Is she making up 90% of this or 100%?

115  2019-04-08 by BiologyIsAFactor


I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


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Hmm. I smell some funky funky bullshit coming up

The question is, what kind of “wasn’t even funny the first time” “joke” overreaction will the mods put into place this time, and for how many months?

God, I can't wait to find out.

Locked cus YA'LL CAN'T BEHAVE!


Why thank you. Commenting that got me banned from r/TrollXChromosones

They didnt like my comment either and banned me as well.

This is why we need mayocide.

Ha, I got banned there by myself.

For a sub with "troll" in the title, they sure as hell can't take any.


I am betting it is this thread but I am not sure if it was linked here or not

Also it seems that thread reached r/all so she may just want to blame us.

Inb4 its a massive lie again like when twox wanted to no be a default sub


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It was linked here in this thread but it was a pretty dull episode tbh.

/u/violetcandy86 I will protect you m'lady

Hangin round

Downtown by myslef

And I had so much time

To sit and think about myself

And then there she was

Like Double cherry pie

Yeah there she was

Like disco superfly

I smell /u/violentcandy86 here!

I smell /u/violentcandy86 here!

Is that the last thing that many a lone woman has seen?


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These cowards hide behind their keyboards and say ugly things simply to harass and troll. Block and delete. No person in their right mind should wish rape on anyone.

I desperately wish there was an auditorium style setting where people would read their personal reddit posts out and people in the audience had microphones and were allowed to IRL comment on it.

What if I harass people in real life as well? At least I’m not a coward

I would unironically take part in that

Why would she think we would be scared of her irl?

/u/PM70 that's pretty ironic considering it's a fake story.

Isn’t that basically how the Greeks invented philosophy and shit? Seems like you could get a lot done with something like that.

Come to think of it, Ancient Greece is probably the closest a civilisation has come to being r/drama. You’ve got weirdos getting angry at each other over abstract concepts, that bloke who lived in a barrel who’s basically just /u/masterlawlz, and at the whole society runs on a deep passion for bussy.’re right! Not only that, but they were also sexual deviants and the leaders most certainly tucked their shit and got fucked

You know, I did see Lawlz trolling around the subreddit holding a lantern saying that he was "looking for an honest man".

u/violentcandy86 many outspoken critics of yours claim that this story is false. How do you respond to those claims?

Note i’m a culture writer for Vice. Do i have your permission to publish this as part of a piece about the harassment women face online?

DAE remember when Twox was made a default and the admins were flooded with claims of rape threats and the like, and it got so bad the admins came to the subreddit and said there were a handful of probably legit mean messages and all of the rest were fakes sent by twoxers?

Someone less lazy please dig up a link.


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I expect nothing less from you, bG9slG5pY2UgdHJ5Cg

Lmao g[slur]s are so bad at creating hoaxes.

Wow it's really been 4 years since twoz became default?


Making it default was a mistake. Now the front page is filled with posts that are basically the literary equivalent of girls getting up to go to the bathroom together.

Out of all of the reports that other people have sent our way (generally it is other users reporting things to us on someone else's behalf), I'd say that maybe only two to four have been legit. It's entirely possible that there are other legitimate instances out there, but they aren't being reported to us. If you (or anyone else) comes across any instances of people complaining that they've received harassing PMs please do send it our way at /r/ modmail!


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I suggested she was selfish for not giving him an "ol' fashioned" to finish him off, is that considered encouraging r*pe now? Smh 😔

Bro I think you mean /u/violetcandy86.

o god o fug

Pinging??? 😍😍😍

Is it back or was that just a mod lording his pinging over us?

Apparently it's back, look at the sticky

look at the sticky

I never read stickies unless it's lawlz posting

God I love pinging

I'm so sorry this happened to you Queen :(

My answer depends on whether or not we're rounding.

Maybe drama will get banned before 100k

Report all of that to the admins. That sub needs to be banned or quarantined. They're one of the worst for brigading other communities and harassing people.

I swear to god by the end this website will be nothing but cat pics and purple haired feminists talking about how evil men are.

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I swear to god by the end this website will be nothing but cat pics and purple haired feminists talking about how evil men are. All while the s o y slurping admins jerk themselves off about how they're "anti-evil."

The funny thing is the sub is almost entirely men behaving badly or “this one man white knighted me” but the sidebar rules explicitly forbid stories of f slurs behaving badly.

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It's gonna be two spheres, one of bugmen blathering endlessly on in thinly-veiled /r/hailcorporate posts about capeshit and vidya, and one of cat ladies posting their fanfiction to advice subs.

They're are literal Nazi subs on this site, but instead they attack the most diverse sub and call us bigots? YIKES

the most diverse sub

/r/braincels is actually the most diverse sub. It’s a roughly even split of mayocels, azncels, and currycels.


No wonder that sub sucks so much.

Eris is literally the goddess of Drama. 😍

Drama is a SubGenius sub. Eris is just one of "BOB"'s side pieces, Connie is the true goddess.

I meant the actual greek goddess.

I walked past a group of bl*cks the other day and not a single one tried to rape, rob or kill me. I posted a thank you letter on Reddit and people reacted poorly to my story. Could it be that my need to post the story revealed my own inner bigotry? No, it's the whiny manchildren that are wrong.

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I walked past a group of bl*cks the other day and not a single one tried to rape, rob or kill me. I posted a thank you letter on Reddit and people reacted poorly to my story. Could it be that my need to post the story revealed my own inner bigotry and my extremely negative preconceptions about bl *ck people? No, it's the whiny manchildren that are wrong.


You already know the answer OP

she's pretty dramatic, tbh. posts about drama with her mother too.

the original post was ... interesting. like she suspected all men of being rapists and then found out they weren't which was apparently very surprising and worth sharing with the other femmes.

Report all of that to the admins. That sub needs to be banned or quarantined. They're one of the worst for brigading other communities and harassing people.

I completely agree. Anyone in that horrible place needs to be hanged by the balls.


...hang on a minute?

hanged by the balls.


...hang on a minute

I need at least 3 minutes to climax


These cowards hide behind their keyboards and say ugly things simply to harass and troll. Block and delete.

ugly things

  • Mold

  • Green and pink combinations

  • Your face

Green and pink combinations

Hey, my favorite colors!

You sicken me, fam

some uncanny valley shit

She unironically looks a little bit like a praying mantis.


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Nah guys I believe her and think some dudes here are idiots. Girl even went as far as to post charities to men support funds which is something most on that sub would never do even to be smug. Plus the scenario sounds realistic, some people are just emotional.


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Doubt she's getting credible death or rape threats. Is she being harassed? The odds of that are greater than 50% given the daily chimp outs here about ♀️👑 and twoX. It's like some dudes haven't progressed past middle school, where the only way they know to get attention from women is acting the buffoon and bugging them.



It's like some dudes haven't progressed past middle school

this but unmetaphoricly

u/violetcandy86 um yikes. Do you gotta source for that?

Yeah you're probably right women are the funniest targets to troll because they always melt down like this ~ /u/Wolkenfresser


Lmao nobody would ever waste their time on such a useless f-slur

u/violetcandy86 can you please explain to us in detail the issues that you are having so we can look into this issue and remove the content in question?


The very most you can hope for is that they'll either

1: Start taunting people to provoke them into giving her something real to point to.

2: Make an alt account to harass themselves, as is a time-honored tradition in such circles.

Seriously, read that old thread.

The admins tried SO HARD to be diplomatic, using vague terms, but when someone said "so really, specifically, how many threats were real?" They were forced to admit "two to four".
