Ghazi debates the age-old question: "Was Stalin bad?"

191  2019-04-08 by MaleficentWoketard


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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The gulags were no big deal, the millions of Russian citizens and soldiers who died in the war due to his hilarious ineptitude was cool

The gulags were no big deal

Agreed, a camping trip in one of the most beautiful wilderness regions in the world? People pay good money for that sort of experience these days!

The soviet union has a prison system yes, it actually wasn't even as large as America's own.

Hey watermark, say the Soviet Union and Stalin were bad. Say it without mentioning America.

I could never betray my waifu like that.

Jailing people who break laws is fine, actually. I'm pro jailing people for a large swatch of things that most alt-righters would consider "political opposition" such as hate speech, gun ownership, etc. In fact, in most civilized places those are already illegal.

Lmao banning guns isn't enough we need to make them retroactively illegal

  1. Make guns illegal

  2. Try to arrest people with guns while being unarmed



We're gonna rock down to,



Imagine wanting to live in a police state.

The r slurs that promote communism and soviet/Chinese style fuckery are all people that think they would be the party leaders and not the proles sifting through the trash for a slice of wonderbread.

You won't be so uppity when chairman Eric sends your ass to work in the wheat fields šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤

Commisars Bubba and Tyrone have come to adjust your opinion on the party, comrade.

Gimme that polidick šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜

Poverty and homelessness did not exist in the soviet union

Oh christ, I responded to you earlier not having realized you're a tankie/soviet denialist. 3 members of my family died of starvation in the USSR, and my dad stood in lines for hours every month to get toilet paper for the family. Imagine 7 people crammed in a 300 square foot apartment with a public bathroom. At least they weren't homeless!!

Poverty not only existed, but was the predominant condition of the people living in that """"""""""""country""""""""""""". And you are rŠµtŠ°rdŠµd.

Costume designers for the Red Army

yeah but this time i'll be the police!

Imagine wanting to live in a police state, while also seeing police as the strongarm of fascist opressors.

This is where mayocommie imagination stops.

Iā€™m not sure why they think giving the police even more power is what they want but go on queen slay.

where are guns completely illegal

even japan has legal access to guns (albeit tough)

why do they say these things

French retailer was willing to ship blackpowder revolvers to me (Netherlands.)

Not that blackpowder is anywhere near as explosive as modern smokeless but a 44 bore is still abut as energetic as a .38 special. Then again, 300 euros for a piece of metal I'm never going to use seemed like a waste. Plus the potential risk of getting caught.

true about the risk of getting caught, but blackpowder revolvers make pretty nice wall hangers even if you don't use them lol

Does anyone know where to report this comment to the Dutch police? I doubt he's browsing on a VPN so the ip address should be simple enough to subpoena. Funny how criminals talk openly about things like this.

For admitting I didn't buy a gun even though I could?


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Literally can't tell if you're ironic or R slur

be nice to lolcows

I wonder how the violent revolution will go if you are ~literally shaking~ when someone mentions a gun. Iā€™d wager it would take about ten rednecks and a whole lot of bud light to stop them

It would only take one saying the t-slur and 40% of them would off themselves.

No actual leftist wants to ban guns either thatā€™s the funny part

There way to many Bernie Sanders tier liberals who larp as commies in this country

How will they make a commie revolution happen without weapons anyway? I'm genuinely curious.

Ah, yes, the classic "Stalin killed millions". Ignoring the fact that it was the US's siege tactics that caused the USSR to react the way it did.

Why do far leftists always respond with whataboutery? Also does this weapon not know that most atrocities committed by the USSR took place before the Cold War, back when America was more concerned about getting its shit together during and after the depression to really care about what the commie pinkos were up to.

that most atrocities committed by the USSR took place before the Cold War

Exactly. There was actually alot of communist sympathizers in America post WWI to pre WWII. Something like 30% of Americans were outright communist supporters. Russia, at the time, was being rooted on by all aspects of the west as the shining example of the altruistic utopia in a post-stock-market crash society. Capitalism, at the time, was considered near death. To claim that the US's involvement somehow caused the Holodomor is laughable. The most involvement the US had in he holodmor was its entire press corp refusing to report on it at it went agaisnt their biases.

All good points.

It's like how people claim that the American and British invasion of Iraq, and by extension, mayo imperialism, is why the Middle East is in such a state that it is today, totally oblivious to the fact that the region has been a warzone since the beginning of time.

Also, Lenin is the one who started the Gulag system and began the practice of jailing people for "crimes against the party". Which he quickly realized a slave labor force was super awesome to their economy. Stalin just pushed it into high gear.

Lenin is also the same person who invaded Azerbaijan for oil.

How can these people be against imperialism but pro-USSR is beyond me.

Soviet Imperialism as practiced in Eastern Europe was just a reaction to FDR handing it to Stalin at the Yalta Conference.

America's fault again šŸ˜Ž

I recently read Postwar by Tony Judt, and I learned that the Soviets took away from the part of Europe in their sphere of influence as much as the US gave with the Marshall plan to the countries in their sphere of influence.

Also, the Marshall Plan invitation was extended to all European countries, including the USSR. They refused and forced their colonies in Eastern Europe to refuse too.

Itā€˜s insane.

The Marshall plan wasn't an act of charity, it was an attempt to increase us sphere of influence and control over the nations that accepted it. Jesus Christ how native can you be.

If you feed a stray dog in the process of training it, the dog stops feeling hungry and dying of starvation. The dog does also get trained, yes, but it very much still gets the food, regardless of your motive. If you can't see how this is a net positive for the dog, maybe you want to start wearing the nice helmet the special doctor told mommy you cant leave the house without.

nice bait

Stop downvoting Watermark, 'fugees.

The Gulag system started under the Czars, not under communism.

They continued one of those Tzarist traditions and just went full r*tard with it.

Except those were for people convicted of a real crime. The Gulag System was setup to put millions of people to work as slaves for government infrastructure projects. Not the same thing.

Nah, they had plenty of political prisoners as well.



these are the same to me

went full r*tard with it

Can you not fucking read?

The Tsars put a shitload of political prisoners away, no need to rehabilitate the Romanovs, they were scum.

Gulags largely replaced incarceration as a whole for the 20+ years they were in vogue. Sure, a very big chunk of Gulag people were political prisoners, but let us not forget that it's also the birthplace of what became Russian Mafia, as they held regular convicts as well. And there were a lot of them in the chaos of the post WWI Russia. We'll never really know the ratio, but sources point out that it was the case, as regular people would often have to stoop down and tolerate abuse by the career criminals in gulags.

Gulags were a way to get cheap forced labor. All inmates were "welcome". There's a lot of myths about them left from the cold war from both sides of the curtain.

Except those were for people convicted of a real crime.

It's czarist russia I wouldn't bet on that.

"Its okay that we enslaved millions for being on the wrong side of politics, after all, the regime we replaced and were supposed to better than did it to hundreds of people!"

Jesus Christ you f*ggots have gotten really paranoid of chapotard entryism haven't you.

If there's one thing I can respect about communists, is that they've killed a lot of communists.


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The Middle East was pretty stable before Genghis Khan

I disagree. Turks have been ravaging the place long before the Mongols. And Arabs were fighting the Persians before Turks.

The Arab Persian war was not much of a war. The Persian empire ceased to exist in about 20 years and never came back. Only a few holdout zoaroastrian lords along the Caspian remained, over the next couple of centuries they converted to Islam and agreed to become subjects of the caliphate in order to survive.

they converted to Islam and agreed to become subjects of the caliphate in order to survive.

After military campaign against Persia. My point still stands because we have the Turks if we were to discount the Arab-Persian conflict.

Let's also not forget the infighting of Muslim when (pbuh) died.

Was it not pretty chill during the ottoman empire?

Sure, when the Saudis weren't invading their Arabian territories and when Egypt wasn't invading the rest of the empire or when the Kurds weren't murdering all of the other minorities, then yeah. Sometimes it was okay in the Ottoman era.

Ironically, for all the horrible shit the Ottoman Empire did, yes. It was the Sykes-Picot agreement that resumed all the fuckery.

Literally the middle east is basically the open rift between American and Russian spheres if influence and either is constantly flooding the region with weapons and involved in nearly every aspect of their respective client states.

But yeah its just because they're savages and have an inferior culture let's go with that (same imperialist shit they always have and always will use). Nothing to see here.

but they are inferior

But yeah its just because they're savages and have an inferior culture let's go with that

If you flood guns into a non savage culture, they'd just have a ton of guns laying around. It's not like the guns can mind control them.

See: Switzerland

I never said inhabitants of the Middle East are savages with inferior culture. My point was that the region has had problems that go back way before Columbus decided to prove to his haters that the world was round, so to blame the US is a moot point.

This is highly questionable. A lot of conflicts in the middle east today are due to western powers arbitrarily drawing lines with no concern for ethnic/religious conflicts.

The same thing we did in Africa. The "middle east" wasn't any more of a warzone than Europe was for most of relevant history.

The current conflict going on can definitely be linked to Iraq. But people talk as if the region had no problems before Dubya fancied getting his hands on some oil.

The only conflict I can think of is the Sunni-Shia issue, which has been going on for hundreds of years.

What other conflicts can you link to the current state of the middle-east?

Hahaha the liberal media is pro communist hahahaha lol

There was like one nyt reporter who printed articles denying that there was a famine at that time in Ukraine. Side by side with numerous typical liberal hysterical articles on the same subject. If course if something bad happens in a communist country, it's always 100% the plan of the government. But when it happens in a capitalist one it's always an unfortunate accident and an act of God. Even in cases like the Irish famine where it was essentially state policy with the intent on reducing Ireland's population. FYI the Irish famine was so bad that Ireland is one of the only places on the planet that has experienced negative population growth since the 19th century. What about poor poor Ukraine?

Except that the holodomor was committed purposefully by Stalin to eradicate large swaths of ethnic Ukrainians for refusing to collectivize their farms.

Given that communism typically has a planned economy and capitalism is free-market economy, it usually does work out that the government is at least partially responsible for communist famines.

ā€œCapitalist faminesā€ would likely be caused by unpredictable events disrupting supply chains. Communist famines are typically caused by the incompetence that happens when all the educated elites are replaced by angry dumbass communists (redundant, I know). I mean, how smart is Mao going around telling people ā€œlmao kill the crowsā€ and then starving 40 million to death by completely mismanaging the economy.

During WWII, American propaganda praised the Soviet Union. Hollywood even made a propaganda film where most of it is just people talking about how awesome Stalin is and that Leon Trotsky was a Nazi spy.

Once the Cold War started, this film was attacked for being Communist propaganda.

You're thinking of Mission to Moscow, which was about Joseph E. Davies' time as ambassador to the Soviet Union. He was notable for having been present during The Trial of the Twenty One (the last of Stalin's big show trials) and being among the few who actually believed the defendants were guilty.

In a truly bizarre set of coincidences, the Trump Organization seems to have appropriated the Davies family coat of arms for its own use. Davies was once married to the woman who built Mar-a-Lago and it seems there was a leftover in the basement.

Yeah, that was the one. It's ironic that the U.S. was making Tankie-tier propaganda and accepting Stalin's accounts at face value only to do a full 180 in a few years.

The British socialists quite liked the soviets too.

Beatrice and Sidney Webb, EJ Hobsbawm etc.

Not my boy George Orwell tho (pen name of course i cant remember his real name)

Animal farm was ready to publish by like 1943 but britain censored it

the us government even had communist spies in it

communists are historically illiterate

Also ignoring that the USSR almost had a famine in the 1920s, which would have been worse than the Holodomor (had it it not been for Hooverā€˜s American Relief Administration.)[ā€“22]

This is whataboutery


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That whataboutism doesn't even make sense. Reddit communists love to claim how educated they are, but they're startlingly ignorant outside of the realm of whatever Leftist writers they've become emotionally attached to.

What does it even have to do with America?

They're very interested following the causal chain until it gets to the cause they want to blame. Then they stop.

"X was only a reaction to Y!"

"Okay, but then what was Y a reaction to?"


I mean, they're wrong in this case anyway, but I always find it interesting to watch people follow the causes and effects back to what they want to blame in order to further their agenda. After they get to that point, they of course stop digging.

Dude if you follow cause and effect chains back far enough eventually your investigating lines in the Iliad.

That's why I just stop when I get to whoever I want to blame. It's very woke.

There is no such thing as Bad Left Wing, only Left Wing that was pushed Too Far.

The system was working fine until all of those jailable, killable and starvable morons go caught up in it!

And if you didn't want us to threaten to expropriate all of your property you shouldn't have dressed it up in such sexy clothing!

Not all property, property existed in the soviet union. It's a very specific kind of property. Which almost no one reading this has in any large amount, but is responsible for the vast majority of income of the richest people. And we're not supposed to worry about that, no, we're supposed to delude ourselves into thinking that the commies are coming for our big screen TV.

Not all property, just most of it and anything you could eventually transform into a serious money making device down the line that the community decides they want to apportion for themselves.

Lol whataboutery is just a shitty attempt to control the conversation on your part. Usually this would just be called 'having a conversation' but you have to use some term russiaphobes made up in 2007 and pretend as if it's some clever soviet mind trick.

If something is bad for the USSR to do, please explain why the US did the same things. Clearly the US didn't think those things were bad when it was doing it themselves.

Sure the USSR had problems, but it was fighting an existential evil. It had to do what it had to do to prevent the US from destroying the world. Unfortunately they lost due to a deficit of will, libs infiltrated the communist party and took over. Yeltsin was originally a fucking party official, seriously what is wrong with the vetting of that organization.


this thread has you tr!ggered

It's a classic cold war technique called "and you're lynching the negroes" every time the western world would call out the Soviets for their fuckery.

The left just doesn't want to admit the truth about anything, especially when the truth will expose and shut down their fairy tale beliefs. They will dismiss and deflect until the cows come home and will never admit to be being wrong about anything.

Feelings over facts; fantasy over reality.

The only truth the left will admit is to anything the right does.

The tankie is off his rocker - but we did send troops over to Russia during their civil war and shit.

Anyway, Soviets were gearing up to fight Germany, not the US.

siege tactics

Like its fucking possible to lay siege to a landmass larger than america and stop people from growing corn or wherever the fuck cheeseburgers come from there.

I'm pretty sure they eat some kind of soup which is made by force feeding an old babushka vodka until she sweats it out her pores and then wringing her pantyhose into a bowl filled with turnips.

Well, that's a nice mental image

Borscht is pretty tasty to be honest tho.

Fun fact about USSR agriculture. They were one of the largest agricultural producers yet their agriculture was a drain on their economy.

What do these terms even mean

I think what you're trying to say is that they fed everyone and even helped out fraternal socialist nations, which is foolish when they could've been making more money doing something else and intentionally leaving a shortfall of food to keep prices up.

It only means they put in more money into agriculture than they got out. The unproductive agriculture was a constant problem for them.

We got Ghazis praising Stalin and CringeAnarchy worshiping Hitler. I hate to say it but drama might be the only sane place left on the internet.

Horseshoe Theory is the eternal law of the world.


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Frick you bot

I hate to say it but drama might be the only sane place left on the internet.

Ok let's not get carried away. I'm pretty sure the only person here that would not suffer from any mental illness if tested is Snally.


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I mean we are ritarded but an IQ of 75 is still a lot higher than an IQ of 13

Depends on whether or not you consider Postpartum Aut!sm a mental illness.

dude snally is preggers

lmao, ghazis at least downvote this fucking c.lown

I really hope the day comes when the general public will look at these clowns the way we do at holocaust deniers.

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Ignoring the fact that it was the US's siege tactics that caused the USSR to react the way it did.

The only siege of Soviet Russia lasted for several months of after the October Revolution. Then there were only insignificant limitations till the Cold war (like increased tariffs on lumber).

I mean, Russia is under much heavier sanctions right now, then the USSR ever was in the 1930s.

Most nations refused to even have diplomatic relations with the soviet union purely out of spite.

>Tfw capitalist nations refuse to engage in capitalist trade with you because you are communist, forcing you to actually apply your precepts and thus fail.

It's funny because it's not even true, the Soviet Union signed a free trade agreement with the United Kingdom in 1921.

They signed multiple trade agreements with Nazi Germany too.

It was under lenin, tho.

I thought we were talking about capitalist countries being unwilling to trade with the Soviet Union, not just Stalin specifically?

Ghazi debates the age-old question: "Was Stalin bad?"

It's over for kulak-cels

Elsewhere in the thread:

nation states are bad regardless of their economic system


Hanover and Bavaria where shining beacons of enlightenment.

I think they are more angling towards ā€œNO MORE BORDERS NO MORE NATIONSā€ than pre nation state political units


Fixed that for you.


nation states are bad

Does this apply to Palestine?

Or a united Ireland? šŸ¤”

Supporting ethnic cleansing to own the libs šŸ˜Ž


Imagine a world where some socialist finally bans guns in this country

Socialism dictates that every person has the right to bear arms- so that the working class can protect themselves against authoritarian governments and rouge corporations.

Here's what Huey P. Newton, one of the founders of the Bl~ck Panther Party had to say wrt gun rights:

Any unarmed people are slaves, or are subject to slavery at any given moment. If the guns are taken out of the hands of the people and only the pigs have guns, then it's off to the concentration camps, the gas chambers, or whatever the fascists in America come up with. One of the democratic rights of the United States, the Second Amendment to the Constitution, gives the people the right to bear arms. However, there is a greater right; the right of human dignity that gives all men the right to defend themselves.

Of course, if your ancestors were never enslaved this may be a bit too abstract for you. Nevertheless you should be able to understand this view if you're proletariat. Frankly people who are anti-gun and still call themselves socialists are usually brocialists, no offense.

Your pulitzer's in the mail

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give cummies lpb

They're scared of guns becuase 40% of them would kill themselfs with one if they had access. Even then, after the revolution is done, the arms of the people will be siezed as they have in every socialist regime on earth.

Don't be mean to them please

Any socialist who supports gun control is an ideological-cuckold.

At least Nazi's are honest. They just say I don't care for these people Hitler should have killed more. Tankies always deny what their leaders did.

Are you denying holocaust denial exists?

Stalinist is a gun grabber

lol bootlicker

Interactivity has been marketed as an inherently special and exclusive quality of videogames as a medium. As for the exclusiveness, dare I say I do not believe it is the case. But thatā€™s certainly not my point here. My problem isĀ 


But there is no such thing as free will in a market-based scenery, within a market-based society. Since those conditionsā€Šā€”ā€Šor the latter at leastā€Šā€”ā€Šare absolutely unavoidable, the implementation of moral systems deserve to be managed with honesty and I refuse to settle for less

imagine sniffing your own farts this much

nintentards were a mistake

Proving once again that any echo chamber will radicalize in its core beliefs until it eventually becomes a parody of itself. Right wingers will become nazis and left wingers become communists. Centrists will stay calm and nuanced as ever ofc.


Also this Russian politician was pretty good.


Putin isn't a commie, so Reddit tankies dont have an abligation to defend him

Joseph 'Sweet Georgia Brown' Stalin



Lol at OP in that thread, who feels like they aren't a normie and are anti-birth

Stalin left way too many libs, I criticize him for that.

Stalin would have gulag'd you and all your buddies at Chapo Brap House. I'm sad he wasn't able to.

never understood why t-slurs idolize the man who would most likely gun them down on sight

People complain that's this site is full of Nazis but there's a shit ton of tankies shitting up various subbreddtis.

For fucks sake guys, Stalin killed thousands of loyal party members, if you really need to you can just claim he hated communism.

What worries me the most is how distressingly easy it is and how willing games areā€Šā€”ā€Šconsciously or not, as if that matteredā€Šā€”ā€Što reproduce systems of oppression by means of game systems themselves; especially as the wave of on-the-nose systemic metaphors keeps pervading the mediumā€™s fetishes.

Shillbot pasta right there

Agreed. Get a load of that word soup drivel

Do people really take a sub with an undertale character as their icon seriously?