege points on the t-slurs!

The t-slurs or the t-slurs?

Honk Honk!


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All of the rhetoric over the years, all of the bluster. "gender is a social construct" "women just as strong as men" "we support full equality."

Look where it has gotten them. We're on the cusp of seeing likely the biggest triggering in human history, a day I never thought I'd see in my lifetime.

f o i d s might actually get their equality, and it'll send them right over the edge. You played yourselves, feminists. Enjoy.

For those unaware, what this law would mean:

  • No more gender specific grants/loans/shelters.

  • No longer legal to discriminate on the basis of gender across the board. Men would be able to play f slur sports and vice versa.

True equality, what feminists have claimed to support since day 1.

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All of the rhetoric over the years, all of the bluster. "gender is a social construct" "women just as strong as men" "we support full equality."

Look where it has gotten them. We're on the cusp of seeing likely the biggest triggering in human history, a day I never thought I'd see in my lifetime.

f o i d s might actually get their equality, and it'll send them right over the edge. You played yourselves, feminists. Enjoy.

For those unaware, what this law would mean:

  • No more gender specific grants/loans/shelters.

  • No longer legal to discriminate on the basis of gender across the board. Men would be able to play f slur sports and vice versa.

True equality, what feminists have claimed to support since day 1. Why are they mad? Because basically this law would dismantle all of the made up language/terms they've come up with over the years to blame everything on men, as she says:

I believe that the language of gender identity lends itself readily to abusive gaslighting that disguises and distorts women’s ability to describe what is happening

I highly suggest everyone here, rightoid or leftoid, conservative or liberal, fascist or commie; vote democrat next election. Give them the senate, the w house. It'll be well worth it.

still unemployed then?

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Lmao good bot

good bot

I'm not even an American but I'll vote democrats next time.

#YangGangBangTrain y'all!



This comment will be evidence at your trial

For all the shit Pizza spews, I always wondered if he is like that in real life or the total opposite?

I don't agree with you 100% of the time but people like you who actually think for themselves are the only hope for this country. Like, unironically unironically.

o7 Keep up the patrol. o7

This but unironically. Get the whole alt right to vote Democrat too, just to screw with society even more.

This sounds awfully accelerationist

Accelerate the dialectic! Long live J. Posadas!


Typical f o i d s, always changing their damn minds

Voting democrat unironically sounds like effort.

Better vote Yang, then express your disgust should he lose. By leaving the country out of protest and moving to Mexico.


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This is the last straw, I'm voting for Hilldawg.

If this passes I'm gonna start playing sports

I wasn't conviced at first by the t-slur shit, but holy cow that's an drama investement that paid off like crazy, lmao.

And them's the facts

AOC! A O C !!!


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Completely, unironically, and sensually based.

føïds in 1980:

The proportion of meñ must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the humąn race

Sally Gearhart, fëminist activist, San Franslur basket weaving pioneer, 30 year burğer interpretative dance professor


"If life is to survive on this planet, there must be a decontamination of the Earth. I think this will be accompanied by an evolutionary process that will result in a drastic reduction of the population of małes."

Mary Daly, femînist activist, thirty year burgeř interpretative dance professor

fóìds in 2020:

wait I meant die not become a wômán

> voting for libs to own the libs

This is the absolute molten iron core of the Earth hot take.

Men would be able to play f slur sports and vice versa.

Literally means both leagues will be dominated by men, NFL was never segregated, women just could never make the cut.

Literally the last one who tried hurt her leg kicking the ball at a tryout.

I highly suggest everyone here, rightoid or leftoid, conservative or liberal, fascist or commie; vote democrat next election. Give them the senate, the w house. It'll be well worth it.

Oh my god, harbringer of the apocalypse, the aftermath COPE would be insanely annoying though.

Women screwed themselves over :/

PJ MEDIA!!!!😂😂😂

What in the article is not accurate in relation to her own words?

You know what, when you're right you're right. What were we ♀️👑 thinking? Let's pretend the 60s and 70s never existed so we can go back to playing canasta with the neighbor ladies while the hubby works all day. Shelters, ladies sports, all those things sound like something that could break a nail. 💅🏻

You know what, when you're right, you're right. What were we ♀️👑 thinking? Let's pretend the 60's and 70's never happened so we can go back to playing bridge with the neighbor ladies while they hubby works all day (🤭) Just remember though, you're going to have to put a 💍 on it.

Just remember though, you're going to have to put a 💍 on it.

I think step one would be for pizza to get employed. Can you support a stay at home wife on 12k a year?

Never enough money for food, and yet she's still somehow obese...

Remember, folks: upvote sacrifices to pizzashill so they stay visible.

And neg pizzashill bu downvotin him ⤵️➖📉

D Y K E G U S S Y just mad that men make better women than women do

wtf i love terfs now

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She looks like a mormon pastor

The absolute hilarity reading this, this lesbian woman who looks, dresses, and acts like a man is mad because men are looking, dressing and acting like women.

Half of these things should just be recorded as live television for the insanity alone.

She's not even a woman, a tomboy at best.

Best of both worlds.

lesbian woman who looks, dresses, and acts like a man

oh no :( she is a woman who doesn't fit the stereotype!

that's exactly the same as men prancing around in womanface -- costume, makeup, frankenvagina -- who boldly claim that by virtue of acting like the stereotype they actually become women.

Sir, sir, SIR!

I'mma let you leave with a warning, but I have to ask you to stop with the seriousposting! For your own sake.

* prance* * prance* * prance*

It's Ma'am, motherfucker! See me outside!



she is a woman who doesn't fit the stereotype!

She's whining about petty bullshit, she's got the stereotype down fine.

Fighting the tr[a]nsiarchy may be hopeless, but I respect her for taking a stand. In contrast to most "petty bullshit," her position requires principles and courage to defend.

her position requires principles and courage to defend.

I agree 100%, if by "principals and courage" you mean "a planet-sized victim complex, and a total absence of anything resembling dignity or self-awareness".

lol. why?

You mean why is she not even acknowledging the fact that she's done a total 180 on the central idea that femlnism has claimed to be pursuing (ie sexual equality) for the last 50+ years? You'd probably need to ask her that tbh.

Not that I even neccessarily disagree with her, especially on no-brainer stuff like biological maIes in wymyn's sport. But with all these issues- either option the council takes, they're going to get a buttload of femlnists screeching at them for "oppressing w0men".... in a society where w0men (both actual ones, or """"w0men"""") are treated better, with more options and opportunities, than pretty much any other society, any place, any time, so I feel like either side are being morons if the expect anyone to be very sympathetic to them.

one of the core ideas of feminism for the past 50 years was that gender stereotypes do not define your gender.

now we're trying to pass laws that say gender is exactly the same as gender stereotypical behavior -- apparently if you prance around in womanface you actually are a woman.

no, it used to be about equal rights and opportunities. OG feminists didn't delude themselves into thinking men and women are the same.

Are you really trying to say that "sexual equality" was never (and isn't still) a goal commonly stated by feminists? And you're trying to act like you think "sexual equality" somehow means "men and women are the same"?

Oh, I get it! This some weird radfem "No true Scotsfeminist" revisionist thing. lol, ok.

one of the core ideas of feminism for the past 50 years was that gender stereotypes do not define your gender.

And you're trying to act like this law contradicts that, somehow? That they're going to force people who don't fulfill gender stereotypes into opposite-sex bathrooms, against their will?

Seriously- doesn't it bother you that your ideology requires you to distort reality in all these clearly disingenuous, objectively false ways? You get that, to anyone who hasn't drunk the radfem koolade, it just makes you seem like a cult member, right? And that this is the exact same kind of mental gymastics you guys mock the troons for doing? (not that the troons don't deserve the mockery tbh. But your lot do too)

you think "sexual equality" somehow means "men and women are the same"?

No, gender feminists think that. According to them the only difference between men and women is that women identify as women.

this law contradicts that, somehow?

the law contradicts the idea that there are differences between the sexes beyond "declaring womanhood"

your ideology requires you to distort reality in all these clearly disingenuous, objectively false ways?

My ideology: There are biological differences between the sexes, and that saying "I'm a girl teehee" doesn't make you female.

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you think "sexual equality" somehow means "men and women are the same"?

No, gender feminists think that. According to them the only difference between men and women is that women call themselves women, whereas men call themselves men.

this law contradicts that, somehow?

the law contradicts the basic fact that there are differences between the sexes beyond "I declare womaanhood!"

your ideology requires you to distort reality in all these clearly disingenuous, objectively false ways?

My ideology: There are biological differences between the sexes, and that saying "I'm a girl teehee" doesn't make you feeemale.

lesbian woman who looks, dresses, and acts like a man

Yet still acknowledges her sex. Something these men refuse to do to themselves.

(I declare transgender!)[]

But is your transgender kosher?

She’s kinda cute. The kind of lesbian I used to date lol


Absolutely disgusting

Ban u pls

Hey, like masculinity in both men and women 😤 something that’s missing on here!






🕌 هذا ليس حرام 😤❌

Why not just date men then lol

When myn make Wyman fight for them so that wyman can lose more. 👌👌


Louder for the people in the back

[The t-slur activist] also suggested that there was "no research" to support the claim that biological men identifying as transgender women have any "competitive advantage" over biological women.

Does this qualify as attempted gaslighting?

men will dominate women’s sports

Insh'allah this has been our goal all along! Thank you f-slur r-slurs for opening the gates!

Fucking monster lol

I'd let her be my daddy ngl

Holy shit 🤣


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What a beautiful delicate flower

This is definitely being used a propaganda in Saudi Arabia and NK

Trans women are women.


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not femaaale women tho.

turns out they're not, tho

You belong in an oven.

Nah, if I was one of (((them))) I'd be ass-patting you for that "trannles are women" bit.

I didn't call you one of (((them))).

Your disrespect of trans women is what has earned you a trip to the progressive oven of equality.

Pizzashill wood status: full sprung and hard

Social C^o^^n^^^s^^^^t^^^^^r^^^^^^u^^^^^^^^c^^^^^^^^t

Social Constr


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"maale rapists will go to wmen’s prisons and likely assault fmale inmates as has already happened in the U.K.; fmale survivors of rape will be unable to contest maale presence in wmen’s shelters; mn will dominate wmen’s sports — grls who would have taken first place will be denied scholastic opportunity; wmen who use mle pronouns to talk about mn may be arrested, fined, and banned from social media platforms; grls will stay home from school when they have their periods to avoid harassment by booys in mixed-space toilets; grls and wmen will no longer have a right to ask for fmale medical staff or intimate care providers, including elderly or disabled wmen who are at serious risk of sexual abuse; fmale security officers will no longer have the right to refuse to perform pat-downs or intimate searches of maales who say they’re fmale and wmen undergoing security checks will no longer have the right to refuse having those security checks being performed by meen claiming a fminine identity."

This sub won't survive this amount of drama. The overdose is near.

"Listening to that testimony, it seems like that particular witness does not believe that trnsgender people exist," Chandy responded.


She mocked the idea "that people would go so far as to make up an entire identity ... just simply to invade sex-segregated spaces or participate in sports is so outlandish," as "so far-fetched."

Yeah, this kind of rtard doesn't exist.

fck off automod

look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the toilet not in my replys 😷😷😷

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She mocked the idea "that people would go so far as to make up an entire identity ... just simply to invade sex-segregated spaces or participate in sports is so outlandish," as "so far-fetched."

TBH I think the good old "Then go t-slur'" is the logical response to any feminist who grandstands about this. If the cost is so low, then pay it to prove your point, I mean, surely, protecting all of the rights of women is more important than being able to relieve your PP in the women's bathrooms.

It's actually funny they keep talking about those det-slur-ers who ruined their lives, how what people go through to be t-slur is barbaric, but their argument about it being evil is "Well obviously someone might do all that just to Gasp gain access to the women's bathrooms". I would think if you're down to raping a woman, and can do so without being caught, then whether or not you are allowed to be there in the first place is quite irrelevant; If nobody is there to keep you from f#cking raping someone, I don't think anyone could have prevented you from walking in. And that's before you consider rapes almost never happen in the bathrooms in the first place.

للهُ أَكْبَر

Listening to that testimony, it seems like that particular witness does not believe that transgender people exist

I really should be thinking of running political office. If those buffoons could do it, I should be able to do it too!

Seriously, how hard could it be? Just s-slur out all day and talk some s-slur when I'm on camera while keeping a straight face and get paid for that?

God damn it all. Instead of enabling their delusion, it should be helping them cope with the delusion by either getting rid of it, or go through the surgery.

Well, she isn't wrong

Using a right wing site to bash the foids - Based and Pizzashilled.

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Imagine thinking that feminism is a united ideology with no internal splinters and differences in view.



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But I thought "Feminism is just the belief that men and women are equal"

Do you really think a massive ideology like feminism can be accurately and precisely reduced down to a simple sentence without missing out on some of the details and divisions?

Yes, according to feminists. "Dude equal rights lmao"

God you really are dumb lol

No u


TERFs: let's smash the patriarchy!

Trans women: thank you for freeing us from the patriarchy, we now identify as women!

TERFs: shocked pikachu face

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Why are you such a fæggot?

why do you obsessively reply to all my comments hun? if you wanna be my bf just say so

I don’t obsessively reply to your comments. You just happen to sticky all your gæy ass comments in threads I visit.



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T*RFs: let's smash the patriarchy!

Trans women: thank you for freeing us from the patriarchy, we can now openly identify as women!

T*RFs: shocked pikachu face

Next step in drama: trans inclusive feminists start opposing abortions because trans women can't have them.

You've agendastickied too much lately. Take a break


It had to be done

