Is this peak centrism?

24  2019-04-08 by Matues49



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If you’re not nazbol fuck you

What if I'm a posadist?

Thin ice, buddy

No, it's a combination of both extremes, effectively making it the same as either just like how the far left and the right are functionally the same (note how the Soviet Union was in practice nazbol despite the ideology contradicting Marxist theory).


nazbol is just meme political philosophy, much like AnCaps and The Green Party

Thank god you didn’t say AnPrims. We’re 100% serious

Nobody takes hippies seriously

no one hates the hippies more than anprims

Self-loathing is pretty common

Anyone who isn’t anprim isn’t worth associating with

You’re a brainlet if you think I’m being serious

Read industrial society and its future

Hey being tedpilled is different from being anprim

Maybe I confused terms then


Are you new?

No, that's where the horseshoe touches tips.


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its peak confusion

oh yeah lets all be a nazi but also love the guys who nazis specifically organised against and basically had their entire existence based on opposing

No Comrade, It is the Future.