Too Many Atheists Are Veering Dangerously Toward the Alt-Right

95  2019-04-08 by WokeGaymer


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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Hitler was a closet atheist

Not even closet I’m pretty sure the nazi endgame was to replace all religion with worship of the state

I thought the nazis were into the occult with Himmeler and the hyperboreans or some shit.

Himmler and some of his groupies were but the majority of them only saw religion as a useful tool to control the masses and wanted to eventually merge the church and state


Occult stuff isn’t really a religion on its own. It was seen like alchemy where people who took up the practice were exploring unknowns with theories having no idea what they were doing.

It’s just that with occultism it wasn’t seen as an origin story to chemistry/science because they dealt with spiritual/psychic things which is rejected today and at the time it was forbidden because no western religion likes the idea of you communing with the dead or demons. Pretty sure most eastern religions don’t like it either.

Some did. But Hitler himself not really. The idea that the Nazis wanted to establish an occult state religion was kinda made up by writers after the war and popularized by books and documentaries. It didn’t help that there were people that knew Hitler and other Nazis making unsubstantiated claims of magic and demon summoning and whatnot. The most famous documentary is called the Occult Conspiracy which presents itself as an actual historical documentary but really is just filled with bullshit. It’s an entertaining documentary, fun to watch as fanfic.

Well I never thought that they would even try to enact a state religion based off of occult practices, considering that the occult is intrinsically secretive.

Sure, but that wouldn’t make for a good story. Again, the occultism stuff was extrapolated from rumors and half-truths in order to sell books.

How do you explain that it was written into the law that school and church had priority over service to the state for the Hitler Youth?

Or that at the same time that the Soviets destroyed most of the Christian churches in Russia and Ukraine, about 2500 Christian churches were built in Germany?

Of course, the answers are that the "endgame" you are speaking of belonged to the the Soviets, and the desire to destroy one of the primary cultural institutions uniting a nation of people belongs to Marxism, which is ultimately about subversion and inversion. Oddly enough, the West seems hell bent on the very same endgame as we speak... So go figure that what you thought you knew was the complete opposite of the truth.

You mean the same schools and churches run by the state?

He believed that there were no gods in his closet?

In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any Richard Spencer's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.

you're nothing kid. Once I thought as you did, but after years of mental training and dedicated study my perspective has expanded beyond.
Max Stirner and Murray Rothbard have shown me the real truth: that not only does god exist, he resides in me

hippity hoppity you're all my property. sell your children on the free market



About time for faithless terrorism. Why do religious people always get all the attention?

The cult of Kek is just another faith.

Imagine thinking kek is funny or smart in any way

Imagine posting shit like this on drama and then sitting back with a big, buttery-smug smile on your face thinking "yep, I sure showed them."

I don't need to imagine hun

If you'd just post bussy then everyone would love you around here. Half the mod team are unironic chapotards so you would fit in better than you think.

I get enjoyment from annoying the user base though

belief in the ancient egyptian god of chaos is not atheism

Bader-Miehoff did nothing wrong.

This is why radical centrism is the true way forward, if you hold so many extreme contradictory beliefs at the same time it's impossible to act on any of them.

the alt right is CHRISTIAN

common love of mythology

While religious people have places of worship staffed with care providers to help them connect with others, reflect on their lives, and find support in times of need, nonreligious people generally don’t have access to these kinds of resources. 

Huh, TIL.

In fairness, fewer and fewer of my Battletech group get together anymore.

Anyone else remember Atheism Plus and ElevatorGate?

2011ishgang all here. Really a prelude when you look back. In a day the atheist community went from shitting on Venomfangx and Nephilimfree to infighting between the Pluses and the more edgy/indifferent ones. My first ideological schism.

And with the Internet Atheist community being a subset of "nerd culture" it was really a precursor to GamerGate, of course.

Venomfangx and Nephilimfree

You bring back memories of many moons ago, brother. We were all different people then.

This is literally us right now.

Remember anyone else?

I feel like many of the personas (at least those I followed) sorta fizzled out after the civil war, going on to spawn the SJW-rekt video trend which dominated for this half decade. Never did pay attention to what happened to the christians, or the Pluses.

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Remember anyone else?

Too much, unfortunately. I should have been using my time and brain space on my university work. I actually feel quite sad now.

It's okay, Dave. It's all gonna be okay.

I feel my fedora as though it were still firmly atop my majestic mullet.

the pluses

Basically became the modern SJW movement.

Bananagate with the fat neckbeard


Wasnt there an atheist youtuber who sounded exacly like Venomfangx and everyone thought he was just a double timing troll ?

Remember CaptainOAwesome by any chance?

anyone remember /r/antisrs?


Atheism Plus was the original GamerGate. In fact, it shared a lot ofnthe same people - Thunderf00t being a notorious one.

I feel old now...

Yeah I remember ElevatorGate and DongleGate and how we all sat around laughing at how ridiculous it was and then current year happened and suddenly being an overly emotional child was in vogue

Yes. It's amazing the entirety of American Atheism didn't swing to the right after that. The most we got were some skeptics which would famously go on to become generally anti-SJW.

Unfortunately, yes.

It's over for soulesscels

While religious people have places of worship staffed with care providers to help them connect with others, reflect on their lives, and find support in times of need, nonreligious people generally don’t have access to these kinds of resources.

This is why we need the atheist theocracy.

Its called univeralism.

Three years ago Reddit’s atheism subforum, perhaps the largest community of atheists on the internet, was found to be the website’s third most bigoted—meaning not just tolerant of overt displays of bigotry, but actively supportive of them.

Nice. vice.


Do you remember back when vice used to be an interesting magazine

That never happened. Give three examples. You can't.

You’re right, I can’t

A buddy of mine was in a documentary of theirs by accident when he walked down the wrong alleyway. He’s so proud of it, but the documentary is trash like everything they make

And there are of course valuable aspects of atheism’s strong online presence. Atheists who aren’t open about their beliefs—especially those living in totalitarian or ultraconservative environments where it isn’t safe to be open—can find resources that help them connect with likeminded peers, or simply feel less alone.

Similarly, many people who notice that there's evidence that IQ is somewhat genetically determined, or wondering if some of the STEM gender disparity comes down to innate preferences, discover that they are living in a totalitarian environment where it isn't safe to be open about their beliefs.

Entirely unsurprisingly this deters them about as effectively as it does atheists, and in fact just like them they seek communities not because "they want an identity" as the author proposes, but because this is just bullshit, mang. The overlap is not surprising too. Neither is the unfortunate consequence that this forces them into communities with quite a few actual witches.

the biggest proponent of hereditary intelligences at my conferences are usually the population geneticists who have done separated twinstudies

The interesting thing is that obesity is about as hereditary.

Very interesting - however it's worth noting that these obese people wouldn't have been so in the 1500s when they had to work and didn't have access to McBurgers and fruits and grains that had been bred to be much more sugar:nonsugar ratio.

Progressives: "Respect and submit to Muslims' whims, and shut up about them hacking you people to pieces in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Iran!"

Atheists: * move towards the right *

Progressives: * Pikachu face *

If they change their stance, just to oppose someone, they are pretty retarded.

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changing your ideological beliefs to PWN the libs

thinking not wanting to be hacked to death is meant to PWN the libs


Lmao imagine being this retarded.

Imagine rejecting reality because you don't want to upset your camel-fucker overlords. Sad.

Nice fear mongering, but it's still just "some Muslims are bad therefore let's mistreat all Muslims" BS.

Some religious people are bad has always been reason enough to start up the gulag. Change my mind.

Imagine believing immigration restrictions count as ‘mistreatment’

Let them in or be a bigot eh? Open borders is such a cool new policy let me know how it works out for ya

Imagine believing immigration restrictions count as ‘mistreatment’ Let them in or be a bigot eh?

"I'm not a bigot I only want to discriminate against people based off their religion. I don't want THOSE PEOPLE to live in my country at all, how could I possibly be a bigot"

Imagine being this fucking dumb.

Also acting like the mistreatment of Muslims from the right was only through immigration.

Being hacked to death by a machete to own the republicand 😎😎😎

Oh so apparently people aren’t allowed to choose who gets to immigrate, we just gotta let them all in. Wow top mind you got there.

All Muslim majority countries are a shithole and you expect me to believe that’s just a coincidence 😑

Why not discriminate based on religion? No one forced you to have shitty beliefs.

"some Muslims are bad therefore let's mistreat all Muslims"

"only a very small percentage of neonazis actually kill people"

> staying alive to own the libs


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"Respect and submit to Muslims' whims, and shut up about them hacking you people to pieces in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Iran!"

That is one hell of a straw man. In reality it's more like "stop acting like Muslims are all terrorists."

Frankly enough muslims are supporters of terrorism on one level or another for your request to be difficult to follow.

That's what every bigot says "I know not all of them are bad but enough of them are that we need to be worried and that totally justifies stereotyping them".

justifies stereotyping them

lol the entire point of a stereotype is that it's generally accurate, but not true in all cases. Didn't they teach you this in homeschool?

You know what I mean. We shouldn't treat them badly because "oh they're a Muslim that means they're probably violent."

Not that all/most stereotypes are all that accurate anyway.

We should treat everyone badly who is even slightly different from me

You know what I mean. We shouldn't treat them badly because "oh they're a Muslim that means they're probably violent."

Not that all/most stereotypes are all that accurate anyway.


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Probably because of the way the left absolutely fetishises one of the most regressive religions in the world, Islam.

How does the left fetishize Islam? I'm genuinely curious.. and do you mean the left or the dnc?


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How though? Can anyone answer that or can you t_d tards just downvote shit outside your bubble lol

Religion of peace was literally the talking point for like 15 fucking years. Religion of peace lol. Islamic Conquests.

So again not answering the question, thats cool


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Popularized by known leftist president Bush

And ran into the pavement by the DNC. Just like people in Europe when a Lorry is coming.

Til the democrats are "the left"

Center Left™ because they're so moderate now a days right?

What do you think being "left" means?


dae "the left" only means what other people in postage stamp-sized countries like Belgium say it means?

Updoots to the left for my smart contribution to political science.

im talking the international left, understand that other major countries besides the US exist

I'm gonna have to disagree with you on that last one

What do you think "the left" is?

What about the breed of peace?

Fearing pibbles will soon be seen as a sign of alt-right ideology.

Is that it?

imagine thinking everyone who downvotes you is a TD tard.


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i'm trying but fuckin automod is reaming my ass

Straw men are easier to set up than well articulated arguments

Telling that the question gets downvoted and not answered lol

This is why we need a wall against MDEfugees.

Build that shit! None I assume are good people

Its impressive that on a thread about VICE being rtards, they got out rtarded by the comments themselves.


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I think it’s a general muh feels for islams being seen as suspicious after 9/11 and also us bombing the shit out of their countries. Not sure if it’s really a fetish, more like a savior complex like the left likes to do with most minorities

But the Saudis did 9/11 and we suck their dicks

it doesn't have to make sense

I think the left just seems like it has a savior complex because that's a cope when all that's left on the right is wypipo lol


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Genuinely curious eh

I love reading articles by people who have almost no idea what they're talking about.

Atheism is just one more false religion that will be stamped out when the western caliphate rises, Inshallah.

And atheists can't afford to be quiet about it

How is the collective responsible to the individual's action?

Not all atheists are like that. They are not the true atheist.

Excuse you, individualism is problematic and cis.

Damn it, I keep getting it mixed up. I swear generalizing people was problematic and cis when I checked this morning.

That's problematic and ciѕ as well.

I feel like I am slowly losing touch to the reality.

Sharia law is the only answer

>try to hijack atheist movement into being a branch of the larger social justice empire with and engage in intersectional gatekeeping that has nothing to do with atheism >experience resistance >shockedpikachu.jpg


Why wouldn't Atheists be opposed to Islam?

Who isn’t veering to the alt-right nowadays


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So in the future...people will just spend all their waking time actively condemning everyone else?

I think the future is here then

As an /r/drama poster, I must be fully clear and abundantly clear that the comments of of /u/leparsdon does not reflect me or anyone else the comments on /r/drama and that I fully condemn them.


And atheists can't afford to be quiet about it.

Wait, what? Why would people not collecting stamps have to say something about it?