Drama in r/ElderScrolls when literally Hitler is made into a meme

72  2019-04-08 by 2Manadeal2btw


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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I like how the guy puts himself as a tankie and still expects people to debate him honestly.

What kind of a genius brain do you have that makes you think that "ethnic conflict existed before PDP" is any sort of rebuttal to what I said?

Pewdipie is then some cause of ethnic strife in 2019. Without a doubt.

/Ourguy/ will be the leading cause of the mayocide.

What is my struggle but in swedish

It's Min kamp in Norwegian and it's a bestseller

I’ve noticed that “you’re a nazi not because of anything you actually believe but because you criticize communists more than nazis” is not only a literal Stalinist-tier take but also super common on this site

Just tell commies and MDEgenerates to piss off; there is never any good faith or intellectual honesty when encountering them.

If PDP was a leftist, he wouldn't say racist things.

And no. It's extremely unlikely that he would've done anything of the sort if he wasn't far right. In the US, 100% of domestic terror attacks in 2018 were committed by the far right. There is no equivalence here.

Whooooof. So if PDP's fanboys are literal children, can we assume his active haters are also literal children? Because that's the only comforting option right now.

They tend to be tankies, so yes. If not literal children, then mаnchildrеn at the very least

That guy is fucking brain dead and it's infuriating to read his comments.

Brings mr back to old drama, before the MDEfugee and Chapocel drama. Before the Discord commieslur Mirandcuckfriendphysics pakistani drama.

I really hate when the users on this site force me to side with PDP

The best part is the mods on the submission sub hate him but want the power that comes with being on a sub that has high activity.

Reddit is filled to the brim with f-slurs.

/u/whoringkarmaallday imagine losing your mind over an internet video man


Looks like your brain ain't working right. Not surprising and nothing out of ordinary for a follower of Felix.

Imagine being a brain-dead, sexist, basement dweller troll looking upto worst piece of human trash in history.

Felix did nothing wrong ever.

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