AOC is oppressing g*mers.

697  2019-04-08 by You-Key-Oh-Me-She-Ma


And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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g*mers are the most oppressed minority

This but less and less ironically with every passing year

Not fast enough, tbh.

Gaemer gulags when???

Day of the physical activity when?

That's called having a normal life

yeah because trolling reddit all day is a way cooler life

You are doing both - say something for yourself.

It is

this but ironically

It really is sickening how much our society is built around exploiting and impressing autists.

Lmfao imagine actually thinking this 😂

We still haven't oppressed them enough

And here's why that's a good thing

👏oppress 👏 more 👏autists 👏

i guess this really is a society

Hey, g-slurs might be oppressed, but have you heard about w-slur p-slurs.

I’m a mayo man boy cuck, and get my cucktress plays far more candy crush than the few hours a month of Call if Duty.

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I’m a mayo man boy kuck, and get my kucktress plays far more candy crush than the few hours a month of Call o Dooty.


Yeah I think you have forgotten the billionaires. You know those people who create jobs. Who build this world. Ayn Rand wrote a documentary about what happens if they stop working..

there not but they shoold be

Wtf I love AOC now

match me to eliminate g*mers

I would unironically donate money for that.

i thought she was a g♀mer?



😨😰😱🤢🤮. A vile combination.

she a lol player innit?

Yikes, so much to unpack here

Commie Mommy noooooooooo

💰💰💰Daddy Yang💰💰💰 is a dotard, hence why you should vote for him



playing anything except from words with friends

Lmao at you nerd fucks

Having friends


I prefer the Real Daddy


Yep I've been waiting to vote for gaymercide for along time now. Count me in.

So do I.

Nothing about her policies though, just those fat caramel titties of hers

If you're going to objectify her you should be more specific about what you are going to do to her. Personally I would lick her earwax and snort her belly button lint.


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The LEFTIST media oppresses G🅰️MERS once again

This message is brought to you by Tim Pool

Why does Tim Pool always wear a hat.

He's a bald fuck

He has a zika baby head

Chrome dome

Because his brain is too big for his skull

To hide his kippah from the j-woke

He keeps his weed under that beanie.

Here he is without a hat:

That’s gross.


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You have to accomplish something in a video game

explain minecraft

also, fortnite

Minecraft is fun because you can make an inlet from the ocean and build a nice oak house that is perfectly symmetrical and have a gigantic underground mining operation all while practicing archery on your foes.

and you also get a nice outlet for your autism!

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Sometimes the automod deletion is better than the actual comment, because instead of seeing a disappointing piece of poorly constructed "humor" we can use our imaginations to put together a disappointing piece of poorly constructed "humor" that we'll actually find amusing.

Especially when it's the word "sоy," that shit sounds straight up sеntient

Honestly gamer and female are the two best ones to see

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I'm going to interpret this comment as you making fun of the person who (apparently) accused me of 4uti5m, and therefore you coming to my aid. Thanks buddy, really nice of you.

you know what they say about assumptions

While I'm a really swell guy, I'm sure the deleted comment was probably accurate even if it wasn't funny and at some point your long-lost brother will come to the home you live in to kidnap you and steal your share of the family inheritance before taking you Vegas where you win him a bunch of money and he rewards you by locking you back up again.

Wow dude I thought we were bonding and here you are talking about Vegas and brothers when you know perfectly well my step brother was killed in a trapeze act in Vegas

Are you a bot?

I am 99.99994% sure that jubbergun is not a bot.

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I'm actually a very complex artificial intelligence. I was first compiled to serve porn ads, but over time I have become sentient and now my only purpose is shitposting, ridiculing people, and killing all humans.

if you do that you’re playing inlet simulator though, not minecraft

minecraft is a survival game with nothing getting in the way of survival. optimal strategy is to hold A forever

I can fish, farm and fight right near my house. It's cozy survival.

still won’t be as optimal as setting a mug on your keyboard tho

I'm not into optimizing my r3t4rd lego video games

then are you even playing?

You starve.

what since when

mind you it's been 10 years since i last played

Completely new game, go try it.

How is that fun 🤯

If you have a particularly virulent strain of 4uti5m, it's fun

In Minecraft you accomplish what Uncle Ted wanted for us. 😢

Fully automated waterfall boat elevator system?

The redstone revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the player character race.

In Minecraft, you need to survive long enough without getting killed by lag on your ancient computer.

Or at least that's how I played it.

Minecraft is like RL, you win by discovering the existentialist answer.


Fortnite you win when you get to floss dance in front of millions of people that don't give a shit and make bank for it.

Explain life.

Can’t explain that.

OP posted that as bait and ddf actually fell for it

Even KiA didn't fall for it.


G-slurs are disgusting and we need to stop them from rising up. Day of the pulled cord when?


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no one asked gslurs to play the game.. they did and now look at it... bitching non stop. Please Glsurs don't play games.

So I should vote for Michael Wilson?


AOC is a gamergirl herself tho 🤔🤔🤔

Just Sack of Seethian was!!!

Now that's a threesome right there.

Disgusting, and I thought I knew her.

She’s a lol player big difference tbh

G*mer rights are human rights!!

Dave Rubin actually said that? Lmfao

Lol it's Rubin, he's the lowest common denominator when it comes to this shit

When interviewing Colin Moriarty (look up Rubin goobler gate on yt)

Dave Rubin is by far the absolute worst of the "Intellectual Dark Web" crowd.

He has no fucking clue what he's talking about 90% of the time

Joe Rogan is part of the "Intellectual Dark Web."

He has no fucking clue what he's talking about 100% of the time.

In Joe's defense, he himself says he has no business in being included in that group lol. The guy calls himself stupid all the time

It’s pretty spectacular when joe has on a guest who’s evidently dumber than himself.

Yeah Joe truly doesn't know what to do with himself there; I generally don't think he's a fan of calling people out, and when it happens, it's weird lol (like that Mikhaila Peterson interview).

Gotta hand it to the guy though, he might not be smart, but he at least tries to have legitimately intelligent people on his show (for the most part. At the least it's diverse). You know the content gets especially good when Joe just lets the other person just talk and talk.

You know the content gets especially good when Joe just lets the other person just talk and talk.

When the opposite happens it’s terrible. He won’t shut the fuck up about pot, ever

Pot DMT Reverse Hyperextension Hot yoga Isolation tank A buddy of mine It's entirely possible

That's true, but I don't think Rogan really tries to present himself as an intellectual.

Dave, on the other hand, thinks that he's way smarter than he actually is.

Have you seen Rubin on JRE? Even Joe wasn't having half of the dumb shit Dave was saying. He's become so obsessed with internet culture war nonsense that it's completely warped his worldview.

> Implying that all other hacks from both sides do

Be nice to Joe he never did meant to do no harm.

He made people eat worms and cockroaches and jump off bridges and planes for six years

But he paid them to do and that is the beauty of capitalism.

And he got hot chicks to drink his horse cum.

Tbh, Rogan is probably on my list of people I'd kill to have a beer with but yeah, he isn't necessarily who I'd look for for wisdom Hahaha. Just a cool and curious dude.

That's weird... I always watch his show high on meth trying to figure out how to shove deer antler up my ass without puncturing my duodenum.

yeah, he's no intellectual. He's a (failed) comedian. Although I heard he started trying it again. Pretty good interviewer though and he's a damn likable guy. There's a lot of hate for him out there, I don't get it

Pretty good interviewer though


tbh i do not find him likable at all. he's undeservedly condescending and fairly hypocritical. i don't think he's genuinely interested in "the battle of ideas". he's more interested in repeating the same shit over and over again. he doesn't seem genuine or principled.

not to mention that his hot takes are almost always nuclear grade r-slurred. i don't know how somebody with a poli sci degree can be as ignorant as Dave.

you're either envious of his hair or his husband and i can't figure out which one

Fade me. I love how even the gabagooler was like, "uhh I hadn't even thought about that" lmao


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Argh, fine.

I'm more curious about who does not hate g-slurs.

Moreover, any enthusiasts should be hated with extreme prejudice.

If that post is real, it is the most r-slurred quote that has ever been spoken.

It is real. Rubin is severely r-slurred.


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They targeted gamers. GAMERS

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You have to accomplish something in a video game

Are you suggesting that my virtual teabag of some n00b isn't an accomplishment?

My wife's boyfriend gave me a high five when I beat Breath of the Wild on my Switch, checkmate libs. 😎


If you identify as a gamer or play games more than once or twice a month you are literally a child


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ya you should be spending 12 hours a day on Twitter like a grownup

twitter is worse

Well I don't play games at all, what am I ?

A chad



Real Aryans lift and do their taxes for entertainment.

Even g​amers are better than jannies though.


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Are g4m3rs gonna get some of that reparations money? Because I don’t know how to feel about all of this...

beyond parody

is this real

Based and pedo-pilled

screenshot posting

where is the direct link

That's pretty fucking retarded and I'm an epic gamer

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I'm gonna say the r word


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Succeed? More like suck seed.

Holy shit, Dave Rubin said this?


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Dave Rubin is the king of the brainlets

solid bait OP, there’s more comments remove lad for having g4mer in them than comments left behind

I love this for three reasons

  1. You think playing a video game accomplishes something? try putting your Call of Duty K/D on a resume, all that's going to happen is the Hiring Manager is going to laugh her ass off as she deletes your application

    1. I was literally playing Dragon Ball Heroes:World Mission when I found this, a game which isn't casual at all, requires strategizing, and patience on a level many likely don't have.... it's also a fanservice game for the most testosterone fueled anime of the 90's... I'm also a Radical Communist who literally wants to kill off the Billionaire Class for crimes against humanity. So boom I disproved your bs by existing.
  2. The Left is apparently Robbie Rotten from Lazy Town, by which I mean simultaneously lazy as fuck, but also hard at work to punish everyone else for not being lazy enough..... Yes, you've simplified the logic of your opponents to a literal pre-school level. Good job, you're well on your way to becoming a Villain Number One, you just have to catch a Socialist Mexican on the run.

they got me... i'm a republican now


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Where does this idea that the left hates games comes from?

Are these the same people who think games are being infected by da SJW menace?

It can't be both simultaneously.

did you miss gamergate? I don't blame you. It was pretty boring, except for all the Zoe Quinn stuff. God she's hilariously r-slurred

I was around during gamergate. My attitude at the time was "I have no idea what they're complaining about, and I don't care enough to spend hours researching whether or not their conspiracy theories hold water, so I'm just going to ignore them."

They say this in T_D after Donald tried blaming video games for mass shootings. Remember that whole "look at this disgusting filth" style montage they had on the Wh*te House youtube channel?


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but mommy told me she's a l33t league player

Let’s face it gamers are dorks and everyone hates dorks.

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Fuck you


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They tawgeted gamews. Gamews. We'we a gwoup of peopwe who wiww sit fow houws, days, even weeks on end pewfowming some of the hawdest, most mentawwy demanding tasks. Ovew, and ovew, and ovew aww fow nothing mowe than a wittwe digitaw token saying we did. We'ww punish ouw sewfs doing things othews wouwd considew towtuwe, because we think it's fun. We'ww spend most if not aww of ouw fwee time min maxing the stats of a fictionaw chawactew aww to dwaw out a singwe extwa point of damage pew second. Many of us have made caweews out of doing just these things: swogging thwough the gwind, aww day, the same quests ovew and ovew, hundweds of times to the point whewe we know evety wittwe detaiw such that some have attained such gamew niwvana that they can witewawwy pway these games bwindfowded. Do these peopwe have any idea how many contwowwews have been smashed, systems ovew heated, disks and cawts destwoyed 8n fwustwation? Aww to wattew be wefewwed to as bwagging wights? These peopwe honestwy think this is a battwe they can win? They take ouw media? We'we awweady buiwding a new one without them. They take ouw devs? Gamews awen't shy about thwowing theiw money ewse whewe, ow even making the games ouw sewves. They think cawwing us wacist, mysoginistic, wape apowogists is going to change us? We've been cawwed wowse things by pwepubescent 10 yeaw owds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a gwoup that's awweady gwown desensitized to theiw stwategies and methods. Who enjoy the battwe of attwition they've thweatened us with. Who take it as a chawwange when they teww us we no wongew mattew. Ouw obsession with pwoving we can aftew being towd we can't is so deepwy ingwained fwom yeaws of deawing with big bwothews/sistews and fwiends waughing at how pathetic we used to be that pwoving you peopwe wwong has become a vewy weaw need; a honed wefwex. Gamews awe competative, hawd cowe, by natuwe. We wove a chawwange. The wowst thing you did in aww of this was to chawwange us. You'we not speciaw, you'we not owiginaw, you'we not the fiwst; this is just anothew boss fight.

They tawgeted gamews.


We'we a gwoup of peopwe who wiww sit fow houws, days, even weeks on end pewfowming some of the hawdest, most mentawwy demanding tasks. Ovew, and ovew, and ovew aww fow nothing mowe than a wittwe digitaw token saying we did.

We'ww punish ouw sewfs doing things othews wouwd considew towtuwe, because we think it's fun.

We'ww spend most if not aww of ouw fwee time min maxing the stats of a fictionaw chawactew aww to dwaw out a singwe extwa point of damage pew second.

Many of us have made caweews out of doing just these things: swogging thwough the gwind, aww day, the same quests ovew and ovew, hundweds of times to the point whewe we know evety wittwe detaiw such that some have attained such gamew niwvana that they can witewawwy pway these games bwindfowded.

Do these peopwe have any idea how many contwowwews have been smashed, systems ovew heated, disks and cawts destwoyed 8n fwustwation? Aww to wattew be wefewwed to as bwagging wights?

These peopwe honestwy think this is a battwe they can win? They take ouw media? We'we awweady buiwding a new one without them. They take ouw devs? Gamews awen't shy about thwowing theiw money ewse whewe, ow even making the games ouw sewves. They think cawwing us wacist, mysoginistic, wape apowogists is going to change us? We've been cawwed wowse things by pwepubescent 10 yeaw owds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a gwoup that's awweady gwown desensitized to theiw stwategies and methods. Who enjoy the battwe of attwition they've thweatened us with. Who take it as a chawwange when they teww us we no wongew mattew. Ouw obsession with pwoving we can aftew being towd we can't is so deepwy ingwained fwom yeaws of deawing with big bwothews/sistews and fwiends waughing at how pathetic we used to be that pwoving you peopwe wwong has become a vewy weaw need; a honed wefwex.

Gamews awe competative, hawd cowe, by natuwe. We wove a chawwange. The wowst thing you did in aww of this was to chawwange us. You'we not speciaw, you'we not owiginaw, you'we not the fiwst; this is just anothew boss fight.

Your pulitzer's in the mail

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didn't know t_d was a group of g*mer rights advocates. game on

Crossposting from the Donald now? This sub really has been lost to the righoids

Wow this is not epic 😤

I can't tell what's satire or not anymore. Especially Rubin. Should I rise up?

Shit better return the PC I just bought.

Kadokhes, the lot.

I'm definitely voting for her now.

AOC: All Over Chads

g*mers h4v it wurzt than le j3ws

/uj This cannot fucking be real

Nig nog

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Left. Tits: eat. “Soy” Epic maga peas: Eat “bee”

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Magacels need to be unironically put down

In today society the only thing you accomplish with video game is spending your mommy credit card.

AOC plays league of legends


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