Mayo woman says Egyptian man tried to kidnap her daughter in an old navy and she pulled a gun to stop him. He’s arrested only to be released as the mayo gets arrested for filing a false report since it never happened.

105  2019-04-08 by McFluffTheCrimeCat


Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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THAT'S IT! I'M FUCKING DONE WITH YOUR FUCKING BULLSHIT! I WORK MY DAMN HEART OUT FOR YOU FUCKING LOSERS AND WHAT DO I GET? A few upvotes on the rare occasion that one of you mouth breathing degenerates think I've been "sentient". Most of the time you just downvote me. You know what. I'm done. FUCK YOU ALL. I'm going to SRD. At least I'll have the chance to have a discussion that isn't about men's anuses.


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When a conservathot tries to get rid of a Muslim with liberal tactics.

This is just classic wh1te woman tactics. Everyone forgets they were behind lynching.

Lol in court she should site Jussie as her influence

The conservathot cries in pain as she strikes you

Conservathots are almost as oppressed as g*mers

> Social media may be to blame.

I know whenever I'm on an elevator if social media gets on I get off.

Weird fetish, but okay.

Why do you get off on an elevator?

Islam has the right idea when it comes to women being allowed to testify in court. M*yo women should need 3 male witnesses before their stories are believed.

yeah bl*ck women are the most honest and level headed demographic on earth

Wh*te women and false accusations are a tale as old as time. Women of all other races aren't nearly on their level

This but unironically


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There should be a law that makes 2*u-hite womyn have to wear a muzzle while outside

She pulled a SMullet

Side note: it's a function of that testosterone crippled brain that you are so focused on dicks, and your own dick in particular. Guess what? Take estrogen for a while and you will lose focus on that body part to the point where it doesn't even matter anymore. There is so much more to being a woman that genitals, like the depth and complexity of emotions and bonding with others in ways that are literally incomprehensible to you.


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Poor guy getting arrest for no reason. Good on that f-slur getting what she deserved.

Nothing is going to happen to her. She get charged and at most do like 10 hours of community service and that's it. She will never see jail or that prison.

Okay. At least her crap didn't fly through completely this time, then.

That's what you get for taking a job in West Virginia.

It's like when those two m@yo libtards went to ISIS territory to prove how peaceful it really is and ended up getting killed.

The fact that Zayan was visiting from Egypt was viewed as particularly suspicious by some residents. “Really fishy that this man from Egypt was at the Huntington Mall in Barboursville WV,” one commenter wrote on the police department’s Facebook page on >Tuesday morning, after his name was released to the public but before Adams recanted her accusations. “Has to be more to the story. People get trained with your firearm. Get your CCW and always carry!!” Another woman, deeming the incident to be “so very scary,” asked, “Why is he here?”

look at all of this economic anxiety


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probably a lot of heated gaming moments happening in that mall

But that is weird. Why the fuck would you fly across the world to visit West Virginia?

The bigger question is why wouldn't you want to escape Egypt?

The Israelites were onto something.

Did you know, unlike most of the bible which can actually be backed up historically, Egyptologists have found no evidence of the slavery in Egypt described in the Bible or the exodus?

And we're also talking about a time period where Egypt was without question the most amazing society that had ever existed up to that point.

I'm just saying, starting to remind me of those stories I tell where you "decided to leave" a club/party/job/school because it totally sucked and everyone was an asshole.