One Historical Genius in r/MapPorn discovers the true villain of both World Wars. Serbia. Thinks they need to be destroyed before they cause World War Three.

45  2019-04-08 by GodOfDarknessWine


Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


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I see nothing wrong with destroying the discount Russians



Based and cropilled

the only thing serbia is good at destroying is the balkans tbh

S*rbs are Russians but more gypsies

That’s...Thats not how that works

seethe harder serbfag

From Baltimore to Serbia, that sure escalated quickly.

I mean, they did start WW1, which started communism in Russian and WW2 which started the Cold War which led to the funding of the al-qaeda which led to 9/11, which led to the war on terrorism which led to bin laden‘s death which led to the rise of ISIS which led to the surge of Syrian refugees which is causing lots of civil direst and polarization. So the only true way to stop WW3 is to go back 200 years and just nuke the whole nationality

Hapsburgs rise up! 🇦🇹🇭🇺


That guy's comment history is a trip. Tons of submissions to international subreddits asking weird questions, he practically lives in /r/MapPorn, he thinks US military aid to their allies are why Balkan-shits killing each other didn't manage to kick off WWIII in the 90's, etc.

/u/Eticology, please join us in /r/drama, we would love to get your hot takes on submissions here.

I'm good, if I wanted to waste my time gossiping, I'd join your knitting club but I'm too busy pissing off Europeans.