Student at my alma matter says the n-slur and twitter explodes

223  2019-04-08 by Zac1245


On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


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Aww snappy that gave my little cuck heart an emotion boner 💕💕

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Hi there. I'm from NBC4. Can we use this video on air and online with credit?

"BREAKING NEWS: Some kid at some point in college says... the n-word. Scientists baffled. AoC has twenty minute speech about it filled with ebonics to explain how hurtful this is."

Believe it or not in the DC area this is breaking news. That area is beyond ridiculous and I’m glad I don’t live there anymore.

Remember 10 years ago the AU and Georgetown students were protesting because CVS kept condoms in locked cases to prevent shoplifting? That was some funny shit - they would either deny that shoplifting was higher in these neighborhoods, or would say that it was CVSs job to provide free condoms since these areas also had higher rates of HIV.

That was a bit before my time. I graduated in December. You will be happy to know somethings never change though.

An area filled with AIDS ridden thieves you say?

Is there some way we can spot these fiends from afar?

DC sounds exciting. No wonder my tour guide warned me about the place before we got there.

It isnt exciting and you should never ever go there.

Not even where the government buildings are?

That is the literal worst place to go and the most boring. Go to neighborhoods outside of downtown, more to see and do than just the Smithsonian.

I'll take my vacation in Arkansas, then. Thanks for the tip.

Your welcome. Now you can avoid the city equivalent of r/politics

You should definitely go to DC. OP is being too cool for school.

just the Smithsonian.


are you daft?

the smithsonian is fucking awesome and you could sepnd 2 solid weeks in there and not see all the awesome things

get you some culture son

Been to all of them, more than once. Lived in DC for seven years. I’ve seen it all. It’s not that great.

yeah you sound boring

If you live in DC those things get boring fast. Everyone who visits you wants to see them and they get boring. Plus the best Smithsonian of all is not even DC. It’s by Dulles airport, it’s the other air and space museum. Once you see that one the one is DC looks like a boring joke.

See the difference in you and normal people is you lived in DC. You're opinion is irrelevant

Durr Ive seen it several times and it isnt that interesting after the fifteenth time

Getting boring due to overexposure doesn’t mean you have to forget how cool a lot of stuff in DC is for first time visitors.

You sound like a conceited fahg.

Thanks dude, I try.


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Why the fuck do we care about some random neighborhoods rather then seeing the badass government buildings. Why the fuck do you think people go to DC?

“Badass government buildings” lmao ok.


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Yeah, the Washington monument, the Lincoln memorial, the capital building the W-Slur House all look cool af. Are you 15 and hate everything? I live in tourist area, but Instill think the buildings here look cool.

No just this everything in DC is over rated. Like I’m being dead serious I don’t know why anyone would spend money to vacation there. NYC is and interesting. I wouldn’t want to live there. Most places in California are pretty cool to visit. But DC bleh.

I’ve been there, I liked it. Great museums, cool buildings, interesting history. Maybe it sucks to live in, but not to visit.

You can like it all you want. Never said you were. It allowed too lol.

Its government buildings surrounded by ghettos. Its a very small area that's nice. The zoo is pretty good though.

That is really not true anymore. Much of it is nice now but still don't go it's worthless.

Believe it or not in the DC area this is breaking news.

Daily reminder that this is part of why the world laughs every time a mayo snaps and shoots something up. Get it together burgers and BE BETTER.

Isn't it a testament to how good a place is if they have nothing better to report crime wise?

I mean good is subjective. Nothing is really good about DC even if the crime is pretty low these day. Imagine r/politics but in city form, that’s DC and the people who inhabit it.

Imagine r/politics but in city form

I thought that was Seattle or Portland.


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Man our society has gone downhill


This meme brought to you by GANGWEED

We live downhill

And yet we live in one

The n word concept still baffles me after all these years. Why would anyone let a single word hold so much control over them is beyond me.

I even saw students censor it when reading historical works and in historical context.

You hear about schools banning To Kill A Mockingbird now because it's in there.

Good that's one of the most overrated books. Shit is one of the worst books to be a classic and the make everyone read it.

Better than that trash ass Scarlet Letter

News flash: 99% of curriculum books are all hot fucking garbage anyway.

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True blackpill: AutoModerator is an f-slur, that is all.

It is overrated but it’s still pretty good. Almost as good as Harry Potter

For years Huckleberry Finn has been one of the most challenged books in schools because of it.

Tom Sawyer is a peen.

The blcks were never taught what it means to "take back" a slur, so they just guessed based on the name and decided it means "OUR WORD ONLY NOBODY ELSE ALLOWED". And the mayos had so much whte guilt that they didn't have the heart to correct them.

Bullshit. Gangster rap is full of usage of that word and they were absolutely in the process of taking the power away from it. We were this close to making it a nothing word.

Then about 4 years ago people lost their shit again and it has more power than ever.


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Did people really forget how heavily focused everything was on multiculturalism and shit in the 90s? I've had anti-racism shit drilled in my head since I was 5 years old. 24 years later I'm apparently a racist. Crazy.

Hall and Oates and the Temptations ended racism years ago, and the Democrats brought it back, change my mind.

Like all those cheesy posters at school that showed all the different races and always one kid in a wheel chair.

Remember those Ad Council commercials for diversity and character and compassion

I had AIDS education and anti-racism drilled into me pretty hard then too. But we were killing the power of the word.

Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me


Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me

Stop with your Mein Kampf quotes, this is a safe space.


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Now it's racist to not be an ethnoisolationist

What did you say about r/bpt?

Gangster rap is full of usage of that word

They bleep it out on the radio now, which makes most of 90s hip hop completely unlistenable.

Really? They do? That’s hilarious


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it doesn't hold any power over them, they pretend it does so that they can hold power over others

fair observation

A lot of mdefugees in this thread

Sam Hyde is a MASSIVE f-slur, and I still have no clue what part of what this guy said you actually disagree with.

you actually disagree with

r-slur serious posters actually think like this 😂😂

I mean I'm not thinking like anything, I made a statement. You okay sweetheart?

I still have no clue what part of what this guy said you actually disagree with.

The fact that you think "disagreeing" is somehow a standard for bad posts on /r/drama shows that you're part of the problem.

I didn't say anything was a standard for bad posts, friend. If anything, all I was saying is that guy isn't wrong in the least. And I got to call Sam Hyde an f-slur in the process. Feels like winning to me.

they're niggérs and so are you :)

A lot of mdefugees in this thread

Every. Single. Post.

Find a new complaint.

waaah why doesnt everyone love negroes as much as i do

Those poor poor mayos 😢😢. Not being able to say the n word is basically modern day lynching.


Not being able to say the n word is basically modern day lynching...

... said nobody.

Nobody is that guy who has all the most easily refuted opinions.

You’re reAlly going to sit there and try to tell me that I was mischaracterizing seething wh*toids who can’t say the gaymer word and being purposefully hyperbolic on R/DRAMA of all places???!!!? 😡😡😡😤😤😤

Hwo are you negative

Absolute state of nu drama

Trying too hard and missing the humour mark by that much tbh


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All of you seriousposters that have downvoted the above post need to remember which subreddit you are on.

why is this comment downvoted? when did we start sympathizing with mayos? MDEFUGEES OUT OUT OUT


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snappy wtf why are you protecting new f slurs

I’m amazed that there are still people who don’t know this

Yea not being able racially abuse others is AKSHUALLY what's racist, not saying racial slurs.

you sound fat

Slighty overweight


Working on it hun

better of luck sweatie, cut out the soft drink if you haven't already

I will!

Have you tried getting someone close to you to hit you and scream nasty things in your face when you try to eat so you end up all traumatised and stop eating? Medical science has neglected PTSD as a valid form of behavioural correction for as long as I've been in this field and it's fucking infuriating.

We’ll see lol


I really don’t care about your weight. I’m just saying I doubt you’ll get in shape.


Laffa bread was invented by Sephardic Jéws


Golan Heights belongs to Israel 🇮🇱


About what?



Please ban the refugees. Thank you.


lol "abuse."

But what if I want to

they can hold power over others

The best part is seeing how much that infuriates you and your kind.

Hierarchies based on competence work better than hierarchies based on pretend victimhood.

Hierarchies based on competence

Which also infuriates you and your kind. It's why you need a race-based underclass, so you're not the lowest status.

wow all of this happens in your imagination

God, I hate mayoposting. When will we rid ourselves of the eternal wh*te scourge?

this strawman i just made up is why youre wrong


Found the Jrdan 🅱. Pterson fan

that's the guy who came up with the concept of hierarchies, right?

Eh it's more like "turns into a emotional child when they hear a word? that's cool, not doing much for the 'rétarded chimp' stereotype but that's not really my problem"

your kind

What did he mean by this

Everyone is part of the alt reich or something.

In the US pretend victimhood confers immense political power.

Why would anyone let a single word hold so much control over them is beyond me.

The thing is that it's been somewhat repurposed (depending on context) not to exert control over minorities but to given them some sort of symbolic privilege that they can use to feel superior about themselves - there are a list of words that they can use but no one else can, and context is irrelevant. (Maybe you can still get away with doing it if you're using it in a quote, but even that exception seems to be fading away.) It's literally Orwellian, where symbolic speech restrictions are seen as an effective/legitimate means of achieving whatever social justice ends. If you use one of these words around a Twitter bluecheck with a recording video and you have any sort of prominent institutional affiliations, your career is basically over then and there. What a wonderful world.


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Except hang out with any Hispanic person from a not so great neighborhood in the Tri State area, and you find out that these Dominicans say n-slur as much if not more than buhlacks do.

As a brownie myself, it is my radically centrist position to point this shit out, and if you really don't think it's become a "lord this shit over albinocels" in [current year], I'm not sure what to tell you.


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Yeah that's my point about "progressive spaces" - they would be pretty squicked out if Becky started telling hispanic kids at the local 7/11 what words they're allowed to say. But putting a dudebro sophomore at a decent state school on blast? NBC is on it.

I haven't read your comment but you do appear to be seriousposting and I'm going to have to ask you to shut up.

Because they get a free pass to beat the shit out of anyone who says it and people will side with the person that assaulted someone over a word over someone that said a word. Seems incredibly useful to me.


miss obama get down lol

I get that it's a special kind of insult. Like called a disabled kid r slur or something.

But acting like it's horrible to just quote the word is just raw burger people insanity. God I hope this shit stay contaminated there but I fear it won't.







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Oh so this is that Fabled MDE humor that makes you soo whet 🍆 💦


Bantz will make you dance

lmao why does it bother you so much youre all over this thread coping

Absolutely S E E T H I N G 🤣🤣🤣🤣

its just anything remotely jokey about minorities or that might be construed as racist by stupid people and youre in here trying to damage control or whatever tf

its weird is all

like when nerds do their whole anti white schtick i just stay out of it because its boring

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Kid's a grade A moron for sure, but like... it's so painfully obvious that the recorder isn't interested in bringing up a problem to be addressed as much as it is a desperate grab at power over someone else.

Full name, please

Like, ugh...

As is evident by the adolescent giggling in the background.

Anyone with a ounce of decency knows that excited giggling is the hallmark of the oppressed.

Kid says n(slur)

HA Goteeeeeem

Kid starts laying out his views and engaging in a conversation about his views on language

Camera shuts off

He said the n-slur! Let's expose him and harrass him on social media til he kills himself!

This but unironically

Ihhh dhat how u rheally bhe feelin my n-slur 😫💯👿😭😂

It's actually sick how people on twitter, and also the university itself and apparently a fucking news agency, do exactly what those psycho b*tches want them to do. I hope this Orwellian shit ends soon, it's starting to not even be funny anymore.

> I'm no MDEfugee but hope this Orwellian shit ends soon

That shit wasn't set up long time ago to just get ruined because the wrong party learned how to use it, though.

True, it'll go back to religious people using it to ruin people's lives for sexual debauchery and satanism or something in another 10 years, and the pendulum of assholes who can't mind their own business will just keep swinging. Opinionated-cide when, completely unironically?


Can twitter hurry up and move on to the 'not your personal army' stage already

Twitter attracts the type of people who will totally be your personal army. They all show their names and faces so they are effectively following regular societal norms but they aren't actually interacting with people so they've lost any of their actual humanity. Right now its very popular to hate racists and racism so thats the target they choose. 4chan still ruins peoples lives it's just that the targets are really random.

Right now its very popular to hate racists and racism so thats the target they choose.

“Right now?” I was watching some tv shows from the 60s, they had the same heavy-handed anti-racism messages I remember from the 90s

Hahaha awesome. Only pussies care.

Yeah it looked like the dude was about to try and go into some sort of talk about words and meaning and all of that stuff. Wrong place, wrong time for that kind of conversation. I don’t know why the hell you’d do that on camera, let alone give your name


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guys got balls to say the n-word casually, he'll be fine.

He'll be expelled and bullied until he kills himself.

Seems like the guy might've been on something when they shoved a camera in his face.

"And why do you think it's okay to say that word?" she says, with smug satisfaction. She's clearly excited he's saying it and she gets to act snotty about the entire thing.

like, ugh

Go back to buzfeed

imagine not feeling safe because some pasty mslur twig says a rap lyric

After you ask him to

those pure cackles joy :)

I wish anything was as exhilarating for me as instigating witch hunts is to spoiled brats of color.

Yeah, they clearly were not scared, offended, or outraged at the time, they were laughing about it. They were only outraged when it was time to make twitter noise.

That feeling of pure joy when you finally found a reason to pretend you're a victim.

Imagine all the clout they're gonna get! With some luck they can leverage that 5 second video into several successful race/gender-baiting careers.

So anyway, Venmo me.

Is venmo just paypal for niggеrs?

yo how has snappy not gotten you for this?

Snappy's losing his touch. Sad.


I use venmo when I catfish dudes

People pay you to pretend you're a woman? How much?

I usually sell "my" nudes for like $5/10, sometimes I can convince guys to send me around $20 for an uber to their place.

this is why social media ruined society, besides the typical r/im14andthisisdeep rhetoric. no way in hell would you have been able to bait out somebody to say n-slur before you could record people and post it to twatter

If you can’t laugh at an a*tist not understanding how to take part in basic human social interactions you’re doing life all wrong my guy.

that's not what got them so eager and excited.

Excuse me but this is a thread for w slur g@ym3rs to lose their absolute shit and have an emotionally charged experience. PLEASE LEAVE.

Auto-erotic asphyxiation is the closest thing I've found, give it a shot

safer with a partner

Ronald McDonald Planet

Can’t even say the gaymer word in a public place anymore smh smh 🤦‍♀️

Do you have a medical issue? You have shit blasted your cope line regarding "gaymer word" through out this entire short post.

How about you shut your cock holster and let the pro's do the bantz

C 👏 O 👏 P 👏 E 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

should I still apply ? :/

Omg idk maybe we should all hide under the bed

I’m really hoping for a university wide RaceWar


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We almost had one at one point. One time someone threw bananas at blk people, then hung some from nooses, we had a flag burning because Trump is racist or something, all the blak students threatened to withdrawal from the university (they didn't though). Guy hung Confederate flags around campus to trigger the libs, all kinds of stuff.

The administration tried to make minority only spaces on campus, backed down once the media got hold of that story.

no "it's 👌 to be huwite" posters?

Probably had those also, I cant possibly keep up with all the drama.

Lurk le moar

Hello I'm johnny cash

The fact that that’s all real is amazing

Could we all just REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE at each other online and leave normies alone

I didn’t know she was suing them or there was an outcome to that case. Never heard anyone mention it.

That sounds pretty fun

When you are so woke, you almost segregate your school.

all the blak students threatened to withdrawal from the university

oh no please don't just think of how low our test scores will drop pleease don't do it


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despite being 13% of the population, bl*cks make up 100% of those btfo by rednecks who've been itching for a race war for decades

They literally asked him to say the word. Instead of cowering in fear they whipped their phones out and laughed. They were clearly traumatized by his use of the word.

No they said "What did you say?" at the beginning, not "say the N-word"

The dude barely gives a shit.

“I suspect AUx and my women in comedy class will give me some trouble later this week,” O’Neil said.


Yeah now that I’m seeing that he’s a comedian, or at least a wannabe one, this all makes so much more sense

Here's his standup. Seems like a sweet kid. I hope he doesn't get lynched.

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Here's his standup. Seems like a sweet kid. I hope he doesn't get lynched. These woketards should realize that spergcels have more oppression points than their neurotypical asses.

What are you talking about, he apologized like a moron

O’Neil said he now understands that his views on the word were “somewhat misguided.”

“I did not anticipate the video would reach such wide circulation,” O’Neil said. “I am very sorry to the people I upset. I genuinely regret what I have done.”

He should have doubled-down

O'Neil /r/hibernians strike again

imagine actually reading the article lmao

So they were having a discussion about words and he probably said the n-slur in reference to the word itself, not people. Why do mayos think this is the same thing as calling people that

“This incident has impacted members in our community and we will continue to offer support however it is needed,” Freeman wrote.

This is some straight A outrage culture. Jesus..

You said it, man.


He looks like he has a mild case of Down's


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El Thornberry


gotta love the irony of how they stop rolling as he's trying to make a larger point about context and free speech

alma matter

dont think it was worth paying the tuition fam

I didn't, the US taxpayers did for me by way of the GI Bill.

dont think it was worth paying the time and labor fam

Can’t disagree with you there.

Glad you got your gibs

Lmao I was just dating a girl that lives in this dorm earlier this year, I also went to the high school where the dudes ranked the girls, drama been bleeding over into real life too much

Why would you ever date a girl from AU. Do you enjoy being berated with feminist talking points, daily?

She was hot, she transferred from ASU bc she wanted to be a lobbyist or some shit. You can guess why she didn’t want to date another student.

Oh, I see. Yeah a transfer from Arizona to DC is like going to a different country. DC is insane and progressive. Arizona is not.

No one has learned shit with out of context videos and it hasn't even been 4 months.

He would be called an alt-right Nazi if he gave that speech in 2019!

I'm gonna say it 😡😡😡



there I said it and am now disgusted 🤢

the uppity negroids are coming from inside drama 😱

Please think of the poor reddit administrators!


I don't care that you broke your elbow.

I appreciate this meme


White male nerd says words.

Stacy Abrams would not be proud of this

be me an african ancestors sells usless people to mayos profit ancestors have kids me, moves to america mfw when the people we sold lets me use racial slurs directed at them profit x2

I wanted some pics of a hot hijabi n-slur but her twitter is all pseudo woke trash smh.


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No vanilla people should use slurs AT ALL, dumb people like him make me SO MAD. Debate me on this...... I dare you.....

Here's a hot take: what if no people used any slurs at all?

Well there wouldn’t be any hate and the world would be peaceful.


d-word people

Are you deaf yourself? Because seeing hearing people use the d-word is incredibly hurtful for deaf people.

Full name?

This thing about not being able to say certain words is literally magical thinking. It's exactly the same as a primitive tribe in the Amazon rainforest who think that if you say the name of their tribal deity out loud bad things will happen.

Magical thinking: "In psychiatry, magical thinking is a disorder of thought content; here it denotes the false belief that one's thoughts, actions, or words will cause or prevent a specific consequence in some way that defies commonly understood laws of causality."

When did Amricans become such huge pssies?


How to ruin your life using just one word.

N slur is a killing word


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I don't like how they cut him off directly after they get his name. I feel he was just about to explain the context.

For the record, he's right. It's okay to say any word, but some words come with consequences.

"this is why i dont feel welcome". The girls a are gitty with excitement over the "gotcha moment", and twitter fame they are going to get.


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Next time just hire a Chocolate American to say it for you and you can dodge this controversy.

Why don’t she just transfer to her native Sudan university

And why is a Sudanese Muslim girl going to a private Methodist university called American University?


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I recently made a comment along the lines of "it's awkward being in a bar filled with whte people, and the music is saying 'ngger' every few seconds". The M*llennials I was with exploded with outrage that I would actually say the word. It was more fun than I was expecting.

I know this is probably a pleb-level observation, but American University” sounds like a fake scam place